当時アメリカにおける対外的な慈善活動は海外事業篤志団アメリカ協議会(American Counsel of Voluntary Agency for Work Abroad)が担っていたが、その対象地域は欧州のみであり日本は含まれていなかった。そのため、日本に対する援助物資輸送のために新たな援助団体を設立する必要があった。反日感情が残るなかでの「アジア救援公認団体」認可に際しては知日派のキリスト友会員の協力によるところが大きい。
1946年11月30日 - 第一便 (ハワード・スタンズペリー号) が横浜港に到着。[1]
1946年12月24日 - 東京都の永田町小学校において贈呈式を実施。
1947年7月31日 - 衆議院本会議において感謝決議(救援物資の寄贈に関し亜細亜救援公認團体に対する感謝決議)を全会一致で可決。[4][注 1]
1948年 - 東京、大阪、名古屋、京都、横浜、神戸の6大都市の約300ヶ所の保育所でララ物資による給食が開始。
1952年 - ララ物資の終了。
(終了以降)1997年 - 外務省は第14回外交記録公開で受け入れ経緯などを示す史料、外務省記録「ラ・ラ(アジア救済連盟)関係雑集」を公開。[5]
奥須磨子 (2007年). “ララ物資のはなし 敗戦直後日本人への救援 (PDF)”. 東西南北2007. 和光大学. 2012年4月22日閲覧。
“第001回国会 本会議 第20号”. 国立国会図書館 (1947年7月31日). 2012年4月22日閲覧。
最終更新 2014年1月29日
Japan thanks U.S. relief agencies
In 1946 thousands of homeless war orphans roamed the rubble-filled city streets of Japan searching for food and shelter.
Under the banner of LARA (Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia), Lutheran World Relief, along with Church World Service, the Mennonite Central Committee, the Church of the Brethren, Catholic Relief Service and others, sent $400 million worth of relief goods between 1946 and 1952. Everything from live goats to powdered milk arrived in Japan in approximately 200 shiploads of supplies.
Fifty years later, the Japanese people have found a way to thank agencies involved. To commemorate the date on which the first shipments entered the port of Yokohama, the Japanese Council on Social Welfare held a thank-you event in Tokyo on Nov. 14.
Although LARA isn't a household acronym even in the United States, for the 15 million Japanese who received help, it was significant. "You lit such a light of hope and love in the dark, dark era after the war," the superintendent of a children's home told LARA participants at the event.
LARA meant 'love'
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto in a message to the celebration noted that as a schoolboy during the six years LARA operated in Japan, "LARA was a beautiful and sweet name that represented love and kindness."
Without LARA, I wouldn't be here today, said many Japanese hosts to the agency representatives who gathered in Tokyo. The secretary general of the Japanese council said the event was a thank-you but was also held to hand down "the spirit and precious memory of LARA to future generations of the Japanese people."
Under the banner of LARA (Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia), Lutheran World Relief, along with Church World Service, the Mennonite Central Committee, the Church of the Brethren, Catholic Relief Service and others, sent $400 million worth of relief goods between 1946 and 1952. Everything from live goats to powdered milk arrived in Japan in approximately 200 shiploads of supplies.
Fifty years later, the Japanese people have found a way to thank agencies involved. To commemorate the date on which the first shipments entered the port of Yokohama, the Japanese Council on Social Welfare held a thank-you event in Tokyo on Nov. 14.
Although LARA isn't a household acronym even in the United States, for the 15 million Japanese who received help, it was significant. "You lit such a light of hope and love in the dark, dark era after the war," the superintendent of a children's home told LARA participants at the event.
LARA meant 'love'
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto in a message to the celebration noted that as a schoolboy during the six years LARA operated in Japan, "LARA was a beautiful and sweet name that represented love and kindness."
Without LARA, I wouldn't be here today, said many Japanese hosts to the agency representatives who gathered in Tokyo. The secretary general of the Japanese council said the event was a thank-you but was also held to hand down "the spirit and precious memory of LARA to future generations of the Japanese people."
Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia
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