


2011/07/18 にアップロード
フィンランドの教育改革 学力世界一の秘密

Finland: an education phenomenon?

2012/04/22 に公開
Finland has been described as "an education phenomenon" but in reality it's just the kind of system that most public education advocates have argued in favour of for years - one where the teachers are highly respected and the emphasis is on equality not competition. In this video, Pasi Sahlberg, Director General of the Organisation for International Mobility and Cooperation (in the Ministry of Education) in Helsinki, addresses the 2012 AEU Federal Conference in Melbourne.

How Finland remains immune to the Global Educational Reform Movement  

2012/09/26 に公開
Speaker: Dr Pasi Sahlberg, Director General, Ministry of Education, Finland


2012/01/06 にアップロード
Charla de experta finlandesa sobre la Educación en su país, describe:
- Cifras y resultados del éxito
- Las claves del éxito de Finlandia en Educación
,-Las características de la Educación Básica, Media y Superior
- La formación y valoración del profesorado
Respondió a numerosas preguntas de los asistentes.

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