
1 of 3 - Guiding Light w/Nanowires-Total Internal Reflection ~ 3 of 3 - Guiding Light w/Nanowires - A Rail for Light

1 of 3 - Guiding Light w/Nanowires-Total Internal Reflection  

2007/12/21 にアップロード
In Part 1, Harvard Professor and Nanotech pioneer Eric Mazur introduces nanotechnology and explains why light bends as it moves from one substance to another. Now available on DVD in the "Talking Nano" 6-disc set http://www.talkingnano.net

2 of 3 - Guiding Light w/Nanowires-Total Internal Reflection

3 of 3 - Guiding Light w/Nanowires - A Rail for Light  

2007/12/21 にアップロード
In Part 3 of Guiding Light with Nanowires, Eric Mazur explains how nanofibers act like a "rail for light" - and how his work might lead to ultrafast computing in the future. Now available on DVD in the "Talking Nano" 6-disc set http://www.talkingnano.net

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