
Entire Pacific Ocean Radioactive, Getting Worse & NO SOLUTION! Fukushima Explained 7/29/13

Entire Pacific Ocean Radioactive, Getting Worse & NO SOLUTION! Fukushima Explained 7/29/13 

2013/07/29 に公開
Great Interview. Especially if you're New to Fukushima.
Radio: Fukushima Daiichi has "contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet" — Radioactive leaks to harm marine and human life — Whole Pacific Ocean likely to have cesium levels 5-10 times higher than at peak of nuclear bomb tests (AUDIO)
Full broadcast available here http://tinyurl.com/l2nbdmc
Or Here http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/pro...

Title: Wayne Brittenden's Counterpoint
Source: Radio New Zealand
Date: July 28, 2013

Wayne Brittenden, host: [...] This latest revelation, the leaking of radioactive water into the sea to harm marine and ultimately human life, hasn't just happened — the revelation came a day after Prime Minister and nuclear power devotee Shinzo Abe was re-elected. The bad news would've undoubtedly affected his chances. [...]

At ~12:00 in

Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear industry executive and now chief engineer at the Fairewinds organisation: The net effect is the Pacific near Japan, and likely the whole Pacific, over the next 5 years will have cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher than what they were at the peak of bomb testing. So this is the biggest release of radiation to a body of water in the history of the world, much worse than Chernobyl. So the net effect is we've contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet [...]


Fukushima News 7/29/13: JP Nuclear Official- Job Too Big For Tepco; Reactor 3 Huffs and Puffs
TEPCO ordered to drain contaminated tunnel water
Japan's nuclear regulator has ordered the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to remove radioactive wastewater from underground tunnels.
The Nuclear Regulation Authority told Tokyo Electric Power Company on Monday it must stop the water from leaking into the sea.
High levels of radioactivity have been detected in wells in the plant site and an adjacent port since May. TEPCO admitted last week that contaminated water is leaking into the sea from the site.
The regulators pointed out a possible leak of highly-radioactive wastewater in the plant's underground tunnels through gravel laid on the floor.
The contaminated water is believed to be coming from turbine buildings connected to the tunnels. The turbine buildings are highly-contaminated as a huge amount of water has been used to cool nuclear fuel in nearby reactor buildings.
The operator says it will start injecting chemicals into the gravel layers to block the water.
The company says it will decontaminate the water in the tunnels from September by circulating it through a purifier. From next April it says it will drain the tunnels.
But TEPCO has yet to come up with measures to stop the original leak from the turbine building. It also has to find a site to store the drained water.

Top Japan Nuclear Official: Remove Tepco from being in charge at Fukushima Daiichi — "It is simply too big for one company to handle

Takahama plant to take further anti-tsunami steps
The operator of the Takahama nuclear plant in central Japan says it will take more anti-tsunami measures as requested by nuclear regulators.
Kansai Electric earlier this month applied for safety inspections for the No.3 and No.4 reactors at the plant. It wants to restart the reactors, which were taken offline after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident.
But the regulators urged the utility to re-evaluate possible tsunami damage using stricter estimates.

WSJ: Extreme contamination found at Fukushima plant — Cesium over 2 billion Bq/liter; Millions of times above limit — Tepco 'trying' to stop it leaking into ocean — 'Probably' from melted reactor core

Fire that shut down U.S. nuclear reactor released "potentially toxic gas or asphyxiant or flammable gas that could impact plant operation" #Callaway

Emergency declared at U.S. nuclear plant: Fire shuts down reactor — "Reports of black smoke" — Company says no release of radioactivity "above normal operating limits" #Callaway

ran out of room for more.

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