
Abe-no- Abnormal Policy - Abnormal Nuclear Power Policy

    Abe-no- Abnormal Policy   
    Abe-no- Abnormal Nuclear Power Policy    

 Abe-no- Mutant Finger's Action Pose:  The Excessive Political Exhibitionism
 ⇒ World Worst NO.1 Injustice,Unfair and Liar Government in these days,
The most Foolish or Stupid Cabinet,
and The Mad or Crazy Policy Administration in the world.


The Excessive Political Exhibitionism : 過剰な自己顕示欲 

Shinzo Abe No.1,  Yoshihide Suga No.2,
the most foolish and stupid politicians in the world.


defict : 赤字

consumption tax : 消費税

Nuclear Regulation Authority : 原子力規制委員会







原子力規制委員会(げんしりょくきせいいいんかい、英訳名:Nuclear Regulation Authority, NRA)は、日本の行政機関である。環境省外局。委員会の事務局として原子力規制庁が置かれている。









 最終更新 2015年2月14日




原発 ドイツは不退転=山田孝男
毎日新聞 2015年02月16日 東京朝刊


















Copyright THE MAINICHI NEWSPAPERS. All rights reserved.



Fukushima. Its Not over  

2014/09/04 に公開
As the prestigious scientific journal Nature notes:
Shortly after a massive tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on 11 March, an unmanned monitoring station on the outskirts of Takasaki, Japan, logged a rise in radiation levels.

Within 72 hours, scientists had analysed samples taken from the air and transmitted their analysis to Vienna, Austria — the headquarters of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), an international body set up to monitor nuclear weapons tests.

It was just the start of a flood of data collected about the accident by the CTBTO's global network of 63 radiation monitoring stations. In the following weeks, the data were shared with governments around the world, but not with academics or the public.

The attempted cover up of the severity of the Fukushima disaster is nothing new. Governments have been covering up nuclear meltdowns for 50 years, and the basic design for nuclear reactors was not chosen for safety, but because it worked on Navy submarines ... and produced plutonium for the military.

(Indeed, the government's response to every crisis appears to be to try to cover it up; and see this.)
Today, Yomiuri Shinbun reports (Google translation) that the U.S. knew within days that Fukushima had melted down:

The subject of evacuating the US citizens was raised in the early hours on March 16 (local time). The US ... already knew about the unusually high temperature of the reactors from the Global Hawk data, and determined that "the fuel has already melted".

The US high-ranking officials wanted to evacuate the US citizens [Tokyo] but the local officials including Maher objected, as "it would severely undermine the US-Japan alliance"
(The Global Hawk is an unmanned aerial aircraft).


Behind the unusual surge of earthquakes in Connecticut


Behind the unusual surge of earthquakes in Connecticut

January 16, 2015, 7:35 AM|Officials in Connecticut are moving to calm residents rattled by a recent surge in seismic activity, with the eastern part of the state being hit by a dozen earthquakes in a week. CBS News contributor and City University of New York physics professor Michio Kaku joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the swarm of earthquakes.



Michio Kaku

ミチオ・カク加來 道雄、Michio Kaku、1947年1月24日 - )は日系アメリカ人(3世)の理論物理学者、作家。専門は素粒子論、とくに超弦理論

ミチオ・カクは1947年1月24日にカリフォルニア州サンフランシスコで生まれた。幼年時代を振り返って、自分は日系3世で、祖父はサンフランシスコ大地震(1906年)の後片付けのためにアメリカへ来て、父親はアメリカ生まれだが日本で教育を受けたので英語はあまり話さず、両親ともに太平洋戦争中にテュール・レイク(Tule Lake)などの日系人の強制収容所に入れられていた時に知り合い結婚し、兄はそこで生まれた、と語っている[1]
パロアルト市の高校時代にエドワード・テラーに傾倒する。1968年ハーバード大学卒業。1972年カリフォルニア大学バークレー校ローレンス・バークレー国立研究所より博士号を取得。 1973年プリンストン大学講師を経て、25年以上ニューヨーク市立大学シティカレッジ物理学部教授として教鞭をとる。現在は同大学教授の他、プリンストン大学ニューヨーク大学の講師。

『サイエンス・インポッシブル―SF世界は実現可能か』 ミチオ・カク(著)、斉藤 隆央(訳)、日本放送出版協会 ISBN 978-4-14-081324-9

『パラレルワールド―11次元の宇宙から超空間へ』ミチオ・カク(著)、斉藤 隆央(訳)、日本放送出版協会 ISBN 4-14-081086-6

『アインシュタインを超える ― 宇宙の統一理論を求めて』ミチオ・カク、ジェニファー・トンプソン(著)、久志本克己、広瀬立成(訳)、講談社ブルーバックスB1164 ISBN 4-06-257164-1

『超弦理論とM理論』ミチオ・カク(著)、太田 信義(訳)、シュプリンガー・ジャパン ISBN 978-4-431-70867-4

最終更新 2013年12月27日


Fukushima: "An Insult to the Pacific" by Arnie Gundersen

2014/10/28 に公開
Talking about the summer 2020 olympics, the safety (not safe) of Tokyo, Prime Minister Kan and TEPCO wanting to abandon the Fukushima Daiichi site and just let the reactors melt down, The Abe cabinet, 35 million reside in Tokyo, the American fukushima: Diablo Canyon, Mount Ontake eruption with two powerful typhoons, we seem to forget the power of Mother Nature, cesium 134 found along with cesium 137 in gardens of vancouver, the half life of cesium 137 is 30 years (gone in 300 years) and half life of cesium 134 is 2 years (signature of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear fallout)...
west coast america and canada nailed with fallout. STudy bottom feeding fish for more accurate levels of contamination. especially upstream from dams. Vermont Yankee, indian point, san onofre, 1600 tons of radioactive waste, core damage frequency, indian point, east coast earthquake, cask is safer than spent fuel pool, diablo canyon most dangerous nucler plant in the united states
27:49ish into video: instrument chatter relays. Automatically turns off without human intervention after an earthquake.
29:20 int o video a one hundred percent chance of relays being in the wrong position after an earthquake.

David Lochbalm, union of concerned scients, region 4, california, mississippi river, fort calhoun, san onofre,
grandfathered in clause (at 32:00 into video)
New expert report about Diablo canyon never should have been allowed to run 10cfr5059
install solar panels on the roofs of your houses to bring the nuclear industry to their proverbial knees.
The Wave mentioned at the end here: http://www.fairewinds.org/wave/

“Truly Frightening”: Doctors being threatened for linking illnesses to Fukushima — Strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying — Much higher incidences of whole range of health problems reported — Experts: 1,000,000 cancers, plus many other ailments possible (AUDIO & VIDEO) http://enenews.com/frightening-doctor... Alex Smith, host of RadioEcoshock (at 10:30 in): We’ve heard almost nothing about the impacts [of the Fukushima catastrophe] on people in that region. There are accounts coming out of there of strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying — what have you heard? Can we ever expect an honest accounting from Japanese authorities? Arnie Gundersen, nuclear engineer (emphasis added): That’s a pretty good summary, frankly. We continue to get information from people who live there about cancer rates — and illnesses in general, not just cancer. We think of radiation as a cancer causing thing, but it also causes many other ailments. Much higher incidences of a whole range of illnesses than they had in 2010, the year before the accident… We’re also working with doctors in Japan, and some brave doctors are saying that they’ve been threatened — that their hospital rights have been threatened — if you tell your patient this illness is radiation related you’ll lose your right to practice and things like that. So there’s enormous pressure on the medical community to tell the patients that what they’re experiencing is not at all related to radiation. The key is statistics, and the question is when will the statistics be released for mortality, morbidity, and general illnesses… We’re not seeing the data. The medical community now has to file every report that it writes with the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, before it’s issued. So if you’re a hospital, and you’ve got mortality data, you’re not allowed to issue that to the public until those reports have been cleared by the IAEA. Well, Article II of the IAEA charter is to promote nuclear power. So even if the hospital was conscientious — there’s a lot of political pressure not to be — but even if it was conscientious, there’s another step in the process, and they’ve got to clear an IAEA hurdle before those numbers are released. It’s truly frightening, the pressure the medical community is undergoing in Japan. Very few of them are willing to tell the truth.

the description to this video reads:
In the first half of Arnie’s interview, he focuses on the Fukushima Daiichi tragedy from its current status to the Olympics, legal battles, and volcanoes. He explains that the Cesium 134 found from Vancouver, BC down to Portland, OR is a signature of residue radiation from the original explosions in March 2011. While it is safe to swim on the west coast or run along the shore, Arnie explains why he has chosen not to eat any fish from the Pacific at this time. The status of nuclear reactors, the industry, and nuclear waste storage in the United States is the focus of the second half of the interview.

RadioShock is a weekly radio program and podcast syndicated to more than 85 college, community and commercial radio stations on three continents.


Nuked: 2 yrs of Fukushima w/ Leuren Moret part 1

2013/03/16 に公開
Nuked Radio Special w/ Leuren Moret
Part 1 Current Status of Fukushima & Comparisons to Chernobyl

Air date March 11, 2013

Try to listen to HAARP on 3/11 (without wanting to jump out of your skin): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y49o...

Nuked: 2 yrs of Fukushima w/ Leuren Moret part 2  

2013/03/16 に公開
Nuked Radio Special w/ Leuren Moret
Part 1 Current Status of Fukushima & Comparisons to Chernobyl

Air date March 11, 2013

Try to listen to HAARP on 3/11 (without wanting to jump out of your skin): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y49o...


Nuked: 2 yrs of Fukushima w/ Leuren Moret part 3

2013/03/17 に公開
Nuked Radio Special w/ Leuren Moret
Part 3: Synergistic Relationships between Chemicals & Radiation: Multiplier Effect

Air date March 11th, 2013

Nuked: 2 yrs of Fukushima w/ Leuren Moret part 4

2013/03/21 に公開
Nuked Radio Special w/ Leuren Moret
Part 4: Mutations in Plants, Animals & Humans:
Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, & Fukushima

Mutation Watch on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mutati...

Mutation Watch on Tumblr: http://fukushimafacts.tumblr.com/


Nuked: 2 yrs of Fukushima w/ Leuren Moret part 5

2013/03/25 に公開
Nuked Radio Special with Leuren Moret
Part 5: What we learned from Atmospheric Testing

Air date March 11th, 2013




Revenge of the mutant vegetables? Pictures of crops 'deformed by fall-out of Fukushima nuclear disaster' sweep Asia. . . but is it all just a hoax?

Series of snaps apparently showing 'mutant vegetables' have emerged online

They were posted by a Korean website - it is not clear when they were taken

Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown worst since Chernobyl

The fall out from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster two years ago appears to have found its way into the food chain, as a series of snaps apparently showing 'mutant vegetables' have emerged online.

A Korean website has published pictures of flowers, vegetables and fruit covered with deformities and lumps.

But it is not immediately clear where the produce was farmed from, whether the images have been doctored and whether the nuclear disaster is in fact to blame.

Scroll down for video

An apparently mutated tomato looks as if it has exploded into mutant form. It has been claimed the fall out from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster two years ago has found its way into the food chain
An apparently mutated tomato looks as if it has exploded into mutant form. It has been claimed the fall out from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster two years ago has found its way into the food chain

These two peaches seem to have doubled. Flowers, vegetables and fruit with deformities and lumps all over it have been photographed and shared on website Igmur
These two peaches seem to have doubled. Flowers, vegetables and fruit with deformities and lumps all over it have been photographed and shared on website Igmur

Fukushima radiation disaster
a double stalked mushroom

Left, four oranges appear to be joined at the stem, and left a mushroom looks to have been speared by its own stalk.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown was triggered by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake in 2011.
The disaster - which claimed the lives of 18,500 people - was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986.
While none of the deaths have been attributed to radiation exposure from the meltdown, high levels of radiation have been detected in groundwater near the plant.
Among the 'mutant vegetables'  is a giant tomato apparently bubbling with tumours, a five-fingered turnip, and two peaches which have grown into figures of eight.

A vegetable grower holds a 'mutant cabbage' as his companion holds aloft a normal sized comparison
A vegetable grower holds a 'mutant cabbage' as his companion holds aloft a normal sized comparison

The pictures have however been treated with a degree of skepticism  Although high levels of radiation have been detected in groundwater near the plant
While the fruit looks to have mutated it it is not immediately clear where the produce was farmed from, whether the images have been doctored and whether the nuclear disaster is in fact to blame

Two gardeners hold cabbages aloft - one a normal size - the other at least four times bigger.

And in one picture a cucumber seems to have formed into a strange hybrid with leaves erupting from the base. 
Earlier this year a fish caught close the the Fukushima nuclear plant was over 2,500 times the legal safe radiation limit for seafood, the plant's operator revealed.
The company Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) caught the fish, dubbed 'Mike the Murasai' online, in the bay close to the Fukukshima Daiichi main reactor.
It was confirmed by Tepco to have amounts of radioactive cesium equal to 254,000 becquerels per kilogram, or 2540 times the limit of 100 becquerels/kg set for seafood by the government.

A tomato appears to have green shoots sprouting out of it
A tomato appears to have green shoots sprouting out of it

deformed fruit  A deformed radish sprouts into an eerie hand
Among the 'mutant vegetables'  is a giant tomato apparently bubbling with tumours, a five-fingered turnip

A report in October last year found radiation levels in most kinds of fish caught off the coast of Fukushima haven't declined in the year following Japan's nuclear disaster in March 2011.

An earthquake knocked out nuclear plant's cooling system, causing three reactor cores to melt and spew radiation into the ocean.

Researchers believe that deposits of the chemical cesium on the seafloor or leakage from the damaged reactors is continuing to contaminate the waters - and has the potential to threaten fisheries for decades.

The levels in the fish are also 10 times higher than the radiation measured last August in scorpion fish caught near Fukushima.

A sunflower has apparently grown in the centre of another plant in this picture uploaded on to Igmur
A sunflower has apparently grown in the centre of another plant in this picture uploaded on to Imgur

The Fukushima disaster - which claimed the lives of 18,500 people - was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdown in 19
The Fukushima disaster - which claimed the lives of 18,500 people - was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdown in 19

The Japanese Embassy has contacted us since the publication of our item and asked us to clarify that there is no evidence to suggest that the images are related to the Fukushima incident. It adds that the percentage of fish caught off Fukushima measuring above 100Bq/kg fell from 53% after the incident to 5.4% earlier this year according to a survey.



Fukushima: It's Not Over, Not By A Long Shot

Two years after the March 11, 2011 triple meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear complex, new research is emerging about its continuing biomedical and ecological impact.
Originally aired on March 14, 2013
Hosted by:
 Josh Zepps 
   Helen Caldicott (New York, NY) Australian physician and anti-nuclear advocate          
 Dr. Ian Fairlie (New York City, NY) Independent Consultant on Environmental Radioactivity          
 Tim Mousseau (New York City, NY) Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina          
 Yuki Tanaka (Tokyo, Japan) Research Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute          
 Geoff Read (Manchester, England) Fukushima Survivor & Artist
Resources Featured Segments KEY: Report Allegedly Downplays Fukushima Effects
  • Activist physicians on Monday accused the World Health Organization of downplaying the health impact of nuclear fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
  • READ: A Lasting Legacy of the Fukushima Rescue
    For several days, the winds from the destroyed nuclear reactors at Fukushima Daiichi crashed head on into the myth of the radioactive plume. It is the most enduring falsehood of commercial nuclear power, promoted heavily by both the industry and its watchdog, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  • AFTERMATH: Photos Of Recovery 2 Years Later
    The piles of rubble left behind by the receding tsunami have largely gone, but two years after nature visited its fury, some stretches of Japan's battered northeast remain little more than ravaged wastelands.
  • NAVY: Sailors Sue Japan Nuclear Plant Owner
    Within weeks of setting off a geiger counter and scrubbing three layers of skin off his hands and arms, former Navy quartermaster Maurice Enis recalled being pressured to sign away U.S. government liability for any future health problems.
  • NUCLEAR ENERGY: Has U.S. Learned From Fukushima?
    With few new nuclear plants being built at present, America's nuclear infrastructure continues to age and grow increasingly more accident-prone. Spent fuel rods also accumulate and pose unaddressed safety risks. Many plants are located along rivers or coastlines, where they face dangers from flooding. Others are in areas prone to earthquakes, like the one that initiated the Fukushima meltdown.
  • SMALL SURVIVORS: Strong Children Japan

Copyright © 2015 TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc.



Helen Caldicott: Fukushima's Ongoing Impact

2014/10/13 に公開
Unbeknownst to most consumers of US corporate media, radiation in the ocean from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster has finally reached the United States’ West Coast, impacting fisheries along the Pacific Ocean. Three years later, these and other effects of Fukushima are only beginning to appear. Helen Caldicott, former President of the Physicians for Social Responsibility, examines the radiation-related health risks, and other lasting consequences of the calamity in her new book Crisis Without End. In this talk she sheds light on these trends, giving an overview of how they impact not only the people of Japan, but the United States and the rest of the world comparing it with the ongoing Chernobyl disaster which scientists estimate has so far killed over a million people. Caldicott also shares her judgement on how these lasting impacts should impact U.S. nuclear policy. A trained physician, Caldicott is also the author of several other books, including If You Love This Planet and The New Nuclear Danger.

Thanks to: Seattle Town Hall, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Elliott Bay Books


Fukushima: A Demonic Chain Reaction (by Kevin Kamps)  

2014/09/04 に公開
Kevin Kamps, a specialist in the management and transport of nuclear high-level waste for the group "Beyond Nuclear" (Beyond Nuclear) summarizes the main risks here, accidents and incidents related to the nuclear industry since its inception, the "Manhattan Project", the race for the nuclear bomb that will be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It also draws a parallel between the various accidents in the United States and Japan, which are very similar. Is it really surprising when you know the involvement of the United States in the development of nuclear energy in Japan after the war, with "Atoms for Peace" program (Atoms for Peace) launched by Eisenhower in 1953 and the involvement of the CIA?
It will also discuss the concealment of information on security breaches in the nuclear industry, and frequent collusion between regulators and industry.

Additional link:
Excerpts from the book "Nuclear Power Deception" (En)
Video of the damage following a fire at Monju sodium (st En)

Video made at the symposium "The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident" (Medical Consequences of Nuclear & Environmental Fukushima accident) organized by the Helen Caldicott Foundation 11th & March 12, 2013 in New York.

Original video: http://cinemaforumfukushima.org/
Higher quality video by Cinema Forum Fukushima (http://cinemaforumfukushima.org)

"Seventy Years of Radioactive Risks in Japan and America"

Kevin Kamps
Specialist in High Level Waste Management and Transportation
Beyond Nuclear

Helen Caldicott Foundation
The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Co-Sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility
March 11th & 12th, 2013

New York City

All other footages at the Symposium is here:

No-Commercial videos are available at Vimeo.

Videographed & Edited by East River Films Inc
2013 All Rights Reserved, East River Films Inc

According to the English transcript of M-F. Payrault, proofreading by Andreas (http://afaz.at) and Mali Lightfoot
Translation M-F. Payrault, proofreading, editing and captioning by me.

70 ans de risques nucléaires aux USA et au Japon - K. Kamps 12.03.2013 http://youtu.be/g0aSjNqqr8M


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