27年前の今日4月26日 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Reactor No. 4 with its enclosing sarcophagus
Main articles: Chernobyl disaster and Chernobyl disaster effects
On Saturday, April 26, 1986, a disaster occurred at reactor No. 4, which has been widely regarded as the worst accident in the history of nuclear power. As a result, reactor No. 4 was completely destroyed and has since been enclosed in a concrete and lead sarcophagus to prevent further escape of radioactivity. Large areas of Europe were affected by the accident. The radioactive cloud spread as far away as Norway.Main articles: Chernobyl disaster and Chernobyl disaster effects
After the explosion at reactor four, the remaining three reactors at the power plant continued to operate. In 1991, reactor two suffered a major fire, and was subsequently decommissioned.[11] In November 1996, reactor one was shut down, followed by reactor three on December 15, 2000, making good on a promise by Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma that the entire plant would be closed.[11]
Even after the last reactor shutdown, people continue to work at the Chernobyl plant until reactor units 1, 2, and 3 are totally decommissioned, which is expected to take years. The first stage of decommissioning is the removal of the highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel, which is placed in deep water cooling ponds. However, storage facilities for this are not suitable for long term containment, and those on site do not have the capacity for all the spent fuel from units 1, 2 and 3. A second facility is planned for construction that will use dry storage technology suitable for long term storage and have the required capacity.[12]
Removal of uncontaminated equipment has begun at unit 1 and this work could be complete by 2020–2022.[13]
Main article: Chernobyl disaster#Radioactive waste management
The remains of reactor unit 4 will remain radioactive for some time. The isotope responsible for the majority of the external gamma radiation dose at the site is Caesium-137 which has a half-life of about 30 years. It is likely that with no further decontamination work the gamma ray dosage at the site will return to background levels in about 300 years. However, as most of the alpha emitters are longer lived, the soil and many surfaces in and around the plant are likely to be contaminated with transuranic metals such as plutonium and americium, which have much longer half-lives. It is planned that the reactor buildings will be disassembled as soon as it is radiologically safe to do so.Sarcophagus replacement
Main article: New Safe Confinement
New Safe Confinement construction
Originally announced in June 2003, a new steel containment structure named the New Safe Confinement (NSC) would be built to replace the aging and hastily-built sarcophagus that currently protects reactor unit 4. Though the project's development has been delayed several times, construction officially began in September 2010. The New Safe Confinement is financed by an international fund managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), is being designed and built by the French-led consortium Novarka, which includes the companies Bouygues and Vinci. Novarka is building a giant arch-shaped structure out of steel, 190 m (623 ft) wide and 200 m (656 ft) long to cover the old crumbling concrete dome that is currently in use.
This steel casing project is expected to cost $1.4 billion (£700 million, €1 billion), and expected to be completed in 2015.[14] A separate deal has been made with the American firm Holtec to build a storage facility within the exclusion zone for nuclear waste produced by Chernobyl.[15][16][17]
The shelter replacement will require demolition of the tall red and white exhaust chimney which was used for both the number 3 and 4 reactors. A shorter stack has been constructed adjacent to it that will be used to ventilate the new shelter.[citation needed] As of June 2012 the original stack has not yet been dismantled.[citation needed]
This page was last modified on 12 April 2013 at 22:17.
Remember Chernobyl... 26. April 1986
アップロード日: 2011/10/21
© Elena Filatova (www.elenafilatova.com), ...
Chernobyl and Pripyat spring 2013
公開日: 2013/03/11
Music by Murray Gold.
アップロード日: 2011/06/15
Large number of people affected by the explosion of Chernobyl Nuclear Plant.
The radioactive effects are still issue.
The worst results are effecting the children of Chernobyl born or unborn.
The radioactive effects are still issue.
The worst results are effecting the children of Chernobyl born or unborn.
People Who Care: Chernobyl Children's Project International
アップロード日: 2009/03/25
This 7-minute video is an update on how volunteers are making a difference in the lives of children and families in Chernobyl affected regions of Ukraine and Belarus.
Learn more at on our YouTube Channel at: www.youtube.com/ChernobylChildren
Our website: http://chernobyl.typepad.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Chernobyl
Learn more at on our YouTube Channel at: www.youtube.com/ChernobylChildren
Our website: http://chernobyl.typepad.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Chernobyl
アップロードしたユーザーのコメント (ChernobylChildren)
Good video. Interesting for me, because I'm also a special needs carer and visit Belarus every year. This time I've made a short clip about Belarus and Cherobyl, called "Chernobyl 24". I've spotted your Chernobyl Children's International busses in April 2009 near Radio Belarus in Minsk. By the way, do any of you know where to buy a special table for a young student, who has scoliosis and who is also a spastic? She needs it, because she writes with her nose on her computer keyboard. regards, T.
You might try contacting a physical therapist and describe your needs. They also might be able to refer you to a place that will donate one! All the best luck to you.
=======================================================Chernobyl - The Real Story
アップロード日: 2011/04/26
International agencies, the nuclear industry and governments ignore important scientific data about the consequences of the 1986 nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. A screw up or a cover up? Authors of a new book, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment published by the New York Academy of Sciences say it was a massive cover up. They say that almost a million people worldwide died as a result of Chernonbyl -- not 4,000 as officially claimed by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization. Book co-author, Professor Alexey V. Yablokov, Councilor of the Russian Academy of Sciences and former environmental advisor to Russian President Boris Yeltsin, tells Earth Focus that international organizations are ignoring scientific data published in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, countries most severely affected by the fallout from Chernobyl, because of their links to the nuclear industry. Professor Yablokov and book editor, US toxicologist Janette Sherman, MD, book note that effects of Chernobyl continue to be felt today by countries as far away as Germany and the the United Kingdom. Wild boars harvested by hunters in Germany continue to be tested for radioactivity and restrictions are still in place on the movement, sale and supply of sheep in parts of the United Kingdom. Book authors say there is evidence that links exposure to radioactivity with diminished human intelligence, as recent studies with schoolchildren in Sweden indicate, as well as breaks in chromosomes that lead to devastating birth defects and mental handicaps. The effects of Chernobyl will last for seven generations or more.
Watch more Earth Focus at http://www.linktv.org/earthfocus
Watch more Earth Focus at http://www.linktv.org/earthfocus
公開日: 2013/01/16
Nuclear Free Now 脱原発世界会議2
2012年12月15日〜16日 東商ホール、日比谷公園
脱原発世界会議2でのアレクセイ・ヤブロコフ博士(ロシア科学アカデミー、生物学者) の発言より、チェルノブイリ原発事故の健康被害に話を絞って再構成した。
ヤブロコフ博士は、ガンは健康被害の一部にすぎないとして、様々な疾患・障害の増大を 報告、危険な汚染レベルについて、長期にわったって住み続けるなら1キュリー/km2 の場所でなんらかの健康被害が出ていると語った。
1キュリー/km2=3万7000ベクレル/m2で、その場所の空間線量は、換算する と自然放射線も含め年1ミリシーベルト程度である。(セシウム137から年0.74ミ リ+自然放射線から年0.35ミリ)
ここ日本でも同様のことが起こるという博士の警告を受けとめてほしい。チェルノブイリ の現在は福島原発事故の26年後でもある。
⇒Nuclear Free Now 脱原発世界会議(http://npfree.jp/)
2012年12月15日〜16日 東商ホール、日比谷公園
⇒Nuclear Free Now 脱原発世界会議(http://npfree.jp/)
ヤブロコフ博士 #福島 とチェルノブイリ #放射能 被害日本の隠蔽12May2012
公開日: 2012/06/14
*日本語同時通訳版* *注意: 2:39 より日本語通訳の音声が復帰します^^;
アレクセイ・ヤブロコフ博士:モスクワ生まれ。1956年、モスクワ大学生物学部卒業 。生物学博士。1984年より、ソビエト連邦科学アカデミー会員。現在、ロシア科学ア カデミー評議員。
1986年のチェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故当時、ゴルバチョフ書記長のアドバイザー を務め、被曝者のその後について25年以上追跡調査を続けている。
Alexei Yablokov (Russia) Doctor of Biological Sciences, advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences,coauthor of Chernobyl- Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment ed. New York Academy of Sciences: The diversity of biomedical consequences of Chernobyl.
Tekknorg さんが 2012/06/02 に公開
Abstracts: page 11 : http://independentwho.org/media/Docum...... . in Geneva, on May 12th 2012. Alexey Yablokov, Russia, on Chernobyl, more than 1,000,000 deaths, diseases, mortality and morbidity. More: http://www.strahlentelex.de/Yablokov%.... Video by http://www.tekknorg.wordpress.com / http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org
*日本語同時通訳版* *注意: 2:39 より日本語通訳の音声が復帰します^^;
Alexei Yablokov (Russia) Doctor of Biological Sciences, advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences,coauthor of Chernobyl- Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment ed. New York Academy of Sciences: The diversity of biomedical consequences of Chernobyl.
Tekknorg さんが 2012/06/02 に公開
Abstracts: page 11 : http://independentwho.org/media/Docum...... . in Geneva, on May 12th 2012. Alexey Yablokov, Russia, on Chernobyl, more than 1,000,000 deaths, diseases, mortality and morbidity. More: http://www.strahlentelex.de/Yablokov%.... Video by http://www.tekknorg.wordpress.com / http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org
April 26, 2013 by Mikkai
This data is concealed and ignored and out of print, and is applicable both to Fukushima, as well as on normal reactor emissions:
This is how Chernobyl looks today in Children: Children Radiation Maps
This is what Atoms for Peace really are: Atoms for Peaceful Murder
The summary of the most important russian, belarusian and ukrainian studies, ignored by western world: http://www.strahlentelex.de/Yablokov%20Chernobyl%20book.pdf
This shows, how Chernobyl kills, mostly with slow and low doses, increasing in time an space: Direct Damage To People attributable to Chernobyl
And the damage increases from Generation to Generation: Chernobyl: Evidence of Genetic or Teratogenic Damage to Environment and Humans
Why is there no Compenstion for no one? Chernobyl and the Human Rights of the Victims (ALARA, ICRP, IAEA)
A nuclear explosion of the reactor type is possible, it is the other form of the known bomb type explosion: Chernobyl: The Accident and it’s implications for other Nuclear Reactors
A summary of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and how IAEA undermines health, freedom and justice: Dr. Bertell on TMI, radiation, Chernobyl, IAEA
“Possible scale of lost or impaired children after Chernobyl in all of Europe and the part of Asia coveredMissing Children: 2,5 Million.” PAGE 34 of new link: http://life-upgrade.com/DATA/RIGEinEuroandCNPPc.pdf
and love
20121214 UPLAN 低線量被ばくの健康影響:国際機関の放射線安全概念を問う
公開日: 2012/12/15
【FoE Japan ブログより】
チェルノブイリ事故後、国際原子力機関(IAEA)などの国際機関は、「放射線の影響 と疾患との因果関係が証明できない」とし、小児甲状腺がんなど限られた疾患を認めたの みでした。
『チェルノブイリ―大惨事が人びとと環境に及ぼした影響』の著者でロシア科学アカデミ ーのアレクセイ・ヤブロコフ氏からお話を伺い、なぜIAEAなどの国際機関が低線量被 ばくの健康影響を過小評価しているのか、科学的に検証します。
医師Bandazhevskaya #放射能 奇形、心臓病多発 #福島 とチェルノブイリ12May12
公開日: 2012/06/14
ベラルーシの小児科医の現地報告。奇形、心臓病、白内障などが新生児から発症の異常事 態。*日本語同時通訳版* Dr. Galina Bandajevskaia (Belarus) pediatrician, cardiologist: Health status of children in Belarus since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor.
Tekknorg さんが 2012/06/03 に公開のミラー。
Abstracts: page 13: http://independentwho.org/media/Docum...... . in Geneva, on May 12th 2012. Video by http://www.tekknorg.wordpress.com / http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org
Tekknorg さんが 2012/06/03 に公開のミラー。
Abstracts: page 13: http://independentwho.org/media/Docum...... . in Geneva, on May 12th 2012. Video by http://www.tekknorg.wordpress.com / http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org
バンダジェフスキー博士30Bq/kg #内部被曝 で突然死 #福島 とチェルノ12May12
公開日: 2012/06/13
Dr. Yuri Bandazhevsky (Belarus): 解剖学、分析と調整センター・所長
ユーリー・バンダジェフスキー博士(2) 福島 とチェルノブイリ 放射線防御・市民会議,スイス・ジュネーブ12 May 2012. *日本語同時通訳版*
"エコロジーと健康" :長期半減期の放射性核種の慢性的取り込み症候群によるプログラム作成、及び、人口集 団の為の放射線防護の施策。:統合モデルの例示。
Anatomical, President of the Center for Analysis and Coordination "Ecology and Health": From the syndrome of chronic incorporation of long halflife radionuclides to the creation of programs and policies for radioprotection of populations: an example of an integrated model.
Tekknorg さんが 2012/05/13 に公開のミラー。
Abstracts: page 22 + 23: http://independentwho.org/media/Docum...... in Geneva, on May 12th 2012. Expert Yury Bandazhevsky from Belarus, working and living in Ukraine. Death by Cesium 137. Ignored by IAEA, WHO, ICRP, UNSCEAR, nearly whole science. More: http://chernobyl-today.org and http://yury.bandazhevsky.org/. Video by http://www.tekknorg.wordpress.com / http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org
ユーリー・バンダジェフスキー博士(2) 福島 とチェルノブイリ 放射線防御・市民会議,スイス・ジュネーブ12 May 2012. *日本語同時通訳版*
"エコロジーと健康" :長期半減期の放射性核種の慢性的取り込み症候群によるプログラム作成、及び、人口集
Anatomical, President of the Center for Analysis and Coordination "Ecology and Health": From the syndrome of chronic incorporation of long halflife radionuclides to the creation of programs and policies for radioprotection of populations: an example of an integrated model.
Tekknorg さんが 2012/05/13 に公開のミラー。
Abstracts: page 22 + 23: http://independentwho.org/media/Docum...... in Geneva, on May 12th 2012. Expert Yury Bandazhevsky from Belarus, working and living in Ukraine. Death by Cesium 137. Ignored by IAEA, WHO, ICRP, UNSCEAR, nearly whole science. More: http://chernobyl-today.org and http://yury.bandazhevsky.org/. Video by http://www.tekknorg.wordpress.com / http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org
Chernobyl Consequences Children in need part 1
アップロード日: 2009/07/05
Chernobyl Consequences Children in need part 2
Chernobyl 25 years ago; radioactive Cesium 137 cloud over Russia and Europe
アップロード日: 2011/02/24
25 years ago, on 26 April 1986, a nuclear power plant catastrophe took place in Chernobyl, near Kiev, in the Ukraine. It was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history. The accident was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel. Ironically, the disaster occurred during a systems safety test performed to test whether the reactor had the capability to ride through the first 60--70 seconds of a total loss of electric power during an emercengy shutdown. A sudden high power output surge took place, and when an attempt was made for emergency shutdown, a more extreme spike in power output, about 10 times the rated maximum output, occurred leading to reactor core explosion. This threw large quantities of radioactive core materials into the atmosphere and exposed the graphite moderator components of the reactor to air so they started to burn. The resulting fire sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area, including the nearby town Pripyat. The cloud drifted over large parts of the western Soviet Union, and Europe. Large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia had to be evacuated, with over 300,000 people resettled.
Two Chernobyl plant workers died on the night of the accident, and a further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning. Radiation doses on the first day were estimated to range up to 20000 millisieverts (mSv).
The next task was cleaning up the radioactivity at the site. About 200,000 people ('liquidators') from all over the Soviet Union were involved in the recovery and clean-up during 1986 and 1987. They received high doses of radiation, averaging around 100 millisieverts. Some 20,000 of them received about 250 mSv and a few received 500 mSv. The highest doses were received by about 1000 emergency workers and on-site personnel during the first day of the accident.
Initial radiation exposure in contaminated areas was due to short-lived iodine-131; later cesium-137 was the main hazard. About five million people lived in areas contaminated (above 37000 Bq/m2 Cs-137) and about 400000 lived in more contaminated areas of strict control by authorities (above 555000 Bq/m2 Cs-137).
Among the residents of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine there had been, up to 2002, about 4000 cases of thyroid cancer reported in children and adolescents who were exposed at the time of the accident, and more cases are to be expected during the next decades. Many of those cancers were most likely caused by radiation exposures shortly after the accident.
Videos about radiation detection:
Radioactive Americium 241 containing smoke detector dismantled:
Deflection of Americium 241 alpha particles by a Neodymium magnet:
High alpha's cpm count should not be interpreted as high µSv/hr (gamma) reading:
Video about Radium-226 radiation from Jefferson Mystery clock:
Video about radioactive granite kitchen sink:
Video about the Cesium-137 cloud from Chernobyl which I, ironically, uploaded one month before "Fukushima" :
Two Chernobyl plant workers died on the night of the accident, and a further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning. Radiation doses on the first day were estimated to range up to 20000 millisieverts (mSv).
The next task was cleaning up the radioactivity at the site. About 200,000 people ('liquidators') from all over the Soviet Union were involved in the recovery and clean-up during 1986 and 1987. They received high doses of radiation, averaging around 100 millisieverts. Some 20,000 of them received about 250 mSv and a few received 500 mSv. The highest doses were received by about 1000 emergency workers and on-site personnel during the first day of the accident.
Initial radiation exposure in contaminated areas was due to short-lived iodine-131; later cesium-137 was the main hazard. About five million people lived in areas contaminated (above 37000 Bq/m2 Cs-137) and about 400000 lived in more contaminated areas of strict control by authorities (above 555000 Bq/m2 Cs-137).
Among the residents of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine there had been, up to 2002, about 4000 cases of thyroid cancer reported in children and adolescents who were exposed at the time of the accident, and more cases are to be expected during the next decades. Many of those cancers were most likely caused by radiation exposures shortly after the accident.
Videos about radiation detection:
Radioactive Americium 241 containing smoke detector dismantled:
Deflection of Americium 241 alpha particles by a Neodymium magnet:
High alpha's cpm count should not be interpreted as high µSv/hr (gamma) reading:
Video about Radium-226 radiation from Jefferson Mystery clock:
Video about radioactive granite kitchen sink:
Video about the Cesium-137 cloud from Chernobyl which I, ironically, uploaded one month before "Fukushima" :
A un anno da Fukushima. Intervento di Matteo Tollini (Greenpeace)
公開日: 2012/04/23
[9 marzo 2012]
"Lezione da Fukushima". Presentazione dei video di Greenpeace nel mare di Fukushima dopo la catastrofe.
"Lezione da Fukushima". Presentazione dei video di Greenpeace nel mare di Fukushima dopo la catastrofe.
Chernobyl Children's Project director at Remember Fukushima, No to Nuclear
公開日: 2013/03/20
Linda Walker, Executive Director of Chernobyl Children's Project UK
Save Fukushima Children 'Remember Fukushima - No to Nuclear Power' London
公開日: 2013/03/17
Speech of a rapresentative of World Network for Saving Children from Radiation @
7.30-9.30pm - PUBLIC MEETING in House of Commons, Committee Room 8
7.30-9.30pm - PUBLIC MEETING in House of Commons, Committee Room 8
Remember Fukushima No to Nuclear Power 2013 House of Commons JAN UK
公開日: 2013/03/28
We are JAN UK (januk.org), Japanese residents that live and work in the UK, campaigning on anti-nuclear platform to stop all nuclear power plants in Japan, the UK and everywhere in the world.
Three events were held in London in March 2013, to mark the two-year anniversary of the triple disasters in Japan (the earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear accident), and especially to speak out against nuclear power:
Fukushima Solidarity march was held in central London on Saturday, March 9th, co-organised by JAN UK, Kick Nuclear, and CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Candle-lit vigil was held in front of the Japanese Embassy in London in the evening of March 11th, the very day the disaster happened two years ago. Then, straight after that, a public meeting was held in Committee Room 8, at the House of Commons. Main theme of the public meeting was: "The situation in Japan two years on from Fukushima, and the lessons we can learn for a nuclear-free world".
The speech in this video was made by one of the JAN members.
Three events were held in London in March 2013, to mark the two-year anniversary of the triple disasters in Japan (the earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear accident), and especially to speak out against nuclear power:
Fukushima Solidarity march was held in central London on Saturday, March 9th, co-organised by JAN UK, Kick Nuclear, and CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Candle-lit vigil was held in front of the Japanese Embassy in London in the evening of March 11th, the very day the disaster happened two years ago. Then, straight after that, a public meeting was held in Committee Room 8, at the House of Commons. Main theme of the public meeting was: "The situation in Japan two years on from Fukushima, and the lessons we can learn for a nuclear-free world".
The speech in this video was made by one of the JAN members.
Three events were held in London in March 2013, to mark the two-year anniversary of the triple disasters in Japan (the earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear accident), and especially to speak out against nuclear power:
Fukushima Solidarity march was held in central London on Saturday, March 9th, co-organised by JAN UK, Kick Nuclear, and CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Candle-lit vigil was held in front of the Japanese Embassy in London in the evening of March 11th, the very day the disaster happened two years ago. Then, straight after that, a public meeting was held in Committee Room 8, at the House of Commons. Main theme of the public meeting was: "The situation in Japan two years on from Fukushima, and the lessons we can learn for a nuclear-free world".
The speech in this video was made by one of the JAN members.
Three events were held in London in March 2013, to mark the two-year anniversary of the triple disasters in Japan (the earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear accident), and especially to speak out against nuclear power:
Fukushima Solidarity march was held in central London on Saturday, March 9th, co-organised by JAN UK, Kick Nuclear, and CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Candle-lit vigil was held in front of the Japanese Embassy in London in the evening of March 11th, the very day the disaster happened two years ago. Then, straight after that, a public meeting was held in Committee Room 8, at the House of Commons. Main theme of the public meeting was: "The situation in Japan two years on from Fukushima, and the lessons we can learn for a nuclear-free world".
The speech in this video was made by one of the JAN members.
Remember Fukushima No to Nuclear Power 2013 JAN UK
公開日: 2013/03/27
We are JAN UK (www.januk.org), Japanese residents that live and work in the UK, campaigning on anti-nuclear platform to stop all nuclear power plants in Japan, the UK and the world.
Fukushima Solidarity march was held in central London on 9th and Candle lit Vigil was held outside of Japanese Embassy on 11th March.
Co-organised by JAN UK, Kick Nuclear and CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Fukushima Solidarity march was held in central London on 9th and Candle lit Vigil was held outside of Japanese Embassy on 11th March.
Co-organised by JAN UK, Kick Nuclear and CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
The True Battle of Chernobyl Uncensored
公開日: 2012/05/03
The real truth about tjernobyl cernobyl chernobyl uncensored ignalina nuclear plant
Disaster Chernobyl Ukraine 2013
公開日: 2013/02/13
disaster Chernobyl Ukraine 2013
Chernobyl 25 years on
アップロード日: 2011/02/17
Chernobyl 25 years on
アップロード日: 2011/02/17
26 April 2011 marks the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.