
Growing beans, peanuts and rice in Central Uganda, Nov 11

Growing beans, peanuts and rice in Central Uganda, Nov 11

公開日: 2012/04/12
Farm Africa is helping farmers in Uganda improve their harvests so they have enough food to eat.

In Central Uganda nine out of ten families rely on the their land for survival, so poor harvests can be catastrophic. Farming here isn't easy - plant diseases are rife and can destroy entire crops, leaving families without enough food to eat. Farm Africa is working with local farmers' groups to set up demonstration plots, where members of the group learn how to grow bigger harvests using good quality, disease resistant seeds and more modern farming methods. The farmers can use their new skills on their own land to grow more food.

In this film we meet Joyce, the chair person of the Nakasongola district farmers' group. Joyce shows us around her group's demo plots where we see what a huge difference they have made to her community.

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