「溶けた核燃料であるウランの塊=溶融体が、格納容器の底をも破り、原子炉建屋地下のコンクリートを溶かして地面にめり込んでいるのではないかと考えています。核燃料の炉心部分は、2800℃を超えないと溶けません(現在の温度は高い放射線量のため測定不能)。溶融体の重量は100tにもなります。 圧力容器や格納容器の鉄鋼は1500℃程度で溶けてしまいますから、溶融体は原子炉建屋地下の床に落ちているはずです。その一部は地下の床を浸食し、一部 は汚染水に流され周囲の壁を溶かしているでしょう」これらの現状も踏まえた上で、福島第一原発の「放射能量」と、「どのくらい放射能は放出されたのか」を推定していきたいと思います。
・Y(イットリウム) ※親核種はSr(ストロンチウム)
・Ba(バリウム) ※親核種はRu(ルテニウム)
・Rh(ロジウム) ※親核種はSr(セシウム)
・Pr(プラセオジウム) ※親核種はCe(セリウム)
参考:使用済み核燃料の半減期 ATOMICA、使用済み燃料中の放射能 ATOMICA
参考:使用済み核燃料の半減期 ATOMICA、使用済み燃料中の放射能 ATOMICA
2.06×10^25Bq + 9.15×10^25Bq =1.12×10^26 Bq(ベクレル)
炉 内 :20.6兆テラベクレル
・希ガス 2E18 ベクレル (2.0×10^18ベクレル)
・ヨウ素 2E17 ベクレル (2.0×10^17ベクレル)
・セシウム 3E16 ベクレル (3.0×10^16ベクレル)
・テルル 9E16 ベクレル (9.0×10^16ベクレル)
に相当しますが、これは2011 年3 月22 日現在のデータに基づく最初の評価であるとの注釈があります。
1.992×10^13Bq/日 / 1.44×10^21Bq = 1.38×10^(-8)(一日あたり)となります。
=2.32×10^18(Bq) + 0.84×10^17(Bq)
=2.40×10^18(Bq)(240万テラベクレル) (※テラ=兆=10^12)
グラフを見ると、爆発(火災)時に約10mSv(ミリシーベルト)に対し、爆発後の常時は0.1~0.5 mSv(ミリシーベルト)辺りを推移しています。
>推計によると、今月1日から、固化剤の注入などによって流出が止まった6日までに約520トンが海に流れ込んだ。汚染水に含まれていた放射性物質の総量は、ヨウ素やセシウムなどの合計で約4700テラ・ベクレル(テラは1兆)に上った。4700テラベクレル ÷ 520トン = 9.04×10^12(Bq/t)(9.04テラベクレル/トン)となります。
9.04×10^12(Bq/t)(汚染水量1トンあたりの放射能量) × 84828(t)(注水量=流れ出た汚染水量)
Nuclear Watch: Fukushima high Iodine 131 lvls fission reactions for weeks or months 10/27/2014
2014/10/27 に公開
Watch: Nuclear experts confront Japanese scientists — IAEA says Fukushima reactors “might still be active” long after meltdowns — “Changes completely” our idea of what happened — “Very surprised… extremely high” Iodine-131 levels — Means fission reactions lasted for weeks or months
Teruyuki Nakajima,University of Tokyo and Science Council of Japan (emphasis added): International Expert #1 (at 38:10): My name is [inaudible] from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s marine laboratory in Monaco. I have a question regarding the Iodine-131. We were very surprised that the Iodine-131 was still discharged at very high levels in July [2011]. We had a lot of discussion about what would be the reason… You’d expect that, according to the shorter half life for Iodine-131, this would decrease much, much stronger — much faster… My briefings to member states of the IAEA was that we would expect within a few weeks there would be no more Iodine-131, but this was not true. This was still measured at high, extremely high levels in July and August of 2011. I wrote in my statement given out by the IAEA, that the reactors might still be active. There was a big discussion about this… Nakajima: Yeah, I think the reactors still emitted the materials in… not sure about July… we have soil measurement in June, I think that still we observed Iodine-131 from the soil measurement. If that is terminated in April, we wouldn’t measure that at this point, but we still had that measurement. And still, the data are not totally thoroughly investigated. We have several remaining data we need to look at. Some people have those data, so we need to dig this kind of data set. Also, monitoring post, we had [problems?] as I told, we couldn’t use, but some are surviving and not rescued. Recently that kind of data is coming in, so we will see that data for Iodine-131… International Expert #2 (at 43:45): I’m sorry, but I’d like to go back to the question of my colleague from the IAEA. If I understand correctly, the question is not whether… in July or August, there still were releases of Iodine. If that is the case, it would change completely the picture about the accident. That was the question that was never clarified, either by TEPCO or by [inaudible]. Nakajima: There’s some evidence [of the reactors] releasing radiogenic gas… International Expert #2: The basic question is the following — several weeks after Chernobyl it was crystal clear there were no more releases of Iodine. If that’s not crystal clear at Fukushima, this means several weeks or months after the accident there were fission reactions. That’s the question. This question was presented, as my colleague said, at several meetings of the IAEA and that was never made clear?… That is an important question because it would change the composition of the releases… International Expert #3 (at 46:45): I also want to [inaudible] the data. I agree with him about the calculation… Iodine had been measured in such amounts in July… Iodine from those same samples — that would allow you [Nakajima] to actually check whether this is satisfied by resuspension, as you claim…. Observations make clear, [Iodine-131 is too high by] orders of magnitude, even in the best cases — and that’s a lot… Nakajima: We have all the data but I haven’t checked Iodine-131… But, still, we are making the data set… Maybe I could check with my file data… (Lights go on) Further questions? OK, well, thank you very much. Sorry.
Teruyuki Nakajima,University of Tokyo and Science Council of Japan (emphasis added): International Expert #1 (at 38:10): My name is [inaudible] from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s marine laboratory in Monaco. I have a question regarding the Iodine-131. We were very surprised that the Iodine-131 was still discharged at very high levels in July [2011]. We had a lot of discussion about what would be the reason… You’d expect that, according to the shorter half life for Iodine-131, this would decrease much, much stronger — much faster… My briefings to member states of the IAEA was that we would expect within a few weeks there would be no more Iodine-131, but this was not true. This was still measured at high, extremely high levels in July and August of 2011. I wrote in my statement given out by the IAEA, that the reactors might still be active. There was a big discussion about this… Nakajima: Yeah, I think the reactors still emitted the materials in… not sure about July… we have soil measurement in June, I think that still we observed Iodine-131 from the soil measurement. If that is terminated in April, we wouldn’t measure that at this point, but we still had that measurement. And still, the data are not totally thoroughly investigated. We have several remaining data we need to look at. Some people have those data, so we need to dig this kind of data set. Also, monitoring post, we had [problems?] as I told, we couldn’t use, but some are surviving and not rescued. Recently that kind of data is coming in, so we will see that data for Iodine-131… International Expert #2 (at 43:45): I’m sorry, but I’d like to go back to the question of my colleague from the IAEA. If I understand correctly, the question is not whether… in July or August, there still were releases of Iodine. If that is the case, it would change completely the picture about the accident. That was the question that was never clarified, either by TEPCO or by [inaudible]. Nakajima: There’s some evidence [of the reactors] releasing radiogenic gas… International Expert #2: The basic question is the following — several weeks after Chernobyl it was crystal clear there were no more releases of Iodine. If that’s not crystal clear at Fukushima, this means several weeks or months after the accident there were fission reactions. That’s the question. This question was presented, as my colleague said, at several meetings of the IAEA and that was never made clear?… That is an important question because it would change the composition of the releases… International Expert #3 (at 46:45): I also want to [inaudible] the data. I agree with him about the calculation… Iodine had been measured in such amounts in July… Iodine from those same samples — that would allow you [Nakajima] to actually check whether this is satisfied by resuspension, as you claim…. Observations make clear, [Iodine-131 is too high by] orders of magnitude, even in the best cases — and that’s a lot… Nakajima: We have all the data but I haven’t checked Iodine-131… But, still, we are making the data set… Maybe I could check with my file data… (Lights go on) Further questions? OK, well, thank you very much. Sorry.
Fukushima High Levels of Iodine-131 WEEKS - MONTHS after Nuclear Accidents
2014/10/28 に公開
Mirrored from MsMilkytheclown1 on Oct 27, 2014
* Note from M: I edited out the Q and A section to give you what ENENews considers to be the highlights of the talk at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution by Teruyuki Nakajima. The IAEA and the speaker are Still unsure about the duration of releases of Iodine 131. The implications are pretty big, too. The audio was crummy, so I increased the volume on the people in the audience and added captions to make it easier to follow along.
Watch: Nuclear experts confront Japanese scientists — IAEA says Fukushima reactors “might still be active” long after meltdowns — “Changes completely” our idea of what happened — “Very surprised… extremely high” Iodine-131 levels — Means fission reactions lasted for weeks or months (VIDEO)
Teruyuki Nakajima,University of Tokyo and Science Council of Japan (emphasis added): International Expert #1 (at 38:10): My name is [inaudible] from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s marine laboratory in Monaco. I have a question regarding the Iodine-131. We were very surprised that the Iodine-131 was still discharged at very high levels in July [2011]. We had a lot of discussion about what would be the reason… You’d expect that, according to the shorter half life for Iodine-131, this would decrease much, much stronger — much faster… My briefings to member states of the IAEA was that we would expect within a few weeks there would be no more Iodine-131, but this was not true. This was still measured at high, extremely high levels in July and August of 2011. I wrote in my statement given out by the IAEA, that the reactors might still be active. There was a big discussion about this… Nakajima: Yeah, I think the reactors still emitted the materials in… not sure about July… we have soil measurement in June, I think that still we observed Iodine-131 from the soil measurement. If that is terminated in April, we wouldn’t measure that at this point, but we still had that measurement. And still, the data are not totally thoroughly investigated. We have several remaining data we need to look at. Some people have those data, so we need to dig this kind of data set. Also, monitoring post, we had [problems?] as I told, we couldn’t use, but some are surviving and not rescued. Recently that kind of data is coming in, so we will see that data for Iodine-131… International Expert #2 (at 43:45): I’m sorry, but I’d like to go back to the question of my colleague from the IAEA. If I understand correctly, the question is not whether… in July or August, there still were releases of Iodine. If that is the case, it would change completely the picture about the accident. That was the question that was never clarified, either by TEPCO or by [inaudible]. Nakajima: There’s some evidence [of the reactors] releasing radiogenic gas… International Expert #2: The basic question is the following — several weeks after Chernobyl it was crystal clear there were no more releases of Iodine. If that’s not crystal clear at Fukushima, this means several weeks or months after the accident there were fission reactions. That’s the question. This question was presented, as my colleague said, at several meetings of the IAEA and that was never made clear?… That is an important question because it would change the composition of the releases… International Expert #3 (at 46:45): I also want to [inaudible] the data. I agree with him about the calculation… Iodine had been measured in such amounts in July… Iodine from those same samples — that would allow you [Nakajima] to actually check whether this is satisfied by resuspension, as you claim…. Observations make clear, [Iodine-131 is too high by] orders of magnitude, even in the best cases — and that’s a lot… Nakajima: We have all the data but I haven’t checked Iodine-131… But, still, we are making the data set… Maybe I could check with my file data… (Lights go on) Further questions? OK, well, thank you very much. Sorry.
and an excellent companion video that Deep13th Nuclear Waste Info compiled called Nuclear Watch: Fukushima high Iodine 131 lvls fission reactions for weeks or months 10/27/2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHsl2... here.
They are picking up most of the daily Fukushima updates, so please give them a subscribe if you want to keep up with daily happenings at Fukushima Daiichi.
Iodine 131 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodine-131
Radiation Protection from Iodine 131 http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuc...
* Note from M: I edited out the Q and A section to give you what ENENews considers to be the highlights of the talk at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution by Teruyuki Nakajima. The IAEA and the speaker are Still unsure about the duration of releases of Iodine 131. The implications are pretty big, too. The audio was crummy, so I increased the volume on the people in the audience and added captions to make it easier to follow along.
Watch: Nuclear experts confront Japanese scientists — IAEA says Fukushima reactors “might still be active” long after meltdowns — “Changes completely” our idea of what happened — “Very surprised… extremely high” Iodine-131 levels — Means fission reactions lasted for weeks or months (VIDEO)
Teruyuki Nakajima,University of Tokyo and Science Council of Japan (emphasis added): International Expert #1 (at 38:10): My name is [inaudible] from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s marine laboratory in Monaco. I have a question regarding the Iodine-131. We were very surprised that the Iodine-131 was still discharged at very high levels in July [2011]. We had a lot of discussion about what would be the reason… You’d expect that, according to the shorter half life for Iodine-131, this would decrease much, much stronger — much faster… My briefings to member states of the IAEA was that we would expect within a few weeks there would be no more Iodine-131, but this was not true. This was still measured at high, extremely high levels in July and August of 2011. I wrote in my statement given out by the IAEA, that the reactors might still be active. There was a big discussion about this… Nakajima: Yeah, I think the reactors still emitted the materials in… not sure about July… we have soil measurement in June, I think that still we observed Iodine-131 from the soil measurement. If that is terminated in April, we wouldn’t measure that at this point, but we still had that measurement. And still, the data are not totally thoroughly investigated. We have several remaining data we need to look at. Some people have those data, so we need to dig this kind of data set. Also, monitoring post, we had [problems?] as I told, we couldn’t use, but some are surviving and not rescued. Recently that kind of data is coming in, so we will see that data for Iodine-131… International Expert #2 (at 43:45): I’m sorry, but I’d like to go back to the question of my colleague from the IAEA. If I understand correctly, the question is not whether… in July or August, there still were releases of Iodine. If that is the case, it would change completely the picture about the accident. That was the question that was never clarified, either by TEPCO or by [inaudible]. Nakajima: There’s some evidence [of the reactors] releasing radiogenic gas… International Expert #2: The basic question is the following — several weeks after Chernobyl it was crystal clear there were no more releases of Iodine. If that’s not crystal clear at Fukushima, this means several weeks or months after the accident there were fission reactions. That’s the question. This question was presented, as my colleague said, at several meetings of the IAEA and that was never made clear?… That is an important question because it would change the composition of the releases… International Expert #3 (at 46:45): I also want to [inaudible] the data. I agree with him about the calculation… Iodine had been measured in such amounts in July… Iodine from those same samples — that would allow you [Nakajima] to actually check whether this is satisfied by resuspension, as you claim…. Observations make clear, [Iodine-131 is too high by] orders of magnitude, even in the best cases — and that’s a lot… Nakajima: We have all the data but I haven’t checked Iodine-131… But, still, we are making the data set… Maybe I could check with my file data… (Lights go on) Further questions? OK, well, thank you very much. Sorry.
and an excellent companion video that Deep13th Nuclear Waste Info compiled called Nuclear Watch: Fukushima high Iodine 131 lvls fission reactions for weeks or months 10/27/2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHsl2... here.
They are picking up most of the daily Fukushima updates, so please give them a subscribe if you want to keep up with daily happenings at Fukushima Daiichi.
Iodine 131 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodine-131
Radiation Protection from Iodine 131 http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuc...
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