
Methane hydrate formation and release

Methane hydrate formation and release

アップロード日: 2010/05/13
This video was taken while on board the human operated submersible Alvin in July of 2007. What you see is a vent bubbling methane gas, which is captured inside a cylindrical tube and and methane hydrate is formed. The depth is 800 m beneath the sea surface, where the low temperature and high pressure lead to the formation of this ice-like structure from water and methane gas. You can see in the beginning that the bubbles from the vent are slowly filling the chamber. By the end, the chamber is completely filled with the ice-like methane hydrate. The pilot (of Alvin) then tries to break up the hydrate, and in doing so the buoyancy of the gas trapped in the ice forces the remaining hydrate out of the tube.

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