NHK ETV特集 「飯舘村 一年 ~人間と放射能の記録~」2012.6.24~江戸川・荒川「河口ホットスポット」に囲まれた浦安市20年汚染:浦安っ子の疎開を考える(都市濃縮・低線量被ばく)
投稿日: 2012年6月26日 | 投稿者: shin-urayasu-navi-plus
▼NHK【ETV特集】飯舘村 一年 ~人間と放射能の記録~ 6/24(日)
避 難直後、村は「2年での帰村」を掲げ、国に速やかな除染を求めた。しかし、除染の効果的な手法は確立されておらず、本格的な除染の開始は2012年の夏以 降にずれ込む見通しとなった。一向に前進しない故郷の回復、長引く避難生活。住民はいらだちを募らせ、心身への負担も日に日に増している。国による除染は 本当に可能なのか、そして、いつ村は元に戻るのか。放射能への科学的評価は定まらず、誰も明確な見通しを描けていない。
判断に資する確かな 見通しがない中、人々は、それぞれの「生き方」をかけて、人生の選択にのぞんでいる。先祖伝来の土地を守りたいと独自に除染を開始する者、別天地での農業 に希望を見いだす者、将来を見通せず立ちすくむ者・・・。放射能は、事故前に確かにあった未来を人々から奪っていった。そして今、人々はその重荷を背負い ながら、新たな未来を描こうともがき始めている。
Fukushima Iitate 放射線@飯舘村 まとめ1~13(44) 20110423 35μSvh
アップロード日: 2011/05/03
See more:
Already uploaded movies connected to around 15 minutes
Already uploaded movies connected to around 15 minutes
全村避難~飯舘村、ある家族の150日~2 4
アップロード日: 2011/09/24
全村避難~飯舘村、ある家族の150日~3 4
アップロード日: 2011/09/25
Nuclear Refugees 「原発避難民」the people of Iitate Village 飯舘村の皆さん, 一年
公開日: 2012/06/23
"Nuclear Refugees, the people of Iitate Village, one year later" (2012/ Japan/ 18 minutes)
producer/ camera Koji Fujita 藤田 浩二
director/ editor Ian Thomas Ash
*** FRENCH-subtitled version can be found here:***
STORY: In May 2011, two months after the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, the entire village of Iitate was evacuated. This documentary combines interviews with the villagers as they are preparing for evacuation, along with footage of the village filmed one year after evacuation.
BACKGROUND: On May 11, 2011, I read this article (originally in the Irish Times) by David McNeill about the evacuation of the village of Iitate, Fukushima, two months after the nuclear meltdown. As soon as I read it, I knew I needed to go Iitate to try to help document what was happening. I called David and he kindly put me in touch with Shoji-san (the farmer he interviewed for his article) so I could set up an interview.
Iitate lies some 40 km from the damaged nuclear power plant in Fukushima and was therefore outside of the official evacuation zone (within 20 km of the plant). However, because of wind direction, it quickly became clear that the radiation had spread far beyond the original evacuation zone and was posing a threat to the villagers of Iitate.
Yet it took the government two months to act. Two months of the villagers believing they were OK because they were outside of 20 km. Two months that their children were not evacuated and exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
In May of last year, my Japanese cameraman, Koji, and I filmed in Iitate for a week, and it was a hectic, scary and confusing time.
We documented many difficult and important stories, but the footage somehow lacked the context it needed to make sense to outsiders. I, myself, didn't have the knowledge to fully understand some of the things we witnessed at that time.
As a result, I decided to not use the footage from Iitate right away. I simply allowed it to stay in the background of my brain (and heart) until the right time when it would speak to me and I would understand.
This month I spent time in the city of Minamisoma, Fukushima, working on the story of the children living there, and on the way back the village of Iitate, now deserted, called to me. It was when I went there this month, one year after the evacuation, that I was able to process what I had witnessed last year.
The result is "Nuclear Refugees: the people of Iitate". Shoji-san, the farmer interviewed in David's article, is the farmer who appears at the very end of the film.
SPECIAL THANK YOU: to "Kna" ( for making the French subtitles!
producer/ camera Koji Fujita 藤田 浩二
director/ editor Ian Thomas Ash
*** FRENCH-subtitled version can be found here:***
STORY: In May 2011, two months after the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, the entire village of Iitate was evacuated. This documentary combines interviews with the villagers as they are preparing for evacuation, along with footage of the village filmed one year after evacuation.
BACKGROUND: On May 11, 2011, I read this article (originally in the Irish Times) by David McNeill about the evacuation of the village of Iitate, Fukushima, two months after the nuclear meltdown. As soon as I read it, I knew I needed to go Iitate to try to help document what was happening. I called David and he kindly put me in touch with Shoji-san (the farmer he interviewed for his article) so I could set up an interview.
Iitate lies some 40 km from the damaged nuclear power plant in Fukushima and was therefore outside of the official evacuation zone (within 20 km of the plant). However, because of wind direction, it quickly became clear that the radiation had spread far beyond the original evacuation zone and was posing a threat to the villagers of Iitate.
Yet it took the government two months to act. Two months of the villagers believing they were OK because they were outside of 20 km. Two months that their children were not evacuated and exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
In May of last year, my Japanese cameraman, Koji, and I filmed in Iitate for a week, and it was a hectic, scary and confusing time.
We documented many difficult and important stories, but the footage somehow lacked the context it needed to make sense to outsiders. I, myself, didn't have the knowledge to fully understand some of the things we witnessed at that time.
As a result, I decided to not use the footage from Iitate right away. I simply allowed it to stay in the background of my brain (and heart) until the right time when it would speak to me and I would understand.
This month I spent time in the city of Minamisoma, Fukushima, working on the story of the children living there, and on the way back the village of Iitate, now deserted, called to me. It was when I went there this month, one year after the evacuation, that I was able to process what I had witnessed last year.
The result is "Nuclear Refugees: the people of Iitate". Shoji-san, the farmer interviewed in David's article, is the farmer who appears at the very end of the film.
SPECIAL THANK YOU: to "Kna" ( for making the French subtitles!
福島県民の訴え 飯舘村管野哲さん 3・11福島県民大集会
公開日: 2012/03/25
大震災とそれにつづく原発事故から1年となる3月11日、郡山市で「原発いらない!3 ・11福島県民大集会」が開かれ、1万6000人が集まった。
集会では、加藤登紀子さんらのコンサート、大江健三郎さんの連帯のあいさつなどのほか 、県民の訴えとして、福島市から山形県に避難した菅野智子さん、二本松で有機農業をい となむ菅野正寿さん、相馬市で漁業をいとなむ佐藤美恵さん、飯舘村から福島市に避難し た菅野哲さん、警戒区域の富岡高校から朝霞開成高校に転校した鈴木美穂さん、浪江町か ら避難した橘柳子さんの6人が登壇した。
開成山野球場のスタンドを埋めつくした参加者は、集会後デモに出発。反原発でこれだけ の人が集まったのは福島でははじめてのことだという。
飯舘村は福島第一原発から28キロから46キロ。放出放射能の通り道となり、事故直後 から異常に高い放射線量が測定された。しかし計画的避難区域に指定されたのは1カ月半 後。全村避難が始まったのは2カ月後だった。
飯舘村はこれまで「までいな暮らし」を合言葉に、持続可能な村づくりを進めてきた。「 までい」には、ゆっくり、丁寧に、大切に、心をこめて、じっくりと、といった意味が含 まれる。
現在福島市で避難生活をおくる菅野哲さんは、事故直後に毎時44.7マイクロシーベル ト(3月15日)もの放射線量であったと語る。毎時44.7マイクロシーベルトとは、 1日で法律が決めた一般公衆の年間被曝線量限度1ミリシーベルトに達してしまう異常に 高い線量だ(1カ月なら32ミリ)。「その高い線量のなかで飯舘村村民は放っておかれ 、その期間、被曝させられた」と菅野哲さん。
そして「美しかった飯舘村は放射能まみれ、そこには暮らせない」と、放射能の心配のな い、安心して安全で暮らせる「新しい避難村」の建設を訴えた。
FFTV特集30 飯舘村の理想と現実-持続可能な村づくりと原発被害の苦悩/
公開日: 2013/04/10
飯舘村の理想と現実-持続可能な村づくりと原発被害の苦悩/ゲスト:小澤祥司さん(飯 舘村後方支援チーム) - Captured Live on Ustream at with the Ustream Mobile App
アップロード日: 2012/02/26
福島第一原発事故による高濃度放射能汚染の飯舘村で酪農家として生きてきた長谷川健一 氏(58歳)が、「原発に『ふるさと』を奪われて」(宝島社)という現実を暴露した本 を出版。その著書には実に驚くべき事実が赤裸々と記述されている。
福島県飯舘村 菅野典雄村長が避難生活の実情を訴える
公開日: 2013/03/06
Norio Kanno
Mayor of Iitate Village, Fukushima
March 6, 2013
(The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation)
Norio Kanno
Mayor of Iitate Village, Fukushima
March 6, 2013
(The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation)
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