
Japan's Energy Shift ~A message from Amory Lovins~

Japan's Energy Shift ~A message from Amory Lovins~

公開日: 2013/06/24
A world-renowned energy expert, Amory Lovins, visits the forefront of Japan's energy shift to propose ways for its energy future. Lovins has been studying and visiting Japan since 1960s as he embarked on his profession. Lovins' message: Japan can lead the world in energy shift, if Japan realizes its potential for more energy efficiency and utilize its abundant renewable energy.
Since the 3.11, Japan's energy strategy is being re-examined. How can Japan harness its renewable energy to create a stable power supply while maintaining economic growth?
In the concluding segment, Lovins shares his thoughts on why Japan can achieve its energy shift.
NHK Eco-Mix Feb. 02 2013 on Air

Solar power still better than nuclear in the fight against climate change

Renewable energy is clean, cheap and here -- what's stopping us?

Doctors urge province to ramp-up renewable energy
Solar and wind generation do not contribute to climate change, respiratory illness, brain damage or cancer.
By: Dr. David Colby Dr. Rosana Pellizzari, Gideon Forman, Published on Fri Jun 21 2013
The Ontario government's recent announcement that it will add 900 megawatts of new renewable energy to the provincial grid is welcome news indeed. Projected to come online starting in 2014, the new electricity will be sufficient to power over 125,000 homes every year and create over 6,000 jobs. It shows Queen's Park is committed to building up renewables and is to be applauded.
But if the government really wants to develop this sector in the long-run — and the health of every Ontarian depends on it — it must also boost the renewable targets contained in itsLong-Term Energy Plan. That document — released in 2010 and currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Energy — says by 2030 wind power will supply just 10 per cent of electricity generation and solar will provide a measly 1.5 per cent. Nearly half the grid will be hogged by nuclear — effectively blocking renewables' expansion.

Renewable Energy News

June 26 Webinar to Explore Renewable Energy Project Leasing on Tribal Lands
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy, the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Tribal Energy Program, and the Western Area Power Administration will present the next Tribal Renewable Energy Series webinar, "Renewable Energy Project Leasing on Tribal Lands," on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
There is no charge to attend the webinar, but registration is required.
Register for the webinar.
Mapping the Renewable Energy Revolution

Nicholas Keyes, The World Bank
June 21, 2013
Pakistan encapsulates the renewable energy challenge faced by many developing and emerging countries. Despite abundant renewable resources -- including solar, wind, hydropower and biomass -- very little of this potential has been utilized. At the same time, about a third of the country's people do not have access to electricity.

All material provided on this channel is for educational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.

The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry



Nuclear Power makes climate change worse-1/2  

アップロード日: 2008/07/20
Amory Lovins: Expanding Nuclear Power Makes Climate Change W

Nuclear Power makes climate change worse-2/2  


Amory Lovins: A 50-year Plan for Energy  

公開日: 2014/02/24

In this intimate talk filmed at TED's offices, energy innovator Amory Lovins shows how to get the US off oil and coal by 2050, $5 trillion cheaper, with no Act of Congress, led by business for profit. The key is integrating all four energy-using sectors—and four kinds of innovation.
Amory Lovins was worried (and writing) about energy long before global warming was making the front -- or even back -- page of newspapers. Since studying at Harvard and Oxford in the 1960s, he's written dozens of books, and initiated ambitious projects -- cofounding the influential, environment-focused Rocky Mountain Institute; prototyping the ultra-efficient Hypercar -- to focus the world's attention on alternative approaches to energy and transportation.
His critical thinking has driven people around the globe -- from world leaders to the average Joe -- to think differently about energy and its role in some of our biggest problems: climate change, oil dependency, national security, economic health, and depletion of natural resources.
Lovins offers solutions as well. His new book and site, Reinventing Fire, offers actionable solutions for four energy-intensive sectors of the economy: transportation, buildings, industry and electricity. Lovins has always focused on solutions that conserve natural resources while also promoting economic growth; Texas Instruments and Wal-Mart are just two of the mega-corporations he has advised on improving energy efficiency.


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