

小泉純一郎  政治とはこういうものだ。


【ニコニコ動画】小泉純一郎 元首相 2013.11.12

エネルギーシフトへの挑戦3 (エイモリー・ロビンスからのメッセージ)  





40 Years of Fossil Fuel Consequences  

公開日: 2013/11/01
Amory Lovins discusses what the oil embargo 40 years ago taught us about our fossil fuel habit, and how RMI has worked for 30+ years to end run institutional gridlock to create a clean, prosperous, and secure energy future.

For more information on RMI, please visit http://www.rmi.org

Special thanks to T3Media.com for archival footage.

Amory Lovins - Reinventing Fire, Berkeley Lab Distinguished Lecture

アップロード日: 2011/05/13

A prosperous, secure, and climate-stable world must shift from fossil fuels to efficient use and benign supply. The pieces of this puzzle are now falling into place in a detailed transdisciplinary synthesis underway at Rocky Mountain Institute for publication in September 2011. Existing and emerging technology, integrative design (often with expanding returns to investments in energy productivity), and aggressive but strategically advantageous market deployment can displace all U.S. oil and coal by 2050. Rather than requiring mandates and carbon pricing, this transition can be driven by new competitive strategies and business models supported by innovative public policies. Rapidly emerging shifts to platform-fit, electrified autos and to an efficient, diverse, distributed, renewable electricity system also offer important risk-management, security, and resilience benefits. In short, defossilizing fuels can be led by business for profit, with net-present-valued private internal benefits in the trillions of dollars.

Amory Lovins
Chairman and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute
Chairman Emeritus of Fiberforge Corporation

Physicist Amory Lovins is Chairman and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute and Chairman Emeritus of Fiberforge Corporation. His wide-ranging innovations in energy, security, environment, and development have been recognized by the Blue Planet, Volvo, Onassis, Nissan, Shingo, and Mitchell Prizes, MacArthur and Ashoka Fellowships, the Benjamin Franklin and Happold Medals, 11 honorary doctorates, honorary membership of the American Institute of Architects, Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts, Foreign Membership of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the Heinz, Lindbergh, Right Livelihood, National Design, and World Technology Awards. He advises governments and major firms worldwide on advanced energy and resource efficiency, has briefed 20 heads of state, and has led the technical redesign of more than $30 billion worth of industrial facilities in 29 sectors to achieve very large energy savings at typically lower capital cost. A Harvard and Oxford dropout, he has published 29 books and hundreds of papers and has taught at eight universities, most recently as a 2007 visiting professor in Stanford University's School of Engineering. In 2009, Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and Foreign Policy, one of the 100 top global thinkers.


RMI CEO on Our Commitment to Impact  

公開日: 2013/11/11
Listen to our new CEO Jules Kortenhorst explain why he is so excited to join the team at a moment when RMI is poised to drive incredible impact against the biggest and most urgent issue that humanity is facing—climate change.

Help us drive impact and donate today http://www.rmi.org/cleanenergyfuture



Nuclear: Fix or Folly?

アップロード日: 2009/11/04
Amory Lovins, Robert Rosner, and Peter Darbee discuss the role of nuclear in the energy equation during a plenary at RMI2009.



アップロード日: 2011/04/26
解説は "エイモリー・ロビンス:原子力は気候変動を悪化させる"
デモクラシー・ナウ へ
字幕翻訳 : 桜井まり子 / 校正 : 関房江
全体監修 : 中野真紀子

=========================                  =========================                         



放送日:  2008/7/16(水)
世界全体の原発の能力は2006年に微増しましたが、すべて設備の更新によるものであり、老朽施設の閉鎖が新設を上回ったと言います。 原発の能力増は太陽発電よりも少なく、風力の10分の1、マイクロ発電の40分の1でした。この年初めてマイクロ発電が原子力を抜き、世界の発電量の6分の1を占めるようになりました。マイクロ発電が総電力の半分に達する国もあります。世界一原発に熱心な中国でも、2006年末のマイクロ発電の能力は原発の7倍でした。
エイモリー・ロビンズ(Amory Lovins) コロラド州のNPO「ロッキーマウンテン研究所」の代表。1982年に同研究所を共同設立し、エネルギー・資源問題に関する旺盛な執筆活動をしている。世界8カ国の政府、米国の20の州政府にエネルギー政策を提言してきた。膨大な著作があり、『ソフト・エネルギー・パスから永続的な平和への道』、『ブリトルパワーから現代社会の脆弱性とエネルギー』、『スモール・イズ・プロフィタブル―分散型エネルギーが生む新しい利益』などが邦訳されている。http://www.ecostation.gr.jp/interview/1996/6.html

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