
Laurel ゲッケイジュ

Laurus nobilis (with translation text)  

アップロード日: 2010/10/24
More information??? Review:
· Plants for a Future: http://www.pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?L...
· GRIN Taxonomic Information: http://www.pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?L...

Contact: officinalis.com@gmail.com


アップロード日: 2011/09/26
(Laurus nobilis)
El Laurel ha estado vinculado desde la antigüedad al triunfo. Los emperadores romanos eran coronados con Laurel y a los vencidos en un combate también se les coronaba con él. Cuando Jesucristo hizo su entrada en Jerusalén, se le recibió con palmas y Laurel.
Esta planta tan conocida sobre todo en el Mediterráneo, se ha cultivado en el norte de Europa desde siempre.
El sabor y el aroma del laurel son básicamente balsámicos con un toque de fresco, dulce y picante. Se usan en adobos con vinagre, porque así se suaviza el sabor.
En la cocina se utiliza mucho en todos los países europeos en: adobos de pescados azules, marinadas, verduras en vinagre, ramitos de hierbas para caldos, guisos, en la bechamel, natillas.
La planta
Crece silvestre en forma de arbusto, sino se podara llegaría con los años a crecer como un árbol. Sus hojas son perennes, de color vede oscuro y sus diminutas flores son muy aromáticas.
Partes de la planta utilizadas
Se usan tanto las hojas secas como tiernas, aunque como casi siempre lo utilizamos es con las hojas seca, que es cuando el sabor es más suave. Las hojas tiernas son muy amargas y sólo se usan en adobos con vinagre, porque así se suaviza el sabor. También se utilizan sus frutos.
Indicaciones y usos medicinales del Laurel
Componentes Activos Hojas: aceite esencial, cineol, engenol, lactona sesquiceneol, taninos.
Componentes Activos Frutos: aceite esencial: cineol, pineno, linalol, geraniol, rabinero, limonelo, caufeno, p-cimeno; lactonas sesquitérpénicas; glicéridos de los ácidos láuricos, oleico, palmico, linoléico.
Propiedades: anorexia, dispepsias, espasmos gastrointestinales, meteorismo, bronquitis, enfisema pulmonar, asma.
Las infusiones con 3 hojas, se deja hervir 10 min. y luego reposar. Se toma 2 veces al día antes o después de las comidas.
Inflamaciones osteoarticulares y pediculosis
Se pone la manteca o aceite de laurel directamente sobre las articulaciones.


Skip Laurel and Landscape Plants Pa NJ NY

アップロード日: 2008/07/15
Skip Laurel and landscape plants we deliver to most East Coast States.

We deliver and plant to most Eastern States. See our web site at seedlingsrus.com or call us at 215 651 8329
Highland Hill Farm welcomes you to our store for the purchase trees, plants, and shrubs. Order Seedlings, shrubs, or large trees from us. Call us to discuss your plant needs. We help the beginners to find the best seedlings and plants. We offer advice on types to buy for those who want to start to grow nursery stock. On our farms we raise and sell nursery stock from seedlings to large caliber trees.


We also offer information on the web about our seedlings , and how to CARE for seedlings and nursery stock . If you buy your seedling from us you will have access to the free use of our planters. We have three types available for use and have had years of experience in planting seedlings. Our planting equipment is located in Fountainville Pa. (near Doylestown) and Milan Pa. We also provide a service to supply and plant Seedlings. We are dedicated to helping you with your plant needs. You will find ARTICLES we have written to help you and explain how we do what we do. We will be glad to assist you. We welcome everyone to come to our farm, if we have time we will give you a tour and show you how we built up our nursery. There are no trade secrets to our operation and we feel that in helping you we will become sharper ourselves. Our phone number is 215 651 8329.

We have thousands of plants for you to see and always have hundreds ready for you to pickup. From 2' to 15' we have inventory balled and burlapped. Don't worry about driving long distances to get to us. We are easy to get to near Phila., on a major road, Rt. 313 in Fountainville Pa.. We want to move our stock and will make sure that you go home a happy camper. If you are coming from a long distance, we will give away free inventory that is surplus to our needs. One of our fields is being converted into ball and soccer fields. Stock in this field will go cheap. We will stay open til the last dog dies or we sell out. I think we have more stock than what we possibly can sell.
Here are some of the areas we cover:
Adams County, Clinton County, Lackawanna County, Pike County Allegheny County, Columbia County, Lancaster County, Potter County Armstrong County, Crawford County, Lawrence County, Schuylkill County Beaver County, Cumberland County, Lebanon County, Snyder County Bedford County, Dauphin County, Lehigh County, Somerset County Berks County, Delaware County, Luzerne County, Sullivan County Blair County, Elk County, Lycoming County, Susquehanna County Bradford County, Erie County, McKean County, Tioga County Bucks County, Fayette County, Mercer County, Union County Butler County, Forest County, Mifflin County, Venango County Cambria County, Franklin County, Monroe County, Warren County Cameron County, Fulton County, Montgomery County, Washington County Carbon County, Greene County, Montour County, Wayne County Centre County, Huntingdon County, Northampton County, Westmoreland County Chester County, Indiana County, Northumberland County, Wyoming County Clarion County, Jefferson County, Perry County, York County Clearfield County, Juniata County, Philadelphia County



ゲッケイジュ(月桂樹、学名:Laurus nobilis)は、クスノキ科の常緑高木。


葉にはシネオールと呼ばれる芳香成分が含まれ、葉を乾燥させたものをローリエフランス語: laurier)、ローレル(英語: laurel)、ベイリーフ(英語: bay leaf)などと呼び、香辛料として広く流通している。 民間伝承として、ローリエには以下のような効用があるとされる。




ゲッケイジュ(ゲッケイヨウ/ベイリーフ/ローレル) - 「健康食品」の安全性・有効性情報(国立健康・栄養研究所2012年2月8日閲覧。

最終更新 2013年3月16日 (土) 06:19


ゲッケイジュ Laurus nobilis クスノキ科 ゲッケイジュ属)







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