自然放射線(しぜんほうしゃせん)とは、人間の活動が無くても自然界にもともと存在している放射線の総称である[1]。 自然放射線による被曝の内、人間の活動により増幅された放射線による被曝は人工被曝に分類される場合もある。 原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)による被曝の分類を参照。
自然放射線の分類方法は幾通りもある。例えば、その起源に着目して分類するならば、(1)宇宙線 (2)天然放射性核種(主に原始放射性核種)からの放射線の二つに分類することができる[1]。
人間が受ける自然の放射線による被曝の内訳は、宇宙線から年間ほぼ390 μSv(=マイクロシーベルト・= 0.39 mSv)、地殻・建材などからの自然放射性核種から年間480 μSv(= 0.48 mSv)の外部被曝を受けている[2][3]。そして体内に存在している自然放射性核種(カリウム40、炭素14)から年間ほぼ290 μSv(= 0.29 mSv)の内部被曝を受けている。これらに加え、空気中に含まれているラドンから年間約1260μSv(= 1.26 mSv)の被曝を受けている。合わせて世界平均として自然界から年間2400μSv(= 2.4 mSv)前後の被曝を受けていることになる[4][5]。
(ただ、日本においてはより少なく元々は年間1400μSv(= 1.4 mSv)とされている(1988年推定)>[6]。)
自然放射線のうち、自然放射性核種(天然放射性核種)からのものに着目すると、《体内被曝》および《地殻からの体外被曝》がそれに相当し[7]、その大部分はカリウム40によるものである。カリウムという元素は環境中に多量に存在していて生物にとって重要な元素であり、カリウム40は天然に存在するカリウムのうちの0.01%強を占めているため、生物がカリウムを取り込む時に必ずカリウム40が体内に摂取される[7]。カリウム40に次ぐ被曝をもたらしている自然放射性核種は、ラドンの核種[注 1]である[7]。
宇宙から飛来する放射線の量とされる数値は資料によって異なっており、市川の文献では年間ほぼ300 μSv(= 0.3 mSv)、ジョゼフ・ヴァイスの文献では年間2.5 mSv(= 2,500 μSv)[8]、『放射線利用の基礎知識』では0.39 mSv(= 390 μSv)[9]などとされる。
成田-ニューヨーク間の往復の飛行では、0.2 mSv(= 200 μSv)の放射線を受けるといわれている[11]。また、成田-ニューヨーク間を搭乗する航空機乗務員に実際に被ばく線量計を装着させて実測したところ、年に800-900時間搭乗すると被ばく線量は年間約3 mSv(= 3,000 μSv)になるという報告がある[12]。
地球磁気圏内である高度400km前後の上空で周回する国際宇宙ステーション滞在中の宇宙飛行士の被曝線量は、1日当たり1 mSv(= 1,000 μSv)程度となる[13]。地球磁気圏外の宇宙空間でも同様に被曝線量は1日当たり1 mSv(= 1,000 μSv)程度と言われている[14]。
地下からは大地に含まれる放射性物質から、年間0.48 mSv(= 480 μSv)程度[9]の放射線が発生している。これは地下になると強まるために、例えばトンネル内では放射線が僅かに強くなる。
人が日ごろ口にする水や食物にも極微量の放射性核種が含まれているために、常に体内被曝しているといえる。この被曝量は市川の文献では、年間ほぼ250 μSv(= 0.25 mSv)である[7]、『放射線利用の基礎知識』では年間0.29 mSv(= 290 μSv)程度[9]とされている。
空気からも年間1.26 mSv(= 1,260 μSv)[9]の被曝がある。地球内部から漏れ出て自然に存在するラドンなどの気体がその微弱な放射源である。空気中からのラドンなどの放射性物質の摂取は、呼吸器系に影響を及ぼし、肺癌などのリスク要因になりうるとして、世界保健機関では屋内ラドン濃度が100ベクレル/m3未満に低減するよう注意を呼びかけている[21]。
・バナナ等価線量 バナナが強い自然放射線を出すことを利用した指標
最終更新 2013年4月11日 (木) 14:29
<大項目> 放射線影響と放射線防護
<中項目> 環境中の放射能
<小項目> 環境放射能の種類
自然放射線(能) (09-01-01-01)
2004年02月 (本データは原則として更新対象外とします。)
1.1 一次宇宙線
1.2 二次宇宙線
2.1 原始放射性核種からの放射線
2.2 原始放射性核種以外からの放射線
図1 自然放射線とその起源
・図表を一括してダウンロードする場合は ここをクリックして下さい。
放射能 (08-01-01-03)
天然の放射性核種 (09-01-01-02)
自然放射線による被ばく (09-01-05-04)
世界における自然放射線による放射線被ばく (09-01-05-05)
インドの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-02)
ブラジルの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-03)
宇宙線の発見 (16-02-01-02)
放射線の分類とその成因 (08-01-01-02)
<大項目> 放射線影響と放射線防護
<中項目> 環境中の放射能
<小項目> 環境放射能の種類
自然放射線(能) (09-01-01-01)
2004年02月 (本データは原則として更新対象外とします。)
1.1 一次宇宙線
1.2 二次宇宙線
2.1 原始放射性核種からの放射線
2.2 原始放射性核種以外からの放射線
図1 自然放射線とその起源
・図表を一括してダウンロードする場合は ここをクリックして下さい。
放射能 (08-01-01-03)
天然の放射性核種 (09-01-01-02)
自然放射線による被ばく (09-01-05-04)
世界における自然放射線による放射線被ばく (09-01-05-05)
インドの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-02)
ブラジルの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-03)
宇宙線の発見 (16-02-01-02)
放射線の分類とその成因 (08-01-01-02)
<大項目> 放射線影響と放射線防護
<中項目> 環境中の放射能
<小項目> 環境放射能の種類
自然放射線(能) (09-01-01-01)
2004年02月 (本データは原則として更新対象外とします。)
1.1 一次宇宙線
1.2 二次宇宙線
2.1 原始放射性核種からの放射線
2.2 原始放射性核種以外からの放射線
図1 自然放射線とその起源
・図表を一括してダウンロードする場合は ここをクリックして下さい。
放射能 (08-01-01-03)
天然の放射性核種 (09-01-01-02)
自然放射線による被ばく (09-01-05-04)
世界における自然放射線による放射線被ばく (09-01-05-05)
インドの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-02)
ブラジルの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-03)
宇宙線の発見 (16-02-01-02)
放射線の分類とその成因 (08-01-01-02)
Background radiation
Background radiation is the ubiquitous ionizing radiation that people on the planet Earth are exposed to, including natural and artificial sources.
Both natural and artificial background radiation varies by location.
Average annual human exposure to ionizing radiation (millisievert)
2004年02月 (本データは原則として更新対象外とします。)
1.1 一次宇宙線
1.2 二次宇宙線
2.1 原始放射性核種からの放射線
2.2 原始放射性核種以外からの放射線
図1 自然放射線とその起源
・図表を一括してダウンロードする場合は ここをクリックして下さい。
放射能 (08-01-01-03)
天然の放射性核種 (09-01-01-02)
自然放射線による被ばく (09-01-05-04)
世界における自然放射線による放射線被ばく (09-01-05-05)
インドの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-02)
ブラジルの高自然放射線地域における住民の健康調査 (09-02-07-03)
宇宙線の発見 (16-02-01-02)
放射線の分類とその成因 (08-01-01-02)
Background radiation
This article is about ionizing radiation. For microwave background radiation from space, see cosmic background radiation and cosmic background. Thermal radiation emitted by Earth is not considered in this category because it is not ionizing.
The weather station outside of the Atomic Testing Museum on a hot summer day. Displayed background gamma radiation level is 9.8 μR/h (0.82 mSv/a) This is very close to the world average background radiation of 0.87 mSv/a from cosmic and terrestrial sources.
Background radiation is the ubiquitous ionizing radiation that people on the planet Earth are exposed to, including natural and artificial sources.
Both natural and artificial background radiation varies by location.
Average annual human exposure to ionizing radiation (millisievert)
Natural background radiation
Radioactive material is found throughout nature. Detectable amounts occurs naturally in the soil, rocks, water, air, and vegetation, from which it is inhaled and ingested into the body. In addition to this internal exposure, humans also receive external exposure from radioactive materials that remain outside the body and from cosmic radiation from space. The worldwide average natural dose to humans is about 2.4 millisievert (mSv) per year.[1] This is four times more than the worldwide average artificial radiation exposure, which in the year 2008 amounted to about 0.6 mSv per year. In some rich countries like the US and Japan, artificial exposure is, on average, greater than the natural exposure, due to greater access to medical imaging. In Europe, average natural background exposure by country ranges from under 2 mSv annually in the United Kingdom to more than 7 mSv annually in Finland.[4]
The biggest source of natural background radiation is airborne radon, a radioactive gas that emanates from the ground. Radon and its isotopes, parent radionuclides, and decay products all contribute to an average inhaled dose of 1.26 mSv/a. Radon is unevenly distributed and varies with weather, such that much higher doses apply to many areas of the world, where it represents a significant health hazard. Concentrations over 500 times higher than the world average have been found inside buildings in Scandinavia, the United States, Iran, and the Czech Republic.[5] Radon is a decay product of uranium, which is relatively common in the Earth's crust, but more concentrated in ore-bearing rocks scattered around the world. Radon seeps out of these ores into the atmosphere or into ground water or infiltrates into buildings. It can be inhaled into the lungs, along with its decay products, where they will reside for a period of time after exposure.
Although radon is naturally occurring, exposure can be enhanced or diminished by human activity, notably house construction. A poorly sealed basement in an otherwise well insulated house can result in the accumulation of radon within the dwelling, exposing its residents to high concentrations. The widespread construction of well insulated and sealed homes in the northern industrialized world has led to radon becoming the primary source of background radiation in some localities in northern North America and Europe.[citation needed] Since it is heavier than air, radon tends to collect in basements and mines. Basement sealing and suction ventilation reduce exposure. Some building materials, for example lightweight concrete with alum shale, phosphogypsum and Italian tuff, may emanate radon if they contain radium and are porous to gas.[5]
Radiation exposure from radon is indirect. Radon has a short half-life (4 days) and decays into other solid particulate radium-series radioactive nuclides. These radioactive particles are inhaled and remain lodged in the lungs, causing continued exposure. Radon is thus the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, and accounts for 15,000 to 22,000 cancer deaths per year in the US alone.[6][better source needed]
About 100,000 Bq/m3 of radon was found in Stanley Watras's basement in 1984.[7][8] He and his neighbours in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, United States may hold the record for the most radioactive dwellings in the world. International radiation protection organizations estimate that a committed dose may be calculated by multiplying the equilibrium equivalent concentration (EEC) of radon by a factor of 8 to 9 nSv·m3Bq·h and the EEC of thoron by a factor of 40 nSv·m3Bq·h.[1] Cosmic radiation
Main article: Cosmic ray
The Earth, and all living things on it, are constantly bombarded by radiation from outer space. This radiation primarily consists of positively charged ions from protons to iron and larger nuclei derived sources outside our solar system. This radiation interacts with atoms in the atmosphere to create an air shower of secondary radiation, including X-rays, muons, protons, alpha particles, pions, electrons, and neutrons. The immediate dose from cosmic radiation is largely from muons, neutrons, and electrons, and this dose varies in different parts of the world based largely on the geomagnetic field and altitude. This radiation is much more intense in the upper troposphere, around 10 km altitude, and is thus of particular concern for airline crews and frequent passengers, who spend many hours per year in this environment. During their flights airline crews typically get an extra dose on the order of 2.2 mSv (220 mrem) per year.[9]
Similarly, cosmic rays cause higher background exposure in astronauts than in humans on the surface of Earth. Astronauts in low orbits, such as in the International Space Station or the Space Shuttle, are partially shielded by the magnetic field of the Earth, but also suffer from the Van Allen radiation belt which accumulates cosmic rays and results from the earths magnetic field. Outside low Earth orbit, as experienced by the Apollo astronauts who traveled to the Moon, this background radiation is much more intense, and represents a considerable obstacle to potential future long term human exploration of the moon or Mars.
Cosmic rays also cause elemental transmutation in the atmosphere, in which secondary radiation generated by the cosmic rays combines with atomic nuclei in the atmosphere to generate different nuclides. Many so-called cosmogenic nuclides can be produced, but probably the most notable is carbon-14, which is produced by interactions with nitrogen atoms. These cosmogenic nuclides eventually reach the Earth's surface and can be incorporated into living organisms. The production of these nuclides varies slightly with short-term variations in solar cosmic ray flux, but is considered practically constant over long scales of thousands to millions of years. The constant production, incorporation into organisms and relatively short half-life of carbon-14 are the principles used in radiocarbon dating of ancient biological materials such as wooden artifacts or human remains.
Terrestrial sources
Terrestrial radiation, for the purpose of the table above, only includes sources that remain external to the body. The major radionuclides of concern are potassium, uranium and thorium and their decay products, some of which, like radium and radon are intensely radioactive but occur in low concentrations. Most of these sources have been decreasing, due to radioactive decay since the formation of the Earth, because there is no significant amount currently transported to the Earth.
Thus, the present activity on earth from uranium-238 is only half as much as it originally was because of its 4.5 billion year half-life, and potassium-40 (half-life 1.25 billion years) is only at about 8% of original activity. The effects on humans of the actual diminishment (due to decay) of these isotopes is minimal however. This is because humans evolved too recently for the difference in activity over a fraction of a half-life to be significant. Put another way, human history is so short in comparison to a half-life of a billion years, that the activity of these long-lived isotopes has been effectively constant throughout our time on this planet.
In addition, many shorter half-life and thus more intensely radioactive isotopes have not decayed out of the terrestrial environment, however, because of natural on-going production of them. Examples of these are radium-226 (decay product of uranium-238) and radon-222 (a decay product of radium-226).
Food and water
Some of the essential elements that make up the human body, mainly potassium and carbon, have radioactive isotopes that add significantly to our background radiation dose. An average human contains about 30 milligrams of potassium-40 (40K) and about 10 nanograms (10−8 g) of carbon-14 (14C), which has a decay half-life of 5,730 years. Excluding internal contamination by external radioactive material, the largest component of internal radiation exposure from biologically functional components of the human body is from potassium-40. The decay of about 4,000 nuclei of 40K per second[10] makes potassium the largest source of radiation in terms of number of decaying atoms. The energy of beta particles produced by 40K is also about 10 times more powerful than the beta particles from 14C decay. 14C is present in the human body at a level of 3700 Bq with a biological half-life of 40 days.[11] There are about 1,200 beta particles per second produced by the decay of 14C. However, a 14C atom is in the genetic information of about half the cells, while potassium is not a component of DNA. The decay of a 14C atom inside DNA in one person happens about 50 times per second, changing a carbon atom to one of nitrogen.[12] The global average internal dose from radionuclides other than radon and its decay products is 0.29 mSv/a, of which 0.17 mSv/a comes from 40K, 0.12 mSv/a comes from the uranium and thorium series, and 12 μSv/a comes from 14C.[1]
Areas with high NBRSome areas have greater dosage than the country-wide averages.[13] In the world in general, exceptionally high natural background locales include Ramsar in Iran, Guarapari in Brazil, Karunagappalli in India,[14] Arkaroola, South Australia [15] and Yangjiang in China.[16]
The highest level of purely natural radiation ever recorded on the Earth's surface was 90 µGy/h on a Brazilian black beach (areia preta in Portuguese) composed of monazite.[17] This rate would convert to 0.8 Gy/a for year-round continuous exposure, but in fact the levels vary seasonally and are much lower in the nearest residences. The record measurement has not been duplicated and is omitted from UNSCEAR's latest reports. Nearby tourist beaches in Guarapari and Cumuruxatiba were later evaluated at 14 and 15 µGy/h.[18][19]
The highest background radiation in an inhabited area is found in Ramsar, primarily due to the use of local naturally radioactive limestone as a building material. The 1000 most exposed residents receive an average external effective radiation dose of 6 mSv per year, (0.6 rem/yr,) six times more than the ICRP recommended limit for exposure to the public from artificial sources.[20] They additionally receive a substantial internal dose from radon. Record radiation levels were found in a house where the effective dose due to ambient radiation fields was 131 mSv/a, (13.1 rem/yr) and the internal committed dose from radon was 72 mSv/a (7.2 rem/yr).[20] This unique case is over 80 times higher than the world average natural human exposure to radiation.
Epidemiological studies are underway to identify health effects associated with the high radiation levels in Ramsar. It is much too early to draw statistically significant conclusions,[20] but so far radiation hormesis has not been observed, and data from Ramsar does not provide justification to relax existing regulatory dose limits.[21]
Background radiation doses in the immediate vicinities of particles of high atomic number materials, within the human body, have a small enhancement due to the photoelectric effect.[22]
Artificial background radiation
The global average human exposure to artificial radiation is 0.6 mSv/a, primarily from medical imaging. This medical component can range much higher, with an average of 3 mSv per year across the USA population.[2] Other human contributors include smoking, air travel, radioactive building materials, historical nuclear weapons testing, nuclear power accidents and nuclear industry operation.
A typical chest x-ray delivers 0.02 mSv (2 mrem) of effective dose.[23] A dental x-ray delivers a dose of 5 to 10 µSv[24] The average American receives about 3 mSv of diagnostic medical dose per year; countries with the lowest levels of health care receive almost none. Radiation treatment for various diseases also accounts for some dose, both in individuals and in those around them.
Consumer items
The ICRP recommends limiting occupational radiation exposure to 50 mSv (5 rem) per year, and 100 mSv (10 rem) in 5 years.[28]
At an IAEA conference in 2002, it was recommended that occupational doses below 1–2 mSv per year do not warrant regulatory scrutiny.[29]
Nuclear accidents
Under normal circumstances, nuclear reactors release small amounts of radioactive gases, which cause negligibly small radiation exposures to the public. Events classified on the International Nuclear Event Scale as incidents typically do not release any additional radioactive substances into the environment. Large releases of radioactivity from nuclear reactors are extremely rare. Until the present day, there were two major civilian accidents - the Chernobyl accident and the Fukushima I nuclear accidents - which caused substantial contamination. The Chernobyl accident was the only one to cause immediate deaths.
Total doses from the Chernobyl accident ranged from 10 to 50 mSv over 20 years for the inhabitants of the affected areas, with most of the dose received in the first years after the disaster, and over 100 mSv for liquidators. There were 28 deaths from acute radiation syndrome.[30]
Total doses from the Fukushima I accidents were between 1 and 15 mSv for the inhabitants of the affected areas. Thyroid doses for children were below 50 mSv. 167 cleanup workers received doses above 100 mSv, with 6 of them receiving more than 250 mSv (the Japanese exposure limit for emergency response workers).[31]
The average dose from the Three Mile Island accident was 0.01 mSv.[32]
Non-civilian: In addition to the civilian accidents described above, several accidents at early nuclear weapons facilities - such as the Windscale fire, the contamination of the Techa River by the nuclear waste from the Mayak compound, and the Kyshtym disaster at the same compound - released substantial radioactivity into the environment. The Windscale fire resulted in thyroid doses of 5-20 mSv for adults and 10-60 mSv for children.[33] The doses from the accidents at Mayak are unknown. Nuclear fuel cycleThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and other U.S. and international agencies, require that licensees limit radiation exposure to individual members of the public to 1 mSv (100 mrem) per year.
Coal plants emit radiation in the form of radioactive fly ash which is inhaled and ingested by neighbours, and incorporated into crops. A 1978 paper from Oak Ridge National Laboratory estimated that coal-fired power plants of that time may contribute a whole-body committed dose of 19 µSv/a to their immediate neighbours in a radius of 500 m.[34] The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation's 1988 report estimated the committed dose 1 km away to be 20 µSv/a for older plants or 1 µSv/a for newer plants with improved fly ash capture, but was unable to confirm these numbers by test.[35] When coal is burned, uranium, thorium and all the uranium daughters accumulated by disintegration — radium, radon, polonium — are released.[36] Radioactive materials previously buried underground in coal deposits are released as fly ash or, if fly ash is captured, may be incorporated into concrete manufactured with fly ash.
Other usage
In other contexts, background radiation may simply be any radiation that is pervasive, whether ionizing or not. A particular example of this is the cosmic microwave background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the sky in the microwave part of the spectrum; stars, galaxies and other objects of interest in radio astronomy stand out against this background.
In a laboratory, background radiation refers to the measured value from any sources that affect an instrument when a radiation source sample is not being measured. This background rate, which must be established as a stable value by multiple measurements, usually before and after sample measurement, is subtracted from the rate measured when the sample is being measured.
Background radiation for occupational doses measured for workers is all radiation dose that is not measured by radiation dose measurement instruments in potential occupational exposure conditions. This includes both "natural background radiation" and any medical radiation doses. This value is not typically measured or known from surveys, such that variations in the total dose to individual workers is not known. This can be a significant confounding factor in assessing radiation exposure effects in a population of workers who may have significantly different natural background and medical radiation doses. This is most significant when the occupational doses are very low.
See also
Background radiation equivalent time (BRET)
Environmental radioactivity
Banana equivalent dose
External links
Background radiation description from the Effects Research Foundation
Environmental and Background Radiation FAQ from the Health Physics Society
Radiation Dose Chart from the American Nuclear Society
Radiation Dose Calculator from the US Environmental Protection Agency
This page was last modified on 24 June 2013 at 09:31.
Trying to Figure Out UK Background Radiation Levels...
公開日: 2012/07/28
...What they are, and what they are supposed to be, using the Soeks 01-M geiger counter...
Can someone please check my calculations below based on TheRoachHut's information that firemen are permitted 15 millisieverts in a year...
Assuming that 1 millisievert = 1000 microsieverts....
15 millisieverts per year = 15,000 microsieverts per year (15 x 1000)
15,000 ÷ 365 days = 41.1 microsieverts per day
41.1 microsieverts ÷ 24 hours = 1.71 mcSv/h
So as long as the average reading is not larger than 1.71 mcS/h, the total exposure will not exceed the permitted 15 millisieverts per year?
More Interesting info here....
According to the UK government's own website, the UK legal limit for radiation exposure for members of the public is 1mSv (one millisievert) a year"
Based on the above calculations, 1mSv means the maximum legal limit is exceeded when the average reading exceeds 0.11mcSv/h (microsieverts )
YIKES! I'm reading close to that level now as normal background radiation! (0.08 to 0.10)
Natural radiation.AVI
アップロード日: 2011/03/25
Can someone please check my calculations below based on TheRoachHut's information that firemen are permitted 15 millisieverts in a year...
Assuming that 1 millisievert = 1000 microsieverts....
15 millisieverts per year = 15,000 microsieverts per year (15 x 1000)
15,000 ÷ 365 days = 41.1 microsieverts per day
41.1 microsieverts ÷ 24 hours = 1.71 mcSv/h
So as long as the average reading is not larger than 1.71 mcS/h, the total exposure will not exceed the permitted 15 millisieverts per year?
More Interesting info here....
According to the UK government's own website, the UK legal limit for radiation exposure for members of the public is 1mSv (one millisievert) a year"
Based on the above calculations, 1mSv means the maximum legal limit is exceeded when the average reading exceeds 0.11mcSv/h (microsieverts )
YIKES! I'm reading close to that level now as normal background radiation! (0.08 to 0.10)
Natural radiation.AVI
アップロード日: 2011/03/25
No source inside a cloud chamber can reveal the cosmic and natural radiation background
Dimension of the bottom is 12x4cm. Power consumption is 255Watt with 6 peltiers.
Spec of peltier are here :
and come from this reliable seller :
Some idea about the construction of this cloud chamber can be found here :
Dimension of the bottom is 12x4cm. Power consumption is 255Watt with 6 peltiers.
Spec of peltier are here :
and come from this reliable seller :
Some idea about the construction of this cloud chamber can be found here :