Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary,
vehicle driver by Sinzou Abe.
Donkey,Foolish and Incompetent politician, Yoshihide Suga.
間抜けで、アホの無能な政治家 菅義偉 官房長官
Cf. No.1
Incompetent 無能な
Donkey 間抜けな
Cf. No.2
Kan→Can= 首にする との意味がある。:裏切るという意味。
Don菅:鈍感、 間抜けな菅ちが偉。
ミスター佞姦 菅義偉 : Mr Suga , a wicked man
Yoshihide Suga : 菅義偉:
Yoshihide Suga,
The cause. Office worker of the old corrugated cardboard collection business.
Now he becomes great and, with an embassy staff, speak a complaint to a french cartoon.
He was incompetent for the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.
Suga will be going to say about
that Shinzou Abe is donkey,monkey,foolish,crazy,or mad.
Which is he?
that Shinzou Abe is donkey,monkey,foolish,crazy,or mad.
Which is he?
Fukushima Cartoon From France Angers Japan
公開日: 2013/09/12
Fukushima Cartoon From France Angers Japan
In the week that Tokyo is awarded the 2020 Olympic Games, ministers are furious at the publication of a mocking French cartoon.
12:54pm UK, Thursday 12 September 2013
Video: Japan Angry Over French Cartoon
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Japan is to complain formally about a cartoon that appeared in a French weekly newspaper following the announcement that Tokyo is to host the 2020 Olympics.
The cartoon, carried in the satirical Le Canard Enchaine, shows two sumo wrestlers with extra limbs in front of the Fukushima nuclear plant.
In the background, an announcer says: "Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport."
Another cartoon shows people in protective clothing by the side of a pool.
"This cartoon hurts the feelings of those who suffered through the Great East Japan Earthquake," said government spokesman and chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga, referring to the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima nuclear plant and triggered the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
"It is inappropriate and gives a wrong impression of the Fukushima contaminated water issue. It is extremely regrettable."
An aerial view shows TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and its contaminated water storage tanks in Fukushima The Fukushima plant is 160 miles north of Tokyo
Mr Suga said Japan would lodge the complaint through the French embassy in Tokyo and that the foreign ministry had been directed to "thoroughly explain the situation" to avoid similar incidents.
Japan was angered last year after a French broadcaster used a composite picture that showed Japanese national soccer team goalie Eiji Kawashima with four arms and the caption "Fukushima Effect" about a save he made in a game between the two nations.
The broadcaster subsequently apologised.
Japan was chosen to host the 2020 Olympics at the weekend, beating Madrid, Spain, and Istanbul, Turkey, despite concerns about leaking radioactive water at the stricken Fukushima plant around 160 miles north of Tokyo.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that the situation was "under control".
Despite his assurances, the crisis appears to show no signs of ending.
Levels of tritium - considered one of the least harmful radioactive elements - spiked more than 15 times in groundwater near a leaking tank over three days this week, the operator of the plant has revealed.
Fukushima Cartoon From France Angers Japan
In the week that Tokyo is awarded the 2020 Olympic Games, ministers are furious at the publication of a mocking French cartoon.
12:54pm UK, Thursday 12 September 2013
Video: Japan Angry Over French Cartoon
Enlarge Email
Japan is to complain formally about a cartoon that appeared in a French weekly newspaper following the announcement that Tokyo is to host the 2020 Olympics.
The cartoon, carried in the satirical Le Canard Enchaine, shows two sumo wrestlers with extra limbs in front of the Fukushima nuclear plant.
In the background, an announcer says: "Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport."
Another cartoon shows people in protective clothing by the side of a pool.
"This cartoon hurts the feelings of those who suffered through the Great East Japan Earthquake," said government spokesman and chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga, referring to the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima nuclear plant and triggered the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
"It is inappropriate and gives a wrong impression of the Fukushima contaminated water issue. It is extremely regrettable."
An aerial view shows TEPCO's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and its contaminated water storage tanks in Fukushima The Fukushima plant is 160 miles north of Tokyo
Mr Suga said Japan would lodge the complaint through the French embassy in Tokyo and that the foreign ministry had been directed to "thoroughly explain the situation" to avoid similar incidents.
Japan was angered last year after a French broadcaster used a composite picture that showed Japanese national soccer team goalie Eiji Kawashima with four arms and the caption "Fukushima Effect" about a save he made in a game between the two nations.
The broadcaster subsequently apologised.
Japan was chosen to host the 2020 Olympics at the weekend, beating Madrid, Spain, and Istanbul, Turkey, despite concerns about leaking radioactive water at the stricken Fukushima plant around 160 miles north of Tokyo.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that the situation was "under control".
Despite his assurances, the crisis appears to show no signs of ending.
Levels of tritium - considered one of the least harmful radioactive elements - spiked more than 15 times in groundwater near a leaking tank over three days this week, the operator of the plant has revealed.
Japan Condemns French Fukushima Cartoon on 2020 Olympics
公開日: 2013/09/12
Japan condemns French weekly 'Le Canard Enchaine' for printing a satirical cartoon depicting sumo wrestlers with extra limbs, linking the Olympics to the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Full Story:
Japan plans to complain about a cartoon in a French weekly newspaper showing sumo wrestlers with extra limbs linking the Fukushima nuclear crisis to the Olympics.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga said on Thursday that the cartoon "hurts the feelings of all those affected by the March 11 disaster."
Tokyo won the right to host the 2020 summer Olympic Games after overcoming concerns about leaking radioactive water at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
Carried in the satirical Le Canard Enchaine, the cartoon shows two emaciated sumo wrestlers, each with an extra leg or arm, facing off with the Fukushima plant in the background.
An announcer is saying, "Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport."
An earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 wrecked the Fukushima plant, triggering the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
Japan plans to lodge a complaint through the French embassy in Tokyo and that the Foreign Ministry had been directed to "explain the situation fully" to avoid similar incidents.
Last year a French broadcaster used a composite picture that showed Japanese soccer team goalie Eiji Kawashima with four arms and the caption "Fukushima Effect" about a save he made.
The broadcaster subsequently apologized.
Japan was chosen as host for the 2020 Olympics on September 7, beating out Madrid and Istanbul.
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Full Story:
Japan plans to complain about a cartoon in a French weekly newspaper showing sumo wrestlers with extra limbs linking the Fukushima nuclear crisis to the Olympics.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga said on Thursday that the cartoon "hurts the feelings of all those affected by the March 11 disaster."
Tokyo won the right to host the 2020 summer Olympic Games after overcoming concerns about leaking radioactive water at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
Carried in the satirical Le Canard Enchaine, the cartoon shows two emaciated sumo wrestlers, each with an extra leg or arm, facing off with the Fukushima plant in the background.
An announcer is saying, "Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport."
An earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 wrecked the Fukushima plant, triggering the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
Japan plans to lodge a complaint through the French embassy in Tokyo and that the Foreign Ministry had been directed to "explain the situation fully" to avoid similar incidents.
Last year a French broadcaster used a composite picture that showed Japanese soccer team goalie Eiji Kawashima with four arms and the caption "Fukushima Effect" about a save he made.
The broadcaster subsequently apologized.
Japan was chosen as host for the 2020 Olympics on September 7, beating out Madrid and Istanbul.
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There is No Way to Stop Fukushima Radioactive Water Leaking Into the Pacific - Expert
Educate! Fukushima, Nuclear Energy
By Evgeny Sukhoi, www.voiceofrussia.com
August 11th, 2013
The rate at which contaminated water has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean from the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant is worse than previously thought, an Industry Ministry official said Wednesday as PM Shinzo Abe pledged to step up efforts to halt the crisis. The Voice of Russia contacted Arnold Gundersen, founder and president of Fairewinds Associates, to discuss the crisis and its possible solutions. The expert suggests radioactive material will continue to leak into the global seas unless the plant is surrounded with a trench filled with zeolite. Even then however, toxic material will still flow into the Pacific through underwater routes.
Is it possible to somehow make the wastewater storage basins waterproof and thus rule out leakage?
The horse is already out of the barn here. This plant’s been leaking for two years. And finally, now, the radioactive water has made it to the ocean. But my experience with underground water is that – if it is serious at the ocean, it is more serious as you move away from the ocean. So, spike of radiation continues to move to the ocean.
The Japanese are proposing putting in a barrier to prevent the water from entering the ocean. That is two years too late and will be too late by the time they construct that barrier. But the barrier also causes another problem. If the water can’t go anywhere into the Pacific Ocean, it is going to build up onsite, which means that the nuclear reactors themselves will become unstable. The water can pull underneath the nuclear buildings and if there is an earthquake, in fact the nuclear buildings could topple. So, by solving one problem, they are creating another problem.
Is it possible to somehow avoid that scenario?
The solution that I proposed two years ago was to surround the plant with a trench filled with material called zeolite. That’s just the volcanic ash. The volcanic ash is very good at absorbing radiation. But the solution isn’t to keep the water from getting out. The solution is to keep the water from getting in. So, outside the trench that they surround the plant, if they pull the water level down (the clean water outside the trench) that would prevent further water from leaking into the Daiichi site.
The japans haven’t been willing to spend the money. I approached them two years ago with this and I was told that Tokyo Electric doesn’t have the money to spend. But of course, the problem now is that we are contaminating the Pacific Ocean which is extraordinarily serious.
Is there anything that can be done with that, I mean with the ocean?
Frankly, I don’t believe so. I think we will continue to release radioactive material into the ocean for 20 or 30 years at least. They have to pump the water out of the areas surrounding the nuclear reactor. But frankly, this water is the most radioactive water I’ve ever experienced. I work directly over a nuclear reactor cores during refueling outages. And the water directly over a nuclear reactor core when the plant is operating is a thousand times less radioactive than this water. So, there is an extraordinary amount of water and even if they build the wall, ground waters enter the Pacific through underwater sources. It doesn’t have to run of the top of the surface into the Pacific. It can enter the underwater sources as well.
Domestically, do you expect the latest disclosures about Fukushima to delay decisions on reactivating Japanese nuclear power plants?
I think it should. I think the big problem is that the Japanese Government has not been honest with its people about the cost to clean up Daiichi. I think the cost to clean up just the site is going to be $100 billion. And the cost to clean up the prefecture of Fukushima is going to be another $400 billion.
The Japanese Government hasn’t told the people that they are on the hook for a half a trillion dollars. And I think if the japans people understood the magnitude of the damage a nuclear plant can create, they’d have had second thought about staring up the remaining nuclear plants because it could happen elsewhere. This is the most seismic place on the planet and to build a nuclear plant there is rather foolish.
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2013_08_07/There-is-no-way-to-stop-Fukushima-radioactive-water-leaking-into-the-Pacific-expert-5360/
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2013_08_07/There-is-no-way-to-stop-Fukushima-radioactive-water-leaking-into-the-Pacific-expert-5360/
Sinzou Abe is a big liar.
(Cf. The issue of Japanese contaminated water to watch in an overseas caricature)
Cartoon: Banzai! Incompetent Japan's government
my cartoon :You know what he say about ---
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon
歴史的な語源におけるカートゥーンとは、厚紙を意味するイタリア語「カートン」“cartone” あるいはオランダ語の“karton”に由来し、油絵のような絵画作品の制作に際し、紙の上に原寸大で描かれる下絵のことを意味する。カートゥーンは幾日にもわたる漆喰の上への彩色に際して、構成部分を正確に連結させるために、専らフレスコ画の制作に使用されていた。ラファエロやレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチのような画家によるカートゥーンは、それ自体が高い価値を持っている。
現代の出版業界におけるカートゥーンは、一般にユーモラスな傾向を備えたイラストレーションのことを指す。この用法は、1843年に風刺漫画雑誌『パンチ』が誌上での風刺画、とりわけジョン・リーチによるスケッチに用いて以来、現在に到るまで用いられている。これらの作品の第1作は、後の新ウェストミンスター宮殿の壮大な歴史フレスコ画下絵展示会を風刺したものであった。これらのイラストは、元来は「ミスター・パンチの鉛筆画集」 Mr Punch's pencillings と題されていたが、ウェストミンスターの政治家達の利己的な姿勢に対する皮肉として、新たな「カートゥーン」という題が導入された。
時事カートゥーン(Editorial cartoon)は、専ら報道出版物のみに掲載されるカートゥーンの一形態である。時事カートゥーンもまたユーモアを使用しているが、基本として反語や風刺の目的で、より真剣な調子で使われている。この表現は通常、社会的あるいは政治的な、もしくはその両方の時事問題における視点を描写する視覚的メタファーの役割を果たす。時事カートゥーンはしばしばフキダシを含み、時には複数のコマから構成されている。特筆すべき時事カートゥーン作家として、ハーブロックとマイク・ピーターズがいる。
コマ漫画と初期のアニメーション映画の表現手法上の類似性のために、「カートゥーン」という用語はアニメーションをも指すようになり、今日ではこの意味が用語カートゥーンの最も基本的な用法となっている。アニメーションにおけるカートゥーンは、通常はテレビや映画で上映され、動画として表示するため高速で連続表示される画像イメージとして制作される。この用法においては、単語カートゥーンは時にはトゥーン(Toon)と短縮される(この用語はアニメ『ルーニー・テューンズ』の転訛かもしれない。また、この用語は映画『ロジャー・ラビット』により広まった。有名なのが、アニメが登場人物を殺した時の新聞の見出し「TOON KILLS MAN」の文字であろう)。この用語はあらゆるアニメーション作品に適用可能であるが、多くの場合は子供向けの、擬人化された動物やスーパーヒーローが活躍したり、子供の主人公による冒険を特徴としたりするジャンルや、その他の類似するジャンルに対して最も頻繁に使用される。日本のアニメのように、西洋の伝統的なアニメーションの慣例に適合しないアニメーション作品は、概ね「カートゥーン」とは呼ばれないが、この状況は変化しつつある。同様に、子供に不適切な作品であることを明確にするために、多くの場合ポルノや18禁アニメのような成人向け作品に対してこの用語は用いられない。
最終更新 2013年6月13日 (木) 11:07
パンチ(Punch, or The London Charivari)は、ヘンリー・メイヒュー及びマーク・レモン、そして木版画家エビネザー・ランデルズにより、1841年7月17日に創刊されたイギリスの週刊風刺漫画雑誌である。
『パンチ』の創刊者達はフランスの日刊風刺新聞『ル・シャリヴァリ』 Le Charivari を見て、イギリスにも同様の雑誌を作ろうと考えた。その風刺的かつユーモラスな意図を反映して、彼らはその雑誌に、イギリスの大衆向けの伝統的な人形芝居「パンチとジュディ」(Punch and Judy)の主役であり、過激な言動で知られていたキャラクターであるミスター・パンチの名を冠して発行人に据え、またフランスの雑誌にあやかって「ザ・ロンドン・シャリヴァリ」と副題を添えた。現代の用語カートゥーンが漫画を意味する言葉となったのは、『パンチ』の功績である。
イギリス国外での『パンチ』の派生雑誌として、日本の横浜居留区で1862年にチャールズ・ワーグマンにより創刊された『ジャパン・パンチ』や、中国の『チャイナ・パンチ』、アメリカ合衆国の『パンチネロ』 (Punchinello) がある。『ジャパン・パンチ』は、日本における漫画の呼称の一つである、「ポンチ絵」の語源となった。
特筆すべき寄稿者として、ジョン・ベチェマン、A・P・ハーバート、A・A・ミルン、アンソニー・パウエル、ウィラード・R・エスピー、W・C・セラーとR・J・イェートマン、サッカレー、アルテムス・ウォード、P・G・ウッドハウスがいる。ジョン・テニエルは19世紀後半の常連寄稿者で、健康上の理由による数回の休載を除いては、50年間にわたり毎週1ページ全体を使った政治漫画を連載していた。『パンチ』は玉石混淆ながら、英語に幾つかの新たな語彙を付け加えた。 “the Diary of a Nobody'”や“1066 and All That”のような幾つかのイギリスユーモア小説の古典は、最初に『パンチ』で連載された。
パンチ (雑誌)
最終更新 2013年7月23日
A caricature is a rendered image showing the features of its subject in a simplified or exaggerated way.
In literature, a caricature is a description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others.[1]
Caricatures can be insulting or complimentary and can serve a political purpose or be drawn solely for entertainment. Caricatures of politicians are commonly used in editorial cartoons, while caricatures of movie stars are often found in entertainment magazines.
The term is derived from the Italian caricare—to charge or load. An early definition occurs in the English doctor Thomas Browne's Christian Morals, published posthumously in 1716.
- Expose not thy self by four-footed manners unto monstrous draughts, and Caricatura representations.
- When Men's faces are drawn with resemblance to some other Animals, the Italians call it, to be drawn in Caricatura
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caricature
Français: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%8Dka
Harvey Wasserman : Countdown to Nuclear Disaster
29 June 2011
Fukushima spews, Los Alamos burns,
Vermont rages, and we’ve almost lost Nebraska
By Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog / June 29, 2011
Humankind is now threatened by the simultaneous implosion, explosion, incineration, courtroom contempt, and drowning of its most lethal industry.
We know only two things for certain: worse is yet to come, and those in charge are lying about it -- at least to the extent of what they actually know, which is nowhere near enough.
But major breakthroughs have come from a Pennsylvania senator and New York’s governor on issues of evacuation and shut-down. And a public campaign for an end to loan guarantees could put an end to the U.S. industry once and for all.
FUKUSHIMA: The bad news continues to bleed from Japan with no end in sight. The “light at the end of the tunnel” is an out-of-control radioactive freight train, headed to the core of an endangered planet.
Widespread internal radioactive contamination among Japanese citizens around Fukushima has now been confirmed. Two whales caught some 650 kilometers from the melting reactors have shown intense radiation.
Plutonium, the deadliest substance known to our species, has been found dangerously far from the site.
Tokyo Electric and the Japanese government have admitted to three 100% meltdowns but can’t confirm with any reliability the current state of those cores. There’s reason to believe one or more have progressed to “melt-throughs” in which they burn through the thick stainless steel pressure vessel and onto the containment floor.
The molten cores may be covered with water. But whether they can melt further through the containments and into the ground remains unclear.
Possibilities may include a “China Syndrome” scenario in which one or more still-molten cores does melt through the containment and hits ground water. That could lead to a steam explosion that could blow still larger clouds of radioactive steam, water and debris into the atmosphere and ocean.
At least three explosions have occurred, one of which may have involved criticality.
There is no doubt at least two containments were breached very early in the disaster. Unit Four is cracked and sinking. The status of its used radioactive fuel pool, which has clearly caught fire, is uncertain. Also unclear is the ability of the owners to sustain the stability of Units Five and Six, which were shut when the quake/tsunami hit.
That stability depends on continued power to run cooling systems, which could disappear amid seismic aftershocks many believe are inevitable. A very substantial quake hit after the tremors that led to Indonesia’s devastating tsunami, and few doubt it could happen again -- soon -- at Fukushima.
All the above is dependent on reports controlled primarily by Tokyo Electric and the Japanese government. There is every reason to believe the situation is worse than it seems, and that those in charge don’t really know the full extent of the damage or how to cope with it.
Just five years ago a quake shut seven reactors at Kashiwazaki. The entire nation of Japan sits on a wide range of fault lines. Tsunami is a Japanese word.
Radiation from Fukushima has long since been detected throughout the northern hemisphere, with health effects that will be debated forever.
Some 50 reactors still operate in Japan. According to some, the Japanese public has the legal right to shut them all.
Let us pray they do. Yesterday.
LOS ALAMOS: A massive wildfire has swept at least to the outskirts of the national laboratory that was at the core of the program that built the Atomic Bomb.
The first explosion irradiated a nearby valley on July 16, 1945. Then came the two that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
There are significant quantities of stored radioactive material in and around Los Alamos. How much there is, where it is, how badly it is threatened, how much (if any) has already been engulfed in flames remains to be seen. Evacuations are underway.
Official reassurances are not reliable.
Nor are estimates of the potential for radioactive fallout to spread throughout North America and beyond.

The one thing certain here is the company’s contempt for the sanctity of its own word.
Years ago Entergy sought official permits at VY. It promised in return that the state could choose to shut the reactor on March 21, 2012, which it’s now done.
In recent years VY has spewed tritium into groundwater and the Connecticut River, in some cases from underground pipes whose existence the company denied. A cooling tower has collapsed.
But the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has extended the reactor's license and asked the federal Justice Department to intervene on behalf of the utility.
The request trashes any credibility retained by the NRC. The Commission was established in the mid 1970s to be a disinterested party on which the public could rely. For it to now take a partisan stand on behalf of a reactor owner it’s bound to regulate thoroughly contaminates the core of its existence.
Entergy has sued so it can buy some $65 million in radioactive fuel the people of Vermont do not want burned on their land.
This will go to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the future legal sanctity of any and all public contracts signed by any corporation, nuclear or otherwise, may be determined.
NEBRASKA: The flooding Missouri River continues to threaten at least two heartland reactors.
Late reports indicate Cooper may still be running, with public assurances it could be shut very quickly. What might happen if the operators are a little bit late has not been explained.
Nor is there much to go on about the impacts of flooded cores and fuel cooling ponds on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers or the eco-systems along the way to a Gulf of Mexico still reeling from BP’s toxic dose.
But an almost surreal set of circumstances surrounds the true nature of design specifications and protections in place (or not) at Ft. Calhoun.
They may be best summarized by what happened to a “flood berm” meant to protect Ft. Calhoun. This huge rubberized water-filled sausage was 16 feet at the base and eight feet high.
But CNN has quoted a company representative as saying that some sort of equipment “came in contact” with the berm and punctured it.
Not to worry: the “same level of protection is in place” as had been prior to the installation of the berm.
In other words, the device was installed to protect the reactor. Then somebody punctured it. But things are as they were before so they must not have needed that berm in the first place. Got it?
It’s as yet unclear whether flood waters will continue to rise at these two reactors, whether the operators can protect them, and what will happen if they can’t.
The corporate media is carrying virtually zero coverage of any of the above stories. All are subject to rapid, dangerous changes about which we may have little reliable information.
But we do know for sure that U.S. Senator Robert Casey, Jr. (D-PA) now wants to see more deeply into one of the key holes in the nuclear façade: evacuation.
After Three Mile Island’s 1979 partial melt-down, new federal legislation allegedly gave states more power over how to get people out of the path of a melting nuke.
But after an as-yet unopened Perry reactor was damaged by a 1986 earthquake, Ohio's then-Governor Richard Celeste sued to keep Perry shut pending a state evacuation study.
The NRC refused and won in federal court. Perry opened. Ohio’s official study then said evacuation was virtually impossible.
A quarter-century later, Casey wants to see what it might now take to move downwinders out of harm’s way from a TMI, Perry, Chernobyl, Fukushima, Vermont Yankee, Cooper, Ft. Calhoun... you name it.
Casey’s being joined by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, whose demands for the shut-down of Indian Point, 35 miles north of Manhattan, have left its owners “shaken.”
Cuomo and Casey might do well to join governors of states like Vermont, Massachusetts, California, and others in testing the law on evacuation planning. Populations have vastly increased at virtually all U.S. reactor sites since TMI. And the ugly realities that define the so-called “peaceful atom” are still making themselves all too apparent.
Whether the U.S. will now turn with Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, and others away from atomic power and toward a green-powered Earth is up to us. The Solartopian technologies of wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, ocean thermal, bio-fuels, increased efficiency, and conservation are now demonstrably cheaper, safer, cleaner, more reliable, more job-producing, and quicker to install than anything atomic energy can promise.
A $36 billion loan guarantee give-away still mars the proposed 2012 federal budget. Constant pressure on Congress and the White House can kill that, and any other proposed funding for still more of these nightmares.
The stream of reactor disasters spewing from this dying industry is certain to escalate. The toll rises with each leak at Fukushima, every flame at Los Alamos, each legal brief at Vermont Yankee, every foot of Nebraska floodwater.
The need to stop the madness grows more desperate every day.
[Harvey Wasserman edits the NukeFree.org website. His most recent book is Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth. His “Solartopia! Green-Power Hour” is at www.talktainmentradio.com every Wednesday, 8-9pm. Read more of Harvey Wasserman's writing on The Rag Blog.]
world and nuclear risks
Japan meltdown
Japanese Earthquake
Japans nuclear crisis worsens
Nuke Leaks
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