Crazy Conference
Crazy Government
Crazy Cabinet
Presentation by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the 125th Session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mister President, distinguished members of the IOC.
It would be a tremendous honour for us to host the Games in 2020 in Tokyo - one of the safest cities in the world, now... and in 2020.
Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you,
the situation is under control. It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo.
I can also say that, from a new stadium that will look like no other to confirmed financing, Tokyo 2020 will offer guaranteed delivery.
I am here today with a message that is even more important. We in Japan are true believers in the Olympic Movement. I, myself, am just one example.
When I entered college in 1973, I began practicing archery. Can you guess why? The year before, in Munich, archery returned as an Olympic event after a long time.
My love of the Olympic Games was already well-established. When I close my eyes vivid scenes from the Opening Ceremony in Tokyo in 1964 come back to me. Several thousand doves, all set free at once. High up in the deep blue sky, five jet planes making the Olympic rings. All amazing to me, only 10 years old.
We in Japan learned that sports connect the world. And sports give an equal chance to everyone. The Olympic spirit also taught us that legacy is not just about buildings, not even about national projects. It is about global vision and investment in people.
So, the very next year, Japan made a volunteer organization and began spreading the message of sports far and wide. Young Japanese, as many as three thousand, have worked as sports instructors in over 80 countries to date. And they have touched the hearts of well over a million people through their work.
Distinguished members of the IOC, I say that choosing Tokyo 2020 means choosing a new, powerful booster for the Olympic Movement.
Under our new plan, "Sport for Tomorrow," young Japanese will go out into the world in even larger numbers. They will help build schools, bring in equipment, and create sports education programs. And by the time the Olympic torch reaches Tokyo in 2020, they will bring the joy of sports directly to ten million people in over one hundred countries.
Choose Tokyo today and you choose a nation that is a passionate, proud, and a strong believer in the Olympic Movement. And which strongly desires to work together with the IOC in order to make the world a better place through the power of sport.
We are ready to work with you. Thank you very much.
Japan Should Step Out Of The Race For The Olympics: Radioactive Tokyo
2013/09/04 に公開
Arnie Gundersen/Fairewinds Energy Education:
in Japanese:
Maggie Gundersen
Members of Tokyo's Olympic bid committee have been questioned by journalists about contaminated water leaking from the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant.
The host city for the 2020 games will be chosen on Saturday in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires.
The Japanese committee members held a news conference in the city on Wednesday that was attended by about 100 journalists from more than 20 media outlets.
Bid committee president Tsunekazu Takeda said at the beginning that he hopes to spread the value of sports among young people by hosting an Olympics in Asia, home to more than 1 billion people.
4 out of the 6 questions asked were about the safety of Tokyo, in light of the radioactive water leak at the Fukushima plant.
Takeda responded saying Tokyo is safe in terms of radiation levels.
A British journalist said Tokyo officials only emphasize the city's safety but had still not answered the question. The reporter called it a grave problem that should be taken more seriously.
An American journalist expressed dissatisfaction with the answer and said the question will be asked repeatedly.
A reporter from an Argentine TV station said the Tokyo officials had answered the question sufficiently by saying the city is safe.
Sep. 5, 2013 - Updated 00:50 UTC
FAIR USE NOTICE: Any copyrighted (©) material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, which constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
Arnie Gundersen/Fairewinds Energy Education:
in Japanese:
Maggie Gundersen
Members of Tokyo's Olympic bid committee have been questioned by journalists about contaminated water leaking from the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant.
The host city for the 2020 games will be chosen on Saturday in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires.
The Japanese committee members held a news conference in the city on Wednesday that was attended by about 100 journalists from more than 20 media outlets.
Bid committee president Tsunekazu Takeda said at the beginning that he hopes to spread the value of sports among young people by hosting an Olympics in Asia, home to more than 1 billion people.
4 out of the 6 questions asked were about the safety of Tokyo, in light of the radioactive water leak at the Fukushima plant.
Takeda responded saying Tokyo is safe in terms of radiation levels.
A British journalist said Tokyo officials only emphasize the city's safety but had still not answered the question. The reporter called it a grave problem that should be taken more seriously.
An American journalist expressed dissatisfaction with the answer and said the question will be asked repeatedly.
A reporter from an Argentine TV station said the Tokyo officials had answered the question sufficiently by saying the city is safe.
Sep. 5, 2013 - Updated 00:50 UTC
FAIR USE NOTICE: Any copyrighted (©) material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, which constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
#東京 土壌は #放射性 廃棄物レベル!Gundersen☆字幕Tokyo Soil as #Radiation Waste!
2012/03/14 に公開
Arnie Gundersen appears on Russia Today to discuss the one year anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi and its ongoing effects on the Japanese people.
・現在も、1年前にフクシマ原発のメルトダウン核燃料から核分裂した原子は、放射線を 出し続けています。30kmから場所により60km圏の放射線汚染は甚大で、住民は帰 還すべきではありません。
・東京に先日行った際に、サンプルを5つ取得しました。北アメリカでは、非常に放射能 が高いのでこれらは、放射性廃棄物とみなされます。
・RT司会:"つまり、あなたは問題があり、政府は幾つもの事実を隠蔽して いると言うのですね?"
・日本政府は、原発事故発生時より、情報を隠蔽し、遅らせて出していますね。明らかに 、本当の除染のコストは、5000億USドル(42兆円)になるでしょうね。これは福 島県だけのものです。県を超えて、汚染は広がっています。先ほど述べたのは、福島原発 から250km離れた東京で取得したサンプルなのですよ。
・東日本は全域で、健康被害の問題を警告すべきでしょう。人々みなが、放射性セシウム 、ストロンチウムや各種放射線に被曝しているのです。
・RT司会:"グリーンピースは世界の原子力産業界は、何も福島原発事故か ら学んでいないといっていますが、どう思われますか?"
・私は、グリーンピースの報告書の共著者ですが、日本はフクシマから何の教訓も学んで いないと言うことに同意しますね。米国は、既存の原発を、なんの改修もしないで201 6年までの稼働の許可をしました。フクシマの深刻な教訓を、アメリカも世界中も学んで いないのです。
・RT司会:"なぜ、世界の原発新設はスローダウンしないのでしょうか?& quot;
・実際、原発新設の動きは、世界でスローダウンしています、たった2基だけが昨年新規 稼働しました。それ以前は、ここ数年間で10基以上が新規稼働していました。
・大きな憂慮は、開発途上国では、原子力規制機関と原発推進機関との関係が、日本より もっと密であることなのです。ですから、もっと多くの原発事故が、世界中で起る事が予 想されるのです。フクシマは、唯の一種の現象ではなくなるのです!
*参考:従来の放射性廃棄物の基準はセシウムで100ベクレル/kg。それを超えると 、ゴミ処理場などに廃棄は許されない。> 東京 台東区 土壌で約7万Bq/kg !
:ビデオでの"東京の5つのサンプルは、米国では'放射性廃棄物& #39;とみなされる。"とは、土壌サンプルの事だと最新のビデオで、ガン ダーセン氏が、はっきりと発言されています。
Arnie Gundersen appears on Russia Today to discuss the one year anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi and its ongoing effects on the Japanese people.
#放射能 #瓦礫 焼却と #東京 湾埋立で都民被曝! #Radioactive Dumping in #Tokyo Bay
2012/01/01 にアップロード
12/29:<日本語訳概要↓>東電は任務完了と自己満足。原子力規制組織は、東京湾 埋立地への放射性ガレキ埋め立て許可。:ガンダーセン氏 TEPCO Believes Mission Accomplished, Regulators Allow Radioactive Dumping in Tokyo Bay
<日本語要約:魑魅魍魎男さん、Yoshiさん、修正・加筆+字幕:Jo2Rayde n>
アーニー・ガンダーセンです。2011年の終わりに当り、フクシマ事故の過去を振り返 るだけでなく、2012年1年間に起るだろうことをお話します。
今回は、今後の見通しについて。三つの話題、1)福島原発の状況 2)住民の被曝 3)放射性ガレキ について話します。
12/16、野田総理は、「福島原発は冷温停止状態になった。収束したと考えられる」 と表明した。
米国政府は、 「我々政府はこのニュースをうれしく思う。日本政府は復興に向かい正しい選択をした」 と述べている。
IAEAも、「冷温停止し安定状態になったことを喜ばしく思う。日本の関係省庁を通し て公式な情報筋から最新情報を得ている」と言っている。
ジョージ・ブッシュの「イラク戦争の任務は達成された!」という空母での演説に似てい る。
福島原発は安定状態にない。横にしたカップのてっぺんにあるのが、動的平衡状態。転が り落ちる可能性がある。
カップ内の底にあるのが静的平衡状態で安定している。これが冷温停止に当たる。福島原 発は、動的平衡状態にある。
最大の問題は余震だ。大きな地震によりパイプが破断し40時間でメルトダウンに戻ると 東電は言っているが、これでは安定状態とは言えない。冷却に使われているパイプは間に 合わせのものだ
第二の問題は、4号機。爆発と火災によりダメージを受け、また地震が来れば、燃料プー ルが損傷する危険がある。これは非常に憂慮すべき事です。
最後に、もう一つの問題は作業員の被曝。国際基準、日本の基準よりもはるかに高い。総 ての作業員は、発ガンの可能性が劇的に上がる。賞賛すべき勇敢な人たちだが非常な危険 に晒されている。
次は一般市民の被曝について。事故直後1、2週間の被曝は測定していない。その被曝測 定値も怪しいものだ。
事故直後、大量の放射性ガスが放出された。日本政府は、放出された放射性ガスは、1立 方メートル当たり1300ベクレルm3 と発表。内部被曝が計算にはいっていない。
*ビデオ最後に、今年の翻訳協力者のひとりとして"June Bloke"の名前も表示されています^^ Thanks Arnie!
今回は、今後の見通しについて。三つの話題、1)福島原発の状況 2)住民の被曝 3)放射性ガレキ について話します。
米国政府は、 「我々政府はこのニュースをうれしく思う。日本政府は復興に向かい正しい選択をした」
*ビデオ最後に、今年の翻訳協力者のひとりとして"June Bloke"の名前も表示されています^^ Thanks Arnie!
#Fukushima #原発 燃料プール火災で18.7万人死亡も☆字幕 #Nuke FuelFire Kill187kMen!
2011/10/30 にアップロード
<日本語訳字幕:Jo2Rayden!/jonny_rayden >福島マーク1同型原発の全閉鎖を緊急提案! ガンダーセン10/21
四つ目の私の憂慮は、三つの福島原発建屋が爆発し、核燃料と核燃料プールが直接外気に さらされました。ブルックヘブン国立研究所が示す1997年の報告書が出ています。火 と沸騰水型原発プールが少なくとも187,000人を殺すのだと。福島原発4号機での 燃料火災の恐怖は、NRCが福島から百キロ以内の米国市民に退避を勧告した主要な理由 なのです。医師ゴードン・トンプソンによると、これまでに実施されたすべての地上核実 験が放出したセシウムよりも、使用済燃料のセシウムの方が、より多くあるのです。 原子炉建屋で100フィート以内に燃料プールがあるのは、マーク1型設計の別の不十分 な側面です。この様な理由により、もう沸騰水型原発マーク1格納容器は、稼働継続すべ きではないと思います。
<概要・日本語訳>Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen testifies to the NRC Petition Review Board detailing why the 23 BWR Mark 1 nuclear power plants should be shut down following the accidents at Fukushima.
フェアウィンズのチーフ技術者アーニー・ガンダーセンが、原子力規制委員会NRCの審 査委員会の要請で、福島原発事故を受けて、なぜ23機の沸騰水型原発BWRマーク1原 発を閉鎖すべきかを立証しました。
True wisdom means knowing when to modify something and knowing when to stop.
Sometimes, all the King's horses and all the King's men should not try to put Humpty Dumpty together again.
時には、すべての王の馬とすべての王の民(=首相・議員と国民)は、再び共にハンプテ ィダンプティ(=事故を起こす原発)を置くべきでない。 -END-
<日本語訳字幕:Jo2Rayden!/jonny_rayden >福島マーク1同型原発の全閉鎖を緊急提案! ガンダーセン10/21
<概要・日本語訳>Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen testifies to the NRC Petition Review Board detailing why the 23 BWR Mark 1 nuclear power plants should be shut down following the accidents at Fukushima.
True wisdom means knowing when to modify something and knowing when to stop.
Sometimes, all the King's horses and all the King's men should not try to put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Fukushima Disaster: Tokyo Hides Truth As Children Die, Become Ill From Radiation pt 1-2
2014/04/21 に公開
The tragedy of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster took place almost three years ago. Since then, radiation has forced thousands out of their homes and led to the deaths of many. It took great effort to prevent the ultimate meltdown of the plant -- but are the after effects completely gone? Tokyo says yes; it also claims the government is doing everything it can for those who suffered in the disaster. However, disturbing facts sometimes rise to the surface. To shed a bit of light on the mystery of the Fukushima aftermath, Sophie Shevardnadze talks to the former mayor of one of the disaster-struck cities. Katsutaka Idogawa is on SophieCo today.
Part 2
Part 2
Fukushima Disaster: Tokyo Hides Truth As Children Die, Become Ill From Radiation pt 2-2
2014/04/21 に公開
The tragedy of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster took place almost three years ago. Since then, radiation has forced thousands out of their homes and led to the deaths of many. It took great effort to prevent the ultimate meltdown of the plant -- but are the after effects completely gone? Tokyo says yes; it also claims the government is doing everything it can for those who suffered in the disaster. However, disturbing facts sometimes rise to the surface. To shed a bit of light on the mystery of the Fukushima aftermath, Sophie Shevardnadze talks to the former mayor of one of the disaster-struck cities. Katsutaka Idogawa is on SophieCo today.
カオス Chaos
カオス(古希: Χάος, Chaos)とは、ギリシア神話に登場する原初神である。「大口を開けた」「空(から)の空間」の意[1]。オルフェウスによれば、このカオスは有限なる存在全てを超越する無限を象徴しているという。
安倍晋三総理大臣のプレゼンテーション IOC総会(13/09/08)
2013/09/07 に公開
アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレスで2020年夏のオリンピック開催地を決めるIOC= 国際オリンピック委員会の総会が行われ、東京がプレゼンテーションを行いました。その なかで安倍総理大臣がIOC委員に東京は「世界で最も平和な都市」と東京への招致を訴 えました。(※音声,右:オリジナル、左:日本語)(Audio L:Japanese R:Original language)
Shinzo ABE(安倍晋三)
Mister President, distinguished members of the IOC...
It would be a tremendous honour for us to host the Games in 2020 in Tokyo -- one of the safest cities in the world, now... and in 2020.
Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you,
the situation is under control. It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo.
I can also say that, from a new stadium that will look like no other to confirmed financing, Tokyo 2020 will offer guaranteed delivery.
I am here today with a message that is even more important. We in Japan are true believers in the Olympic Movement. I, myself, am just one example.
When I entered college in 1973, I began practicing archery. Can you guess why? The year before, in Munich, archery returned as an Olympic event after a long time.
My love of the Olympic Games was already well-established. When I close my eyes vivid scenes from the Opening Ceremony in Tokyo in 1964 come back to me. Several thousand doves, all set free at once. High up in the deep blue sky, five jet planes making the Olympic rings. All amazing to me, only 10 years old.
We in Japan learned that sports connect the world. And sports give an equal chance to everyone. The Olympic spirit also taught us that legacy is not just about buildings, not even about national projects. It is about global vision and investment in people.
So, the very next year, Japan made a volunteer organization and began spreading the message of sports far and wide. Young Japanese, as many as three thousand, have worked as sports instructors in over 80 countries to date. And they have touched the hearts of well over a million people through their work.
Distinguished members of the IOC, I say that choosing Tokyo 2020 means choosing a new, powerful booster for the Olympic Movement.
Under our new plan, "Sport for Tomorrow," young Japanese will go out into the world in even larger numbers. They will help build schools, bring in equipment, and create sports education programs. And by the time the Olympic torch reaches Tokyo in 2020, they will bring the joy of sports directly to ten million people in over one hundred countries.
Choose Tokyo today and you choose a nation that is a passionate, proud, and a strong believer in the Olympic Movement. And which strongly desires to work together with the IOC in order to make the world a better place through the power of sport.
We are ready to work with you. Thank you very much.
原発事故に関する安倍総理の答え IOC総会質疑応答(13/09/08)
2013/09/07 に公開
アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレスで2020年夏のオリンピック開催地を決めるIOC= 国際オリンピック委員会の総会が行われ、東京がプレゼンテーションを行いました。その なかの質疑応答でIOC委員の一人から"フクシマ"の影響につい て質問された際の、安倍総理大臣の回答です。(※映像音声:オリジナルのみ)
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