
Obama or appointed John f. Kennedy’s daughter as U.S. ambassador to Japan

Caroline Kennedy Eyed as Possible Ambassador to Japan 

公開日: 2013/04/01
John F. Kennedy's daughter is being considered to represent the United States.



Obama or appointed John f. Kennedy’s daughter as U.S. ambassador to Japan

投稿日: 作成者: babykuku

U.S. President barack Obama will appoint former President John Kennedy’s eldest daughter,wholesale oakley sunglasses Caroline Kennedy as the next United States ambassador to Japan.
According to the report, the official is to appoint Caroline before the review. , according to the New York times to Carolyn ambassador’s appointment could be announced in the next few weeks, there will also be announced several other important diplomatic positions. For Caroline will serve as ambassador to Japan, the United States the White House and state department declined to comment, but did not deny.
AFP said. According to historical tradition, the President of the United States generally appointed “important people” to Japan the United States key Allies in the asia-pacific region, discount oakley sunglasses the former vice President walter mondale, former senator Mansfield and barker has served as ambassador to Japan. But Caroline, ambassador of the job is not without objection. Considering that north Korea is to the United States and its Allies in the asia-pacific region “naked war threat,” Caroline will be in a serious diplomatic crisis on this post. A few weeks ago, some foreign affairs observers in Washington, said at this point should be determined by the more experienced foreign veterans served as ambassador to Japan. But it is said that John kerry has become America’s secretary of state has greatly increased the Caroline to qualify the opportunity, kerry and closely related to Carolyn’s uncle Edward Kennedy.
In the impression of many people in the United States, the 55-year-old Caroline was 1963 Kennedy at Arlington national cemetery, the funeral of the poor little girl. As a lawyer, Caroline a blue blood, cheap oakley sunglasses life rich, but long-term stay in private circles, basic out of public view. The 2008 U.S. presidential primaries, Caroline will support Obama, Hillary Clinton’s campaign it had very annoyed. Hillary Clinton later was Obama’s first term as secretary of state, Caroline had in late 2008 had the Hillary Clinton campaign for the democratic senator from New York post, but was accused of Caroline, but is because the family name is “on” the state of New York voters, as a result, she soon dropped out of the race.
Early rumors, Carolyn is Obama’s choice of ambassador to Japan, Caroline’s support for President barack Obama has never wavered, she is co-chair of the Obama re-election campaign in 2012. Caroline, published in the New York times, entitled “a like my father President” the article said that he had never seen a people like talking about her father talk about the President, fake oakleys now she is discovered, the person is Mr Obama.


最終更新 2013年4月2日 (火) 05:24 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。



Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Bouvier Kennedy[2][3] (born November 27, 1957)[4] is an American author and attorney. She is a member of the influential Kennedy family and the only living child of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.
At the time of her father's presidency, she was a young child; after his assassination in 1963, her family settled in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where she attended school. Kennedy graduated from Radcliffe College and worked at New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art, where she met her future husband, exhibit designer Edwin Schlossberg. She went on to receive a J.D. degree from Columbia Law School. Kennedy's professional life has spanned law and politics as well as education and charitable work. She has also acted as a spokesperson for her family's legacy and co-authored two books on civil liberties with Ellen Alderman.
In the 2008 presidential election, Kennedy endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama for President early in the primary race; she later stumped for him in Orlando, Indiana, and Ohio, served as co-chair of his Vice Presidential Search Committee, and addressed the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver.[5] After Obama's selection of then-Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, Kennedy expressed interest in being appointed to Clinton's vacant Senate seat from New York, but she later withdrew from consideration, citing "personal reasons".

Early life and childhood
A year after her parents had a stillborn daughter named Arabella, Caroline Kennedy was born at Cornell Medical Center in New York City. She was named after her maternal aunt, Caroline Lee Bouvier Radziwill, and her maternal great-grandmother, Caroline Ewing Bouvier. Her younger brother, John, Jr., was born three years later. A second brother, Patrick, died of a lung ailment two days after his premature birth in 1963. Caroline and John, Jr. lived with their parents in the Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Georgetown. In 1961, when Caroline was only three years old, her father was sworn in as President of the United States and the family moved into the White House. Caroline attended kindergarten in classes organized by her mother, Jackie and was often photographed riding her pony Macaroni around the White House grounds. A photo of a young Caroline with Macaroni in a news article inspired singer-songwriter Neil Diamond to write his hit song "Sweet Caroline," a fact he revealed only when performing it for her 50th birthday in November 2007.[6] As a small child in the White House, she was the recipient of numerous gifts from dignitaries including a puppy from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and a Yucatán pony from Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.[7] Historians described Caroline's personality as a child as "a trifle remote and a bit shy at times" yet "remarkably unspoiled."[8] "She's too young to realize all these luxuries", Rose Kennedy said of her granddaughter. "She probably thinks it's natural for children to go off in their own airplanes. But she is with her cousins, and some of them dance and swim better than she. They do not allow her to take special precedence. Little children accept things."[9]

On the day of their father's assassination on November 22, 1963, nanny Maud Shaw took Caroline and John, Jr., away from the White House to the home of their maternal grandmother, Janet Auchincloss, who insisted that Shaw be the one to tell Caroline about her father's assassination. That evening, Caroline and John, Jr., were brought back to the White House, and with Caroline in bed, Shaw broke the news to her. However, the new president, Lyndon B. Johnson, had already written letters to Caroline and John, Jr., telling them about the assassination and that they could "always be proud" of their father.[10] Shaw subsequently found out that their mother had wanted to be the one to tell the children, which caused a rift between the nanny and Mrs. Kennedy.[11] In December 1963, Jackie, Caroline, and John, Jr. moved from the White House back to Georgetown. Their home soon became a popular tourist attraction in Washington and they moved to a penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in mid-1964. In May 1967, Kennedy christened the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy in a widely publicized ceremony in Newport News, Virginia.[12]

In 1975, Kennedy was visiting London to complete a nine-month art course at the Sotheby's auction house. On October 23, a car bomb placed by the IRA under the car of her host, Conservative MP Hugh Fraser, exploded shortly before Kennedy and Fraser were due to leave for their daily drive to Sotheby's. Caroline was running late and had not yet left the house, but a passerby, oncologist Gordon Hamilton-Fairley, was killed.[13]

Education and personal life
Kennedy attended The Brearley School and Convent of the Sacred Heart in New York City and, in 1975, graduated from Concord Academy in Massachusetts.[14] In 1980, she received her Bachelor of Arts from Radcliffe College at Harvard University.[15] In 1988, she received a Juris Doctor from Columbia Law School, graduating in the top ten percent of her class.[16] During college, Kennedy "considered becoming a photojournalist, but soon realized she could never make her living observing other people because they were too busy watching her."[17] At the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, she was a Photographer's Assistant.[17] In 1977, she became a summer intern at the New York Daily News, earning $156 a week, "fetching coffee for harried editors and reporters, changing typewriter ribbons and delivering messages."[18] Kennedy reportedly "sat on a bench alone for two hours the first day before other employees even said hello to her"; and, according to Richard Licata, a former News reporter, "Everyone was too scared."[17]
In addition, Kennedy wrote for Rolling Stone about visiting Graceland shortly after the death of Elvis Presley.[17] After graduating from college in 1980, Kennedy was hired as a Research Assistant in the Film and Television Department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. She later became a "liaison officer between the museum staff and outside producers and directors shooting footage at the museum", helping coordinate the Sesame Street special Don't Eat the Pictures.[19] While at her museum job, Kennedy met her future husband and exhibit designer, Edwin Schlossberg.[20] Kennedy and Schlossberg were married on July 19, 1986,[4] at Our Lady of Victory Church in Centerville, Massachusetts. Kennedy's matron of honor was her cousin, Maria Shriver; while her paternal uncle, Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy, walked her down the aisle. Although Kennedy is often incorrectly referred to as "Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg", she did not change her name when she married.[2][3] Kennedy and Schlossberg have three children: Rose, Tatiana, and John.[21] Kennedy owns her mother's 375-acre (1.52 km2) estate known as Red Gate Farm in Aquinnah (formerly Gay Head) on the island of Martha's Vineyard. The New York Daily News estimated Kennedy's net worth in 2008 at over $100 million.[22]
Living in New York City and somewhat apart from their Hyannisport cousins,[23] Caroline and John, Jr. were very close, especially after their mother's death on May 19, 1994.[24] John, Jr. later died in a plane crash on July 16, 1999, leaving Caroline the sole survivor of the former President's immediate family.

This page was last modified on 5 April 2013 at 21:20.




ジョン・フィッツジェラルド(“ジャック”)・ケネディ英語: John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, 1917年5月29日 - 1963年11月22日)は、第35代アメリカ合衆国大統領

ケネディは10歳までブルックラインで暮らしたが、体が弱い子だった。生まれつき背骨に障害があり、怪我をしやすく、しばしば激しい苦痛に襲われた[3]。三歳の時に猩紅熱にかかった際には、母ローズが教会に通ってその回復を祈るほどであった[4]。ケネディはエドワード・デボーション・スクール (Edward Devotion School) の幼稚舎から小学校へあがり、デクスター・スクール (Dexter School) へ転校し、父の引越しに伴ってニューヨークのリバーデール・カントリー・スクール (Riverdale Country School) に転校した。1930年、13歳のケネディはカトリックの寄宿学校であるカンタベリー・スクールCanterbury Schoolコネティカット州ニューミルフォード)に入学したが体調不良になり、一年後に家に送り返された。父はケネディを兄ジョセフ・P・ケネディ・ジュニアの在籍していたチョート校(現在のチョート・ローズマリー・ホール)に転校させた。兄に対して激しいコンプレックスを持っていたケネディにとってチョート校での日々も鬱屈したものになり、学校では「モッカー」(校則違反者)というあだ名をつけられた。また、当時のアイルランド系が主に就いていた廃品回収業の蔑称「マッカーズ」を名乗り、相当な悪戯好きでもあった。卒業の前年には再び体調を崩し、消化器の障害と判断され、ステロイドの投与を受けた。第二次世界大戦後には副腎機能不全(アジソン病)で苦しむが、常に日焼けしたような皮膚の色であったのはその症状の一つであり、このときの大量のステロイド投与が原因であるとの説もある[5]。ケネディは生涯、背骨の痛みに悩まされた。ケネディ家では「大学時代のフットボール中の怪我が原因」とされていたが、実際のケネディはとてもフットボールなどできる健康状態ではなく、ケネディの生来の腰痛を隠すためともいわれている[6]
ハーバード在学中に父が在イギリスアメリカ合衆国大使に任命されたこともあり、ケネディは二度ヨーロッパを旅行して見聞を広めた。1939年にベルリンを訪れた際には、駐ベルリン米大使のアレックス・カークから「開戦近し」のメッセージをロンドンの父に届けている。卒業論文はミュンヘン会談を扱った『ミュンヘンの宥和』 (Appeasement at Munich) であった。ケネディがこの論文を父に送ると、父は自らのスピーチライターであるハービー・クレマーに推敲させ、さらに自らの御用記者としていた『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』のコラムニスト、アーサー・クロックに送った。クロックはさらに原稿を手直しし、チャーチルの著書『英国が眠っている間に』(While England Slept) を踏まえて『英国は何故眠ったか』(Why England Slept) というタイトルをつけた。父は『タイム』を創刊した保守派ジャーナリストのヘンリー・ルースに序言を書いてもらい1940年に出版した。ケネディは優等の成績で1940年6月にハーバードを卒業した[9]。『英国は何故眠ったか』はイギリスとアメリカで8万部が売れた。ケネディはイギリスの分の利益をドイツ空軍により爆撃され被害を受けたばかりだったプリマス市に寄付した。



ケネディは、アラバマ州立大学に2人の黒人学生が入学した1963年6月11日夕方、公民権運動を助けるためにより強い処置を講ずる時期が来たと決断し、議会へ新しい公民権法案を提案、テレビで大統領執務室から直接国民に訴えかけた。「エイブラハム・リンカーン(第16代大統領)が奴隷を解放して以来100年間の猶予が過ぎた、彼らの相続人、彼らの孫は完全に自由ではない」と言った[43]。この公民権法はケネディ政権下では成立しなかったが、人種差別廃絶に対し積極的な姿勢を持っていたジョンソン政権下で議会を通過し、1964年公民権法として成立することとなった。1963年8月28日にキング牧師がワシントン大行進I Have a Dreamの演説を行った後、ケネディはキングをホワイトハウスに招待し、「私も夢見ている」と語った。

最終更新 2013年4月3日 (水) 04:18 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。





ジョセフ・パトリック・“ジョー”・ケネディ・シニア(Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Sr.、1888年9月6日 - 1969年11月18日)はアメリカ合衆国政治家実業家、第35代大統領ジョン・F・ケネディの父として知られる。「ジョー」は「ジョセフ」の短縮形


最終更新 2013年3月26日 (火) 07:57 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。


1/6 Caroline Kennedy - Biography

公開日: 2012/07/11
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy (born November 27, 1957) is an American author and attorney. She is a member of the influential Kennedy family and the only surviving child of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.

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