
Fight ground : Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy

Fight ground : Embarrassing

It is an embarrassing thing


アップロード日: 2010/04/27



公開日: 2014/03/06


ヴェルホーヴナ・ラーダ Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy


 ヴェルホーヴナ・ラーダウクライナ語: Верховна Рада)は、ウクライナ語で「最高議会」、「国会」のことを意味し、現在のウクライナ議会をさす。正式名は「ヴェルホーヴナ・ラーダ・ウクライィーヌィ」(ウクライナ語: Верховна Рада України、ウクライナ最高議会)。



最終更新 2014年2月22日

Свежайшая драка в Верховной Раде.New fighting in the Verkhovna

公開日: 2013/03/19

Ukrainian History: WWI to 2014 Revolution

公開日: 2014/02/22
A look at Ukraine's current unrest through the lens of modern historical events. As the dust settled after World War I, Ukraine was defeated and divided and the Soviets controlled much of the country. In 1922 Ukraine, along with Russia, became the founding members of the Soviet Union...

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Современная история Украины
Сучасна історія України
Ukraine (Country),Україна,Росія,Russia,Путін,Вік­тор Янукович,Юлія Тимошенко,Yulia Tymoshenko (Politician),Viktor Yanukovych,President,Президент,Віктор Ющенко,Euromaidan,protest,revolution,Віт­алій Кличко,vitali klitschko,Viktor Yushchenko,World War,WW,WWI,WWII,Soviet Union (Country),радянський Союз,deal,American,USA,угода,internation­al relations,history,news,politics,сделка,В­ладимир Путин,Vladimir Putin,Modern,Communism (Political Ideology),lenin,ленин,Сталин,stalin,batt­le,Kiev,Киев

...Then in 1932 the great famine began and up to 10 million Ukrainians starved to death. It was made worse by the policies of the new head of the communist party, Joseph Stalin.
Then came the Great Terror: Two waves of Stalinist political repression and persecution in the Soviet Union resulted in the killing of some 681,000 people; including 80 percent of the Ukrainian cultural elite and three-quarters of all the Ukrainian Red Army's higher-ranking officers.
Then came the outbreak of WWII.
German armies invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, beginning four straight years of non-stop total war. In the battle of Kiev, Axis troops encircled and laid siege to the capital city. More than 600,000 Soviet soldiers were killed or taken captive there.
The total losses inflicted upon the Ukrainian population during the war are estimated between five and eight million, including over half a million Jews killed by Nazi death squads, sometimes with the help of local collaborators.
Corruption under Ukraine's second president set the stage for the 2004 ascendence of then Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych to the Presidency in elections that the Ukrainian Supreme Court ruled were rigged.
Yanukovych was then thrown out of power in the peaceful Orange Revolution in favor of opposition leaders Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, who became President and Prime Minister. Yanukovych then regained the Prime Ministership in 2006, but lost a snap election just a year later that saw Tymoshenko become Prime Minister again. This map of those 2007 election results shows just how divided Ukraine is politically.
Then came the January 2009 natural gas crisis in which Russia stopped supplying gas to Ukraine in the middle of winter. Since Ukraine is itself the main supply route to much of Europe, this was a pretty big problem. Tymoshenko eventually signed an agreement to reopen the pipes, but not before Ukraine incurred major economic losses.
As a result of the political fallout, Yanukovych - who just does not go away - was elected President again in 2010. And in October, 2011, Tymoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison for abuse of office because she signed the natural gas deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In 2012 the European Union and Ukraine began negotiations for it to join the 28-nation group. President Viktor Yanukovych urged the parliament to adopt laws so that Ukraine would meet the EU's criteria.
Bringing us to the 3-month old Euromaidan protests which began at the end of 2013 when Yanukovych - who was feeling the economic pressure - abruptly suspended efforts to join the EU. He then turned around and signed an agreement with Putin, who offered $15 billion in financial aid and a 33% discount on Russian natural gas.
As a result, the protests have escalated and become more violent, with many now calling for the ouster of Yanukovych and a rejection of the Russian deal in favor of a complete embrace of Europe.
Yulia Tymoshenko is released from custody in Kharkiv
Parliament impeaches President Viktor Yanukovych
President Yanukovych wherabouts unknown after fleeing Kiev
Parliament appoints new speaker and interior minister
Protesters take over security in Kiev


公開日: 2014/02/27




大鵬 幸喜(たいほう こうき、1940年(昭和15年)5月29日 - 2013年(平成25年)1月19日)は、北海道川上郡弟子屈町川湯温泉(出生地は樺太敷香郡敷香町)出身の元大相撲力士。本名は納谷 幸喜(なや こうき)であるが、一時期は母親の再婚によって住吉 幸喜(すみよし こうき)と名乗っていたこともあった。

北海道での生活は母子家庭だったことから大変貧しく、母親の再婚によって住吉姓に改姓した。その再婚相手の職業が教師だったことから学校を毎年異動していたこともあり、しばらくは北海道各地を転々としていた。あまりの貧しさから大鵬自身が家計を助けるために納豆を売り歩いていた話は有名である。再婚相手とは大鵬が10歳の時に離婚したため、大鵬は納谷姓に戻った。 中学校卒業後は一般の同世代の若者と同じ中卒金の卵として北海道弟子屈高等学校定時制に通いながら林野庁関係の仕事をしていたが、1956年(昭和31年)に二所ノ関一行が訓子府へ巡業に来た時に紹介され、高校を中途退学して入門した。入門時に母親から反対されたが、親子で相撲部屋を見学した時に所属力士の礼儀正しさを見た叔父が母親を説得した。

最終更新 2014年3月3日




Cossacks (Ukrainian: козаки́, koza'ky; Russian: каза́ки, ka'zaki), are a group of predominantly East Slavic people who became known as members of democratic, semi-military communities,[1] predominantly located in Ukraine and in Southern Russia. They inhabited sparsely populated areas and islands in the lower Dnieper,[2] Don, Terek, and Ural river basins and played an important role in the historical and cultural development of both Russia and Ukraine.[3]
The origins of the first Cossacks are disputed, though the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk claimed Khazar origin.[4][5] The traditional post-imperial historiography dates the emergence of Cossacks to the 14th or 15th centuries, when two connected groups emerged, the Zaporozhian Sich of the Dnieper and the Don Cossack Host.[6]
The Zaporizhian Sich were a vassal people of Poland–Lithuania during feudal times. Under increasing social and religious pressure from the Commonwealth, in the mid-17th century the Sich declared an independent Cossack Hetmanate, initiated by a rebellion under Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Afterwards, the Treaty of Pereyaslav brought most of the Ukrainian Cossack state under Russian rule.[7] The Sich with its lands became an autonomous region under the Russian-Polish protectorate.[8]
The Don Cossack Host, which had been established by the 16th century,[9] allied with the Tsardom of Russia. Together they began a systematic conquest and colonisation of lands in order to secure the borders on the Volga, the whole of Siberia (see Yermak Timofeyevich), and the Yaik and the Terek Rivers. Cossack communities had developed along the latter two rivers well before the arrival of the Don Cossacks.[10]
By the 18th century, Cossack hosts in the Russian Empire occupied effective buffer zones on its borders. The expansionist ambitions of the empire relied on ensuring the loyalty of Cossacks, which caused tension given their traditional exercise of freedom, democratic self-rule, and independence. Cossacks, such as Stenka Razin, Kondraty Bulavin, Ivan Mazepa, and Yemelyan Pugachev, led major anti-imperial wars and revolutions in the Empire in order to abolish slavery and odious bureaucracy and to maintain independence. The Empire responded by ruthless executions and tortures, the destruction of the western part of the Don Cossack Host during the Bulavin Rebellion in 1707–1708, the destruction of Baturyn after Mazepa's rebellion in 1708,[11] and the formal dissolution of the Lower Dnieper Zaporozhian Host in 1775, after Pugachev's Rebellion.[12]
By the end of the 18th century, Cossack nations had been transformed into a special military estate (Sosloviye), "a military class".[13] Similar to the knights of medieval Europe in feudal times, the Cossacks came to military service having to obtain charger horses, arms, and supplies at their own expense. The government provided only firearms and supplies for them.[14] Cossack service was considered the most rigorous one.
Because of their military tradition, Cossack forces played an important role in Russia's wars of the 18th–20th centuries such as the Great Northern War, the Seven Years' War, the Crimean War, Napoleonic Wars, Caucasus War, numerous Russo-Turkish Wars, and the First World War. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Tsarist regime used Cossacks extensively to perform police service (for example, both to prevent pogroms and to suppress the revolutionary movement, especially in 1905–7).[15] They also served as border guards on national and internal ethnic borders (as was the case in the Caucasus War).
During the Russian Civil War, Don and Kuban Cossacks were the first nations to declare open war against the Bolsheviks. By 1918, Cossacks declared the complete independence of their nations and formed the independent states, the Ukrainian State, the Don Republic, and the Kuban People's Republic. The Cossack troops formed the effective core of the anti-Bolshevik White Army, and Cossack republics became centers for the Anti-Bolshevik White movement. With the victory of the Red Army, the Cossack lands were subjected to Decossackization and the man-made famine of 1932–33 (Holodomor). After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Cossacks made a systematic return to Russia. Many took an active part in Post-Soviet conflicts and Yugoslav Wars. In Russia's 2010 Population Census, Cossacks have been recognized as an ethnicity.[16] There are Cossack organizations in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland, and the United States.[17][18][19]





17世紀後半から18世紀にかけてロシアに対しドン・コサックは、ラージンの乱1670年 - 1671年)、ブラヴィンの乱ロシア語版英語版プガチョフの乱1773年 - 1775年)などを起こしたが、いずれもロシア軍によって鎮圧された結果、ドン・コサックは完全にロシアの体制に取り込まれた。一方、ザポロージャ・コサックは大北方戦争の際にロシアに反発したり、コサック国家の近代化によって自国存続を強く意識したりしていたので、18世紀末に「分離主義者」としてロシア帝国によって滅亡させられた。


近世のポーランドの学者によれば、「コザーク」は、ウクライナ語の「コザー」(山羊)に由来している。理由は、コサックが山羊のように身動きが軽くて素早いであること、[8] また、コサックが野生の山羊を狩猟していたこと[9]からであるという。








ロシア連邦で「ロシアの国土を広げ、それを守る愛国者」と見直しは進められ、プーチン政権におけるロシア軍の「愛国主義養成プログラム」では「コサックの歴史」の学習が軍の幹部養成学校では必須となった[10]。現在[いつ?] 、ロシアで自ら「コサック」と名乗っている人は300万人。プーチンとロシアを熱烈に支持している。チェチェンなどの紛争にも積極的に参加している[11]。ロシア正規軍への志願とは別に義勇兵として戦地に赴くことに彼らの特徴がある。

最終更新 2014年2月3日


Warrior heritage of Ukrainian Cossacks  

アップロード日: 2010/09/10
Images of Ukrainian Cossacks warrior culture, including Zaporozhian and Kuban Cossacks, Ukrainian cossack music: Ihav, Ihav kozak mistom; Oi, u poli verba; Oi, na gori ta i zhenci zhnut' ... Їхав, їхав козак містом, Ой, у полі верба, Ой, на горі та й женці жнуть ...

Cossacks WW2

アップロード日: 2011/10/13
Cossacks in fight against bolshevism in WW2


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