Suikinkutsu (Japanese garden)
公開日: 2012/03/03
suikintsu : myoushinn-Ji Temple (Kyoto)
when you can't sleep
to help you sleep
when you can't sleep
to help you sleep
Hands On (Japan version) Suikinkutsu Part 3 of 5
アップロード日: 2009/07/24
Suikinkutsu means a water harp hollow in Japanese. It is a jar buried in the corner of the garden and it makes music-like sound generated by water drips. The film finds a practice in which Japanese people show their love of nature.
Momentism 2: Suikinkutsu (water chime) at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto
アップロード日: 2010/07/31
アップロード日: 2009/07/31
松山城二之丸史跡庭園 水琴窟 Water harp
アップロード日: 2011/03/30
Suikinkutsu Cafe ( Shinnyodo Temple ) Kyoto Japan 2011 Nov 29
アップロード日: 2011/11/29
水琴窟 :Wikipedia
Momentism 2: Suikinkutsu (water chime) at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto
アップロード日: 2010/07/31
A few minutes of quietude all alone at Enko-ji Temple, Kyoto. Then, a listen at the suikinkutsu at this temple. A suikinkutsu is a very large ceramic pot buried under a water source of some kind, which allows water to slowly drip down through pebbles and into the water in the pot, where the drops resonate with a sound akin to a "fuurin" bell, a sound that is esthetically pleasing, especially in summer.
also, I want you to know that there is a website called "suikinkutsu forum" where you can learn all about them.
also, I want you to know that there is a website called "suikinkutsu forum" where you can learn all about them.
アップロード日: 2009/07/31
水の星ならではのおもてなしです、短い時間ですがミステリアスな 音色をお楽しみください。
水の星ならではのおもてなしです、短い時間ですがミステリアスな 音色をお楽しみください。
松山城二之丸史跡庭園 水琴窟 Water harp
アップロード日: 2011/03/30
音は別録 Natural sound,Water harp.
Location;Matsuyama Castle Ninomaru Historic Garden
Location;Matsuyama Castle Ninomaru Historic Garden
Suikinkutsu Cafe ( Shinnyodo Temple ) Kyoto Japan 2011 Nov 29
アップロード日: 2011/11/29
Handicap people helping project . Handicap people work in here , baking cakes , serve tea , sell their handmade goods . And their smile are remarkable .
水琴窟 :Wikipedia
水琴窟工房 長棟造園
最終更新 2013年3月21日 (木) 02:12
A suikinkutsu (水琴窟 , literally "water koto cave") is a type of Japanese garden ornament and music device. It consists of an upside down buried pot with a hole at the top. Water drips through the hole at the top onto a small pool of water inside of the pot, creating a pleasant splashing sound that rings inside of the pot similar to a bell or a Japanese zither called koto. It is usually built next to a traditional Japanese stone basin called chōzubachi, part of a tsukubai for washing hands before the Japanese tea ceremony.
Traditional construction
Constructing a suikinkutsu is more difficult than it looks, because all components have to be finely tuned with each other to ensure a good sound. The most important piece of a suikinkutsu is the jar, the upside down pot buried underground. Initially, jars that were readily available for storage of rice or water were utilized for the construction of a suikinkutsu. Both glazed and unglazed ceramic jars can be used. Recently, metal suikinkutsu have also become commercially available. Unglazed jars are considered best, as the rough surface aids in the building of drops. The height ranges from 30 cm to 1 m, and the diameter from 30 cm to 50 cm. The hole at the top has a diameter of circa 2 cm. Similar to a bell, the jar of a good suikinkutsu will ring when struck. A jar producing a good sound will create a good sounding suikinkutsu. Similarly, a cracked jar, like a cracked bell, will not produce a good sound.
The suikinkutsu usually rests on a bed of gravel underground. The base underneath the jar is sometimes mortared to keep the water, and sometimes consists only of soil as for example clay. The drainage pipe makes sure that the water level in the suikinkutsu does not rise too high. Sometimes ceramic tiles are also used on the sides of the jar. Fist size stones are on top of the suikinkutsu to cover the jar completely. Traditionally suikinkutsu are always found near a hand wash basin chōzubachi used for the Japanese tea ceremony, and the suikinkutsu is buried between the basin and the stepping stone next to the basin. The designs and materials used for a suikinkutsu also vary widely, often depending on the local region.
Usually, only a single jar is buried underneath a chōzubachi Japanese stone basin. However, in some rare cases there may also be two suikinkutsu adjacent to each other in front of the same chōzubachi. Such a double installation can be found for example in front of the Iwasaki Castle, Nisshin city, Aichi Prefecture, in the campus of the Takasaki Art Center College, Takasaki, Gunma prefecture, or in Kyoto University, Kyoto. However, having two openings about 50 cm apart means that it is difficult to cover the ergonomic best spot for washing hands with both openings. Thus, the creation of the sound is usually done intentionally by splashing water over the two designated spots, rather than accidentally by washing hands. Suikinkutsu with more than two jars may also be possible, although no reference for this is available.
See also
Shishi odoshi
Suikinkutsu "Water Chimes"
Jem Finer on his new composition - The Guardian
External links
What is a Sui-kin-kutsu?
Suikinkutsu Construction Details
Japan Suikinkutsu Forum
Suikinkutsu-inspired sculptures from American artist Ungenda
This page was last modified on 20 February 2013 at 13:41.
Suikinkutsu Construction Details
Last Updated: 5/20/2000
The suikinkutsu is usually built in conjunction with a chozubachi or tsukubai water basin arrangement. When the stone basin is used, water flows underground into a ceramic echo chamber partly filled with water. The sound of water resonates, is amplified, and is reflected back to the garden above. The construction of this chamber is extremely complex and involves balancing the amount of water, shape, material and size of the chamber, diameter of the opening and size of the pipe leading away.
It is thought this technique developed concurrently with the chozubachi in the mid-Edo period. The suikinkutsu enjoyed a period of popular revival during Meiji (1868-1912) before almost disappearing. The present word, literally meaning "water harp chamber," was also coined at this time. The suikinkutsu has enjoyed a second revival in recent years, often being constructed without the stone basin above, simply to be enjoyed for echoing sound of dripping water. Yoshikawa points out, however, that these are not really suikinkutsu in a strict sense as suikinkutsu are always auxiliary to tsukubai. In other words, the sound is thought to be pleasing precisely because the source is not readily apparent. This tension is lost if the suikinkutsu itself becomes the main attraction.
For further reference:
Hirayama Katsukura, "Suikinkutsu ni tsuite," Zoen Zasshi, 1959, v. 22, no. 3. Yoshikawa Isao, Elements of Japanese Gardens, trans by Christopher Witmer, Tokyo: Graphic-sha, 1990, pp 93-94. Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku Zoen Gakka, Zoen Yogo Jiten, Tokyo: Shokokusha, 1985, p 281.
©1996-2002, Robert Cheetham; ©2013 Japanese Garden Research Network, Inc.
American Suikinkutsu - public art at Cascade Valley Hospital in Arlington, WA
アップロード日: 2010/05/21
Artists: Tom Mattausch and Garth Murray
Media: concrete, blown glass, steel, water
Media: concrete, blown glass, steel, water
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