
Keep San Onofre Shut Down


chibarei ♥NO NUCLEAR
RT @matuoka7ocean #CHIBAREI No more Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Remember Chernobyl. 26. April 1986: http://youtu.be/-260nNVOrCI #nonukes

Gary Headrick
Gary Headrick‏@SCGreenGH5月6日
@CHIBAREI_DURGA @matuoka7ocean Pls RT to help prevent another nuclear disaster, http://t.co/yaXJOMBhJU


Keep San Onofre Shut Down


The Petition

Your signature on this Petition (and vote on the poll below) will send a message, loud and clear to the U.S. NRC and our elected representatives to NOT allow a reckless restart of the defective San Onofre nuclear reactor.


Edison proposes to restart a defective nuclear reactor as early as June 1st.

Without fixing the problem first, SC Edison admits that the reactor could not run safely for more than 11 months at 100%; but says it can run at 70% power for 5 months. If this proposed experiment fails, we won't know until radiation releases from containment out into the environment again. This time, a cascading event with thousands of already weakened tubes could rupture.There is no way to anticipate a rupture when it is under power, and if that happens, it will be too late. Southern California could become a vast wasteland.

Edison's proposition

is completely unacceptable!

“There is a growing consensus from cities in the Southland that Edison’s restart plan amounts to a dangerous experiment that gambles with the safety

of millions of Southern Californians,” said S. David Freeman, former head of the Los Angeles

Department of Water and Power".

There have been no blackouts for the 15 months since it was shut down for leaking radiation.

Grid operators say we will have surplus energy without San Onofre on line.

We simply don't need it.

Yet Edison expects us to risk our beautiful and diverse ecosystem, the value of our homes and businesses and our health and well being -

all for Edison's profit.

We strongly oppose such an irresponsible action and will stand together to prevent a terrible nuclear disaster in California.

Vote YES on this POLL to
Keep San Onofre Shut Down
(Friends of the Earth just notified us that Edison has put this poll out to their entire Nuclear Advocacy Network and we are getting hammered!)


to see this important 4 minute video with experts explaining why a restart is so risky.


After signing, you will end up on a page asking for a donation to I-Petitions, (not to our cause). That is great if you choose to do so, but we want you to understand that this is entirely optional. You can close the window at that point and you will still be entered on the petition without making a donation.




Radiation Leak at California Nuclear Power Plant

Officials contained a potentially dangerous leak at the San Onofre plant.
01:55 | 02/02/2012
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