2013/05/24 に公開
Global CSP UK is breaking new frontiers with its latest Solar energy system designed and pioneered in the UK.
Over the past 2 years our team has been designing and has now developed the core feature of a sustainable energy platform -- the Solar Captor. It is precision engineered and contains unique components which we believe make it a world-class product.
Its application will make a major, global contribution to the Micro CSP industry.
The potential uses are exciting and diverse forming the basis to generate power, heat, air-conditioning, hot-water, clean drinking water and desalinisation anywhere in the world. Where necessary, it can be used in a hybrid scheme, co-generating with other fuels.
Our corporate vision is to bring to the market flexible, cost competitive, low carbon, solar- power technology that is both reliable and sustainable. Add to that a local manufacturing capability, anywhere in the world, coupled with ease of assembly/transportation and we have a technology that we believe is second to none
Global CSP looking after tomorrow!
Greenway CSP Video

Global CSP unveil cutting edge technology
Posted on May 1, 2014
Solar Power Research Hothouse launched
Business weekly March 27th 2014
Cranfield University has cemented its importance in the field of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with the opening of the Global CSP Laboratory.
The University is home to the largest CSP research activity in the UK and Cranfield is the only UK representative on the EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) Joint Committee on CSP.
The new laboratory – the UK Centre for Concentrating Solar Thermal Manufacturing, sponsored by UK Company Global CSP – will be the home of an internationally recognised research and manufacturing team led by Cranfield’s Dr Chris Sansom, working on concentrating solar power and solar thermal technologies and their applications.
Graham Provan, CEO of Global CSP, said: “The collaboration between Cranfield University and Global CSP has the potential to make a significant contribution to many renewable energy roadmaps worldwide. We jointly have the talent and passion to be a world leader in small-to-medium-scale CSP applications.”
Cranfield has been involved in a number of CSP projects over recent years, including the MATS Project, FRESH NRG, and STAGE-STE, all funded by the European Union.
The Cranfield team is also working with Pakistan’s COMSATS Institute of Information Technology on a solar cooker, to significantly improve the quality of life for rural communities in the developing world.
The event was well attended and gave an opportunity to view the internationally acclaimed, precision engineered solar system, with world leading features.
• Use of composite materials to produce quality, long life products
• A unique system of manufacturing
•. Substantial industry cost reductions
Global CSP would like to thank everyone who attended who were able to see first-hand the technology that could put the UK as a serious contender in the CSP market and the potential to provide a manufacturing base in the UK and worldwide bringing significant employment opportunities.
Small to medium scale CSP can make a major contribution to reducing carbon emissions for Power generation – hot water/steam production – air-conditioning desalination chilling – refrigeration – water purification. Industrial processing -dairy farming – agriculture – public & private buildings food & drink – pharmaceutical – mining – district heating – waste heat recovery.
We will be pleased to discuss our future aims to interested parties.
Contact: Ann Provan
Research and Marketing Director
Cranfield University and Global CSP partner to further develop small CSP collector with ORC generators
Posted on November 22, 2013
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is very unlikely to be installed in the United Kingdom -unless global warming turns UK into a sunny tropical island-, but research and dvelopment is often independent from the future application sites.
UK’s Cranfield University and Global CSP, are joining efforts to develop two solar energy projects involving a CSP collector and an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) generator.
The collaboration will involve testing and improving Global CSP’s solar energy collector system – the ‘solar captor’. Based on aircraft technology, the solar captor is fully insulated against extreme weather and offers considerable cost savings over traditionally fabricated solar energy collectors. It is designed for use in power generation, air-conditioning, chilling, water purification and desalination, providing hot-water up to super-steam for manufacturing process. In addition, the partnership will design and build a medium scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) generator.
ORC generators use a dense organic fluid with a low boiling point temperature, allowing power generation from lower temperature sources, making them ideal for small solar energy collectors. Global CSP have already built a small 15 kW ORC prototype but will be building two larger scale ORC power plants at Cranfield (one at 75 kW -130 kW and the second at 500 kW – 1000 kW).The ORC power plants will be used for waste heat recovery in the UK and global markets.
Read the full article here
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