
Moringa Documentary

Moringa Documentary

公開日: 2012/05/09
The Moringa Documentary from the Discovery Channel 16 mi. 47 sec.

Discovery Channel - Moringa fights malnutrition  

アップロード日: 2010/11/22
The leaves of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) are a powerful tool for fighting malnutrition. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals -- especially vitamins A and C. They are also very high in protein and contain all of the essential amino acids, including two that are especailly important for children's diets.

This documentary segment from the Discovery Health Channel series Alternatives Uncovered is entitled Traditional Plants and Medicine . It features the work of Lowell Fuglie, with Church World Service in Senegal, and Trees for Life in India to spread awareness and use of Moringa among poor people in developing countries who are most at risk of malnutrition. It also includes an interview with Mark Olson, a botanist who has studied the different varieties of Moringa.

Moringa, an Ancient Tree of Life Used in Ancient Kamit / Egypt! Makes a Comeback!  

アップロード日: 2012/02/18
To get the highest quality Moringa Powder, Capsules, Tea and Oil I have found up to date, as well as a FREE Book "All Things Moringa" go to: http://allthingsmoringa.com

Presentation by: Moorpheus (Hakim Bey)

The Moringa tree is one of the most incredible plants I have ever encountered. This may sound sensationalist, but Moringa's nutritional and medicinal properties has the potential to end malnutrition, starvation, as well as prevent and heal many diseases and maladies worldwide. Moringa is truly a miracle plant, and a divine gift for the nourishing and healing of man. This plant has so many uses and special features, it is hard to know where to begin sharing what I have learned about this wonderful plant.
The most incredible thing about Moringa is the amount of nutritional and medicinal compounds found in this plant.

Moringa has 10 times the Vitamin A of carrots, ½ times the Vitamin C of oranges, 17 times the Calcium of milk, 15 times the Potassium of bananas, 25 times the Iron of spinach, and 9 times the Protein of yogurt!

Moringa also over 40 anti-oxidants and its nutrients are easily digested and assimilated by the human body. Moringa is said to contain 539 known compounds which according to traditional African and Indian medicine (Ayurvedic) is said to prevent of 300 diseases and maladies.
Moringa is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. The genus Moringa in turn is made up of 12 species (the "Tree of Life" is said to bear 12 many of fruit in the "Book of Revelations"). The species most common, and which is the main subject of this book is the species called "Moringa Oleifera." Moringa Oleifera is found in many tropical and sub-tropical regions. Moringa can be grown in the even the harshest and driest of soils, where barely anything else will grow. In fact, one of the nicknames of Moringa is "never die" due to its incredible ability to survive harsh weather and even drought.

Moringa Was Treasured in Ancient KMT (Egypt)

Moringa was found in the tomb of Maiherperi. Maiherperi was an Ancient Egyptian noble of Nubian origin buried in the Valley of the Kings, in tomb KV36. He probably lived during the rule of Thutmose IV, and received the honour of a burial in the Valley of the Kings, the royal necropolis. His name can be translated as Lion of the Battlefield, [1]. Amongst his titles were Child of the Nursery and Royal Fan-Bearer of the Right Hand Side. There is speculation that the first title signified that he grew up in the royal nursery as a prince of a vassal territory, or perhaps was the son of a lesser wife or concubine of the pharaoh.[2] He was among the first during the New Kingdom to hold the second title, and was literally true in that he was by the pharaoh's side, likely as an advisor or bodyguard.[3] This same title was also used to denote the Viceroys of Kush later in the New Kingdom.

From the Tomb of Maiherpri: 18th Dynasty

Jars, Vases & Bowls

This is especially significant, since the expensive oils which some of them held were usually among the first items to be stolen because they did not keep long. Some of the dockets attached to the jars indicated that they had contained b3k-oil, a very expensive commodity made from Moringa nuts. The calcite vase seen on the far right below in this plate still contained about three quarts of rancid oil when it was discovered.

Come and join us as we explore the properties of this" Tree of Life," as well as give thanks that we re-discovered it in this day and time!

For more information and FREE Book "All Things Moringa" go to: http://allthingsmoringa.com

MORINGA OLEIFERA TREE documentary part 1  

公開日: 2012/08/05
All about the moringa tree. Moringa seeds, moringa powder, moringa nutrition... http://miracletrees.org Moringa oleifera videos & info. Spread the Moringa seeds
Download or share moringa info at Moringa Network Forum. https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=d...


Moringa for Pregnant and Lactating Mother
Church World Service nutrition program in West Africa based in Dakar, Senegal and under Dr. Lowell J. Fuglie, has successfully used Moringa oleifera as a base to cure and prevent malnutrition in children, pregnant and lactating women. It is reported that usage of Moringa leaves brought improvement in malnourished children in just a few days.

It is known that good nutrition before pregnancy is important because of the amount of "resources" childbirth requires. The process of pre-pregnancy nutrition is a process of "building up" the immune system in preparation of pregnancy, and is known as being one of the major factors in determining the success rate of conceiving healthy children. Moringa products have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Having a well balanced diet during pregnancy is extremely important, as the diet is going to be directly related to the health of the fetus.

Thus, Moringa supplementation is essential to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients. All the pregnant women today are more conscious about their health during gestation yet their nutritional intake becomes less as they are prone to cravings, sickness, and lack of energy, which makes preparing the right foods even harder. So the need for the extra nutrient is increasing which becomes more effective when the intake is in the form of natural supplement. Pregnant women need more iron to make more hemoglobin for all that additional blood. They also need extra iron for their growing baby and placenta.

A new born baby has only three demands and they are the warmth in the arms of the mother, food from her breast and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breast feeding satisfies all the three. Breast milk contains several anti-infective factors such as bile salt stimulated lipase, lactoferrin and immunoglobulin. Breast milk protects against microorganisms. Demonstrations prove that the IQ averaging 7 points higher if they are breastfed. Infants exclusively breastfed have less chance of developing diabetes mellitus type 1. Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of allergies, respiratory and intestinal infections.

The term given an herb or food that increases the flow or production of breast milk is galactogogue. Moringa act as galactogogues and increases the flow or production of breast milk. The use of Moringa by the mother would create the ultimate breast milk made even more nutritious by the vast array of vital nutrients naturally available to the mother. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods. We all know instinctively that breast milk is the ultimate food prescribed by nature for the infant child and Moringa can be instrumental in helping mothers produce more of this precious food. To put it simply, if the mother is granted better health by ingesting Moringa ,all of her healthy benefits are passed on to the baby for a future of better health. The Moringa Leaves are incomparable source of the sulphur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine, which are often in short supply.

The natural constituents of Moringa leaves and fruit pods are nature's answer to helping mothers produce copious amounts of highly nutritious milk for their infants. It's very important for the newborn to get vital nutrients such as good fats (DHA and EPA) for brain development, immune system protectors, digestible protein, the amino acids argenine and histidine plus many others as soon as possible to start the process of total body development. Moringa leaf boosts your energy in a natural manner, and is a remarkable source of nutrition. This energy promotion does not happen because of sugar, so it is lasts for a long time. Mothers who took Moringa during pregnancy have experienced being able to produce milk much quicker after delivery verses those mothers who didn't.

MORINGA OLEIFERA TREE documentary part 2  

Moringa Oleifera from seed to tree - The complete guide to growing the superfood Moringa

公開日: 2013/08/03
A detailed description of how to grow Moringa from seed to a tree. This step by step guide will help you grow this superfood - Moringa Oleifera right in your own back yard.

Mechanized Harvest of High Density Moringa  

公開日: 2012/03/20
For more info, pls visit www.malunggay-propagation.com or email David : david.makin99@gmail.com

How to Dry Moringa and Make Green Powder - A New Raw Super Food  

アップロード日: 2010/11/02
John from http://www.okraw.com shows you how to harvest and dry moringa powder so it could be considered a raw food. Learn about the processing techniques that the industry uses to process morniga. You will also learn about interesting facts about moringa along the way.

The Moringa Truth! - Moringa Oleifera Health Benefits Explained

アップロード日: 2011/01/28

It's time to learn the truth about Moringa Oleifera health benefits.

Get the Moringa facts in the quick video and be sure to check out our sister company: The Moringa Company at the link above.

Holistik Health is dedicated to providing you with the world's best information and supplementation in regards to all things health and nutrition. We specialize in superfoods and superfood recipes with an emphasis on Moringa Oleifera and other world class superfoods.

As always, we invite you to leave your comments with us, Subscribe and connect with us at the links below. Enjoy and talk soon!

Website: http://www.TheMoringaProject.org
Shop: http://shop.themoringaproject.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/themoringapro...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Moringa_Project
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/themoringapr...
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/moringaproject

Malunggay Tree Farm  

アップロード日: 2011/05/03



モリンガ樹木の原産地はインドで、栄養価に優れた植物であることから遠く アフリカ及び東南アジアへ移植され、多くの地域で活用がなされています。    5000年の歴史あるインドの民間療法“アーユルヴェーダ:Ayurveda”は世界的にも知られており、その中にもモリンガ樹木の名称が記載されていて、 多くの病気の治癒(予防)に用いられてきた歴史があるようです。 



本格的に沖縄県内で栽培が始まったのは7年程前からで、その当時はモリンガという樹はもちろん、その名称さえ知らない人たちが大勢いました。 今でもモリンガを知っている人は未だ未だ多くはないと思いますが・・・・。




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