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TEDxAmsterdam - Gerhard Knies - 11/20/09 // Dr. Gerhard Knies on DESERTEC: A North-South Energy Security 'Marshall Plan'

TEDxAmsterdam - Gerhard Knies - 11/20/09

2009/12/15 にアップロード
Dr. Gerhard Knies is a co-founder of TREC, a network of experts on sustainable energy. TREC gave rise to the DESERTEC initiative, a unique industry initiative to develop a reliable, sustainable and climate-friendly energy supply from the deserts in the Middle East and North Africa. In his TEDxAmsterdam talk Knies explains the concept and shows that the idea is realistic.

Dr. Gerhard Knies on DESERTEC: A North-South Energy Security 'Marshall Plan'  

2011/05/11 にアップロード

About the Event:

The DESERTEC concept aims to fuel Europe's power needs by transporting solar energy from the North African desert to Europe.

In his presentation, Dr. Knies will describe how implementing the DESERTEC model on a global scale will address the challenges of climate change and energy security.

Last year, the European Commission issued a "Blueprint for an integrated European energy network", which underlined the importance of maximizing interconnections in South Western Europe to accommodate wind, hydro and solar energy. DESERTEC will be a keystone in the development of such an energy network and will contribute to the formation of a smart European Supergrid.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Knies, is Chairman of DESERTEC and has worked at the University of Berkeley, California, DESY and CERN, the European organisation for nuclear research. Dr. Gerhard Knies is co-founder of the Trans Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation, a network of 50 professionals in renewable energies and sustainability from European, Middle Eastern and North African countries.




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Hamburg, den 09. März 2011

DESERTEC: Portraits und Hintergründe von Dr. Gerhard Knies und SKH Prinz Hassan bin Talal
SKH Prinz Hassan bin Talal (links) und Dr. Gerhard Knies (rechts) beim CLUB OF ROME in Wien 2009

Portrait: Dr. Gerhard Knies
Dr. Gerhard Knies (Jahrgang 1937) arbeitete bis 2001 als Physiker am Forschungszentrum Deutschen
Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY. Er ist Mitglied des Arbeitskreises Energie der Deutschen Physikalischen
Gesellschaft, 1995 Initiator des Hamburger Klimaschutz Fonds (HKF) e.V., und Mitglied der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für den CLUB OF ROME e.V.
Als Elementarteilchen-Physiker setzte er einst große Hoffnungen in die Kernspaltung; mit der
Tschernobyl-Katastrophe kam jedoch das Umdenken. Während der Friedensbewegung der 80er
Jahre veröffentlichte er Studien zur systemischen Untauglichkeit des Raketenabwehrsystems SDI,
sowie zur zivilen Verwundbarkeit und strukturellen Kriegsuntauglichkeit von Industriegesellschaften.
1997 veranstaltete er mit dem HKF an der TU Harburg einen Workshop "Nordafrikanisch-
Europäischer Solarstromverbund" auf dem er wichtige Akteure der Solartechnik kennen lernte. Als
Folge davon verbrachte er 1998, mehrere Monate eines Sabbatjahres am Deutschen Zentrum für
Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Stuttgart, um zusammen mit Dr. Franz Trieb die in ihm bereits
keimende DESERTEC Idee näher zu untersuchen. Damals berechneten Solarexperten des DLR, dass
solarthermische Kraftwerke in den Wüsten des Mittleren Ostens und Afrikas fast 40 Mal mehr Strom
liefern könnten, als weltweit verbraucht wird. Allerdings waren herkömmliche Energieträger damals
deutlich preiswerter und die Klimaproblematik noch nicht so stark im öffentlichen Bewusstsein. Dr.
Knies verfolgte diese Idee jedoch beharrlich weiter, zuerst neben der Arbeit, nach 2001 in Vollzeit.

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Im Herbst 1998 organisierte er mit Unterstützung von Dr. Gregor Czisch (Institut für Solare
Energieversorgungstechnik (ISET), Kassel) einen Workshop mit internationalen Experten zum Thema
"Regenerativer Strom für Europa durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie" bei der Deutschen
Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Bad Honnef.
Am 10. Mai 2002 präsentierte Dr. Knies in der marokkanischen Tetuan University zum ersten Mal
das, was heute unter dem Namen DESERTEC Konzept bekannt ist. Zahllose Korrespondenzen und
Präsentationen folgten.
Im Frühjahr 2003 kontaktierte er den in Hamburg ansässigen Generalsekretär des internationalen
CLUB OF ROME, Uwe Möller, der diese Idee an den damaligen Präsidenten Prinz Hassan bin Talal von
Jordanien weiterleitete. Dieser zeigte großes Interesse an DESERTEC und so wurde beschlossen, ein
Netzwerk aus lokalen Experten rund um das Mittelmeer aufzubauen, um das DESERTEC Konzept
genauer zu untersuchen, zu verbreiten und zu verwirklichen: die "Trans-Mediterranean Renewable
Energy Co-operation" (TREC).
TREC war die erste Arbeitsplattform für Experten aus Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Nord-Afrika (EUMENA).
Die etwa 20 Experten aus der MENA Region kamen aus Instituten in Marokko (CNR, CDER),
Algerien (NEAL), Tunesien (STEG), Libyen (CSES), Ägypten (NREA, Universitäten), Jordanien (NERC),
Palästina (PWA), Jemen (Universitäten), Oman (MED-RC), und Bahrein (Universität). Noch heute sind
viele von ihnen aktiv und werben in ihren Ländern für DESERTEC.
Das TREC-Netzwerk initiierte die MENAREC Konferenzen und arbeitete in den Jahren 2004 bis 2006
unter Leitung des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) an zwei Studien zu DESERTEC.
Sie untersuchten die in MENA verfügbaren Ressourcen an erneuerbaren Energien, den erwarteten
Bedarf an Strom und Trinkwasser in EU-MENA bis 2050 und den Aufbau eines Stromverbundes
basierend auf verlustarmer Hochspannungs-Gleichstromübertragung. Eine `AQUA-CSP´ Studie über
den Bedarf, das Potential und die Auswirkungen von solarer Meereswasserentsalzung in MENA
wurde Ende 2007 fertiggestellt.
Der erste große Durchbruch für DESERTEC kam im Oktober 2007, als Dr. Knies gemeinsam mit
renommierten Wissenschaftlern und Persönlichkeiten das (weitgehend auf den beiden ersten DLRStudien
basierende) Weißbuch "DESERTEC – Clean Power from Deserts" herausbrachte. Präsentiert
wurde es in Berlin und im Europäischen Parlament in Brüssel unter der Schirmherrschaft von SKH
Prinz Hassan bin Talal. Der Weltklimarat hatte gerade drei alarmierende Berichte zum Klimawandel
veröffentlicht und der britische Ökonom Sir Nicholas Stern hatte vorgerechnet, dass ein Nicht-
Handeln die Weltgemeinschaft teurer kommen würde, als rechtzeitig Maßnahmen gegen den
Klimawandel zu ergreifen. "Deutschland und die EU sind so auf DESERTEC aufmerksam geworden",
sagte Dr. Knies in einem Interview. "Das Flaggschiffprojekt der 2008 gegründeten 'Union für das
Mittelmeer', der mediterrane Solarplan (MSP), baut direkt auf unseren Studien auf."
Um die Bemühungen des TREC-Netzwerks zu stärken und zu intensivieren und um die Realisierung
des DESERTEC Konzeptes voranzutreiben, bereitete Dr. Knies 2008 zusammen mit aktiven
Unterstützern von DESERTEC sowie privaten Förderern und Stiftern die Gründung der DESERTEC
Foundation vor. Anfang 2009 wurde sie, mit Unterstützung seiner Königlichen Hoheit Prinz Hassan
bin Talal von Jordanien und der Deutschen Gesellschaft CLUB OF ROME, mit Sitz in Berlin und Büros
in Hamburg gegründet. Die DESERTEC Foundation soll als Botschafterin und Förderin des DESERTEC
Konzepts dienen und politische, ökonomische und zivilgesellschaftliche Interessen an Energie- und
Klimasicherheit bündeln. Sie wirbt durch politische Beratung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für das
DESERTEC Konzept, um so möglichst viele Menschen als Unterstützer zu gewinnen. Dr. Knies
übernahm den Vorsitz des Aufsichtsrates der gemeinnützigen Stiftung.
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Auf der Hannover-Messe 2008 kam es zu einem ersten Kontakt mit der Münchener
Rückversicherung. Im Oktober 2008 trafen sich in München Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen
(Institutsleiter, DLR), Dr. Torsten Jeworrek (Vorstand, Munich Re) und Max Schön (Präsident, CLUB
OF ROME Deutschland). Am Ende des Gesprächs bekundete die Munich Re ihre Bereitschaft zur
Unterstützung von DESERTEC. Bereits Ende 2008, parallel zur Gründung der DESERTEC Foundation,
fand auf Einladung der Münchener Rück das erste Treffen von Dr. Knies und Max Schön auf
DESERTEC Seite, mit Vertretern der Münchener Rück statt. Hier regte Dr. Knies die Gründung einer
Industrieinitiative für DESERTEC an, was von Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Höppe vom Geo-Risk Institut der
Münchner Rückversicherung sofort aufgegriffen wurde. Gemeinsam wurden geeignete Partner aus
Industrie und Finanzwelt ausgesucht, und gemeinsam von CLUB OF ROME und der Münchener Rück
zur Gründungsveranstaltung der Industrieinitiative „Dii“ eingeladen. Die Bekanntgabe des
Megavorhabens im Juni 2009 in der Presse führte, vor allem in Deutschland, zu einem wahren
Medienhype um DESERTEC.
Bis zur Gründung der Dii GmbH im Oktober 2009 war noch viel Detailarbeit nötig. Nun arbeitet die Dii
GmbH zusammen mit der DESERTEC Foundation und zahlreichen namenhaften Partnern aus
Industrie und Finanzwelt an der Schaffung geeigneter Rahmenbedingungen zur schnelleren
Realisierung von DESERTEC in Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Nord-Afrika. Die DESERTEC Foundation
verstärkt seitdem ihre Anstrengungen, global für DESERTEC zu werben. Denn Dr. Knies und die
DESERTEC Foundation sehen im Konzept "sauberer Strom aus Wüsten" einen Schlüssel für Energie-,
Wasser- und Klimasicherheit für die kommende Welt mit 10 Milliarden Menschen.
Die DESERTEC Foundation wird sich darüber hinaus um die Themengebiete kümmern, die nicht direkt
im Fokus der Industriepartner liegen: Die Vernetzung von Bildungseinrichtungen rund um das
Mittelmeer, die Verbreitung des Bekanntheitsgrades der DESERTEC Idee in der Bevölkerung und um
die Zusammenarbeit mit Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik. Denn Wasser-, Energie- und Klimasicherheit
können dazu beitragen, dass Menschen auch in problematischen Regionen dieser Welt vor Ort
Lebens-Verhältnisse und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten vorfinden, die es nicht mehr erforderlich machen, ihre
angestammten Siedlungsgebiete zu verlassen.
Im April 2010, nach rund 15 Jahren Arbeit für seine Vision und mit über 70 Lebensjahren, übergab Dr.
Knies seinen Aufsichtsratsvorsitz an den Unternehmer Max Schön, Präsident der Deutschen
Gesellschaft CLUB OF ROME. Dr. Knies übernimmt nunmehr den Aufbau eines Kuratoriums für die
Stiftung. In einem Brief an Freunde und Partner der DESERTEC Foundation schrieb er:
"With the leadership of the DESERTEC Foundation placed in such good hands, I can now concentrate
on building a global network. An international Board of Trustees composed of personalities from a
range of societal sectors will support the development and worldwide promotion of the DESERTEC
idea. As Chairman of this newly created Board of Trustees, I will remain a member of the Supervisory
Board of the DESERTEC Foundation."
"Looking back on the last year, I am delighted and grateful to see that the DESERTEC idea has begun
to connect people and institutions from all over the world. DESERTEC is a holistic concept that
addresses vital issues such as energy security, climate protection, drinking water supply, socioeconomic
development, international cooperation and security politics. My dream is the emergence
of a global DESERTEC community dedicated to promoting sustainable solutions that prepare
humanity for a future world of 10 billion people."
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Porträt: SKH Prinz Hassan bin Talal
El Hassan bin Talal wurde 1947 in Amman geboren und studierte in Oxford Orientalistik. Er stammt
aus der Dynastie der Haschemiten, deren Stammbaum bis zum Propheten Mohammed zurückreicht
1965 wurde er Kronprinz von Jordanien und enger politischer Berater seines Bruders König Hussein.
Er ist der Onkel des heutigen jordanischen Königs Abdullah II. In Jordanien hat Prinz Hassan, der mit
Prinzessin Sarvath verheiratet und Vater von vier Kindern ist, zahlreiche wissenschaftliche
Institutionen gegründet, so etwa 1981 das Arab Thought Forum, 1987 das Higher Council for Science
and Technology und 1994 das Royal Institute oft Inter-Faith Studies. Eri ist außerdem Begründer der
Islamic Scientific Academy und der Al al–Bait-Universität im jordanischen Mafraq.
Neben Institutionen, die sich der Entwicklungspolitik in Jordanien widmen, rief Prinz Hassan 1972 die
Royal Scientific Society und 1994 das Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies in Amman ins Leben.
Darüber hinaus ist Prinz Hassan, der bis 2007 Präsident des CLUB OF ROME war, in zahlreichen
Gremien wie etwa der Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue in Genf
tätig. Durch seine zahlreichen Initiativen und Publikationen zum Dialog zwischen den drei
abrahamitischen Religionen sowie durch den Aufbau von Institutionen hat er diesen Dialog
Prinz Hassan bin Talal tritt ein für die Gewinnung von Wüsten-Solarstrom und plädiert für den
großangelegten Transfer von Solarenergie nach Europa. In einem offenen Brief schrieb Prinz Hassan
im Jahr 2006:
"The four gravest threats to global security in the 21st century are defined as: climate change,
competition over resources, marginalisation of the “majority world” and global militarisation. These
combine to pose a formidable challenge to our collective imagination. As an active supporter of the
Global Marshall Plan Initiative, (www.globalmarshallplan.org), I believe that our response must put
sustainable security and durable development into mutually reinforcing action. […]
As Founder of Jordan’s Royal Scientific Society (www.rss.gov.jo) and President of the Higher Council
for Science and Technology (www.hcst.gov.jo), I believe that energy security must become an integral
part of our long-term human strategy, rather than being seen separately. If “petropolicies” mean
reduced human development, increased militarisation or economic marginalisation, the cost will be
too high. Global partnerships aimed at ensuring sustainable energy, like the Trans-Mediterranean
Renewable Energy Co-operation (TREC, www.trecers.net ), have a measurable impact on sustainable
development and point the way to safe and equitable energy production, sharing capital and knowhow
in exchange for clean and secure energy supply.
The West Asian region is blessed with an estimated 70% and 40% of global oil and gas reserves
respectively. The establishment of a Community for Energy, Water and Environment
(www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/global/ewecproject.htm), whereby resources are jointly managed at a
supranational level, could not only achieve wiser use of these resources, but could also play a role in
regional reconciliation and socio-economic development similar to Europe’s post-war Coal and Steel
Community. […]"

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Im selben Jahr eröffnete er per Videobotschaft den World Energy Dialogue der Hannover Messe und
forderte von Industrie und Politik Unterstützung für das Konzept des TREC-Netzwerkes, welches
heute unter DESERTEC bekannt ist.
Im November 2007 im Europaparlament in Brüssel präsentierte Prinz Hassan bin Talal zusammen mit
Dr. Gerhard Knies, dem geistigen Vater von TREC und DESERTEC, und weiteren Experten das
Weißbuch "Clean Power from Deserts - The DESERTEC Concept for Energy, Water and Climate
Security". In diesem Weißbuch wurden die Kernaussagen der DESERTEC Studien zusammengefasst
und Experten aus dem Nahen Osten und Nord-Afrika schrieben über ihre Erwartungen, Hoffnungen
und Wünsche für DESERTEC. Dieses Buch gilt als Inspiration für den Solarplan der Union für das
Mittelmeer und als Meilenstein auf dem Weg von DESERTEC.
Anfang 2009 wurde die DESERTEC Foundation mit Prinz Hassans Unterstützung gegründet. Die
DESERTEC Foundation dient als Botschafterin und Förderin des DESERTEC Konzepts und soll
politische, ökonomische und zivilgesellschaftliche Interessen an Energie- und Klimasicherheit
bündeln. Sie wirbt durch politische Beratung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für das DESERTEC Konzept, um
so möglichst viele Menschen als Unterstützer zu gewinnen.
Mitte 2009, auf der Gründungsveranstaltung der Industrieinitiative Dii GmbH, gratulierte er Dr. Knies,
der DESERTEC Foundation und den beteiligten Unternehmen per Videoschaltung. Inzwischen arbeitet
die Dii GmbH zusammen mit der DESERTEC Foundation und zahlreichen namenhaften Partnern aus
Industrie und Finanzwelt an der Schaffung geeigneter Rahmenbedingungen zur schnelleren
Realisierung von DESERTEC in Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Nord-Afrika.
Die DESERTEC Foundation verstärkt ihre Anstrengungen, global für DESERTEC zu werben, denn das
Konzept der Nutzung von Wüsten zur Versorgung von Verbrauchszentren wird von der Stiftung und
ihren Unterstützern als weltweit anwendbarer Beitrag gesehen, um Energie-, Wasser- und
Klimasicherheit für eine Welt mit 10 Milliarden Menschen zu schaffen.
Über seine Motivation schreibt Prinz Hassan bin Talal:
"Human solidarity: this is the fundamental ethic underlying all my activities. Humanitarianism, a basic
concern for the welfare of others, is all too often the missing link in today’s fast and frenetic world. All
my projects and initiatives are at heart attempts to promote “anthropolicy”, politics where people
matter. In a new century already scarred by tragic conflict, we must maintain our faith in the power
of the human mind and spirit to overcome the myriad of challenges before us. I hope that, with the
benefit of your wisdom and support, my various activities can humbly contribute to this effort."



The DESERTEC Concept for Europe, the Middle East and North Africa2009.09.28

The DESERTEC Concept describes the perspective of a sustainable supply of electricity for Europe (EU), the Middle East (ME) and North Africa (NA) up to the year 2050. It shows that a transition to competitive, secure and compatible supply is possible using renewable energy sources and efficiency gains, and fossil fuels as backup for balancing power.

In the upcoming decades, several global developments will create new challenges for mankind.
We will be confronted with problems and obstacles such as climate change, population growth beyond earth's capacity, and an increase in demand for energy and water caused by a strive for prosperity and expansion.

The DESERTEC Concept provides a way to solve these challenges.

The DESERTEC Concept describes the perspective of a sustainable supply of electricity for Europe (EU), the Middle East (ME) and North Africa (NA) up to the year 2050.

Gerhard Knies, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the DESERTEC Foundation:
"The founding of the DII is a milestone."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
It shows that a transition to competitive, secure and compatible supply is possible using renewable energy sources and efficiency gains, and fossil fuels as backup for balancing power.

A close cooperation between EU and MENA for market introduction of renewable energy and interconnection of electricity grids by high-voltage direct-current transmission are keys for economic and physical survival of the whole region.
However, the necessary measures will take at least two decades to become effective. Therefore, adequate policy and economic frameworks for their realization must be introduced immediately.
The role of sustainable energy to secure freshwater supplies based on seawater desalination is also addressed.

Hervé Touati, Managing Director of E.ON Climate & Renewables Division:
"E.ON is convinced that the future belongs - in the long term - to solar technology."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
In order to find a viable transition to an electricity supply that is inexpensive, compatible with the environment and based on secure resources, rigorous criteria must be applied to ensure that the results are compatible with a comprehensive definition of sustainability.
A central criterion for power generation is its availability at any moment on demand.

Dagmar Wöhrl, Secretary of State for the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology; and Günter Gloser, State Minister for Europe, Department of Foreign Affairs.
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
Today, this is achieved by consuming stored fossil or nuclear energy sources that can provide electricity whenever and wherever required. This is the easiest way to provide power on demand.
However, consuming the stored energy reserves of the globe has a high price: they are quickly depleted and their residues contaminate the planet.

Wolfgang Knothe, CEO of MAN Solar Millennium GmbH and member of the Board of Management of Solar Millennium AG:
"DESERTEC is a fascinating initiative and at the same time a major challenge worth working for."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
With the exception of hydropower, natural flows of energy are not widely used for power generation today, because they are not as easily stored and exploited as fossil or nuclear fuels. Some of them can be stored with a reasonable technical effort for a limited time-span, but others must be taken as provided by nature.

Torsten Jeworrek, Member of the Board of Management of Munich Re, opens the launch meeting of the Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII):
"We are pursuing a visionary plan. If it is successful, we will make a major contribution to combating climate change. The ecological and economic potential is huge."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
The challenge of future electricity supply is to find a mix of available technologies and resources that is capable of satisfying not only the criterion of “power on demand”, but all the other criteria for sustainability too.

The DESERTEC WhiteBook describes a scenario of electricity demand and supply opportunities by renewable energy in the integrated EUMENA region up to the middle of the century, and confirms the importance of international cooperation to achieve economic and environmental sustainability.

According to general opinion, by the middle of the 21st century, humanity will have used up a majority of the fossil fuel resources available on Earth (with the exception of coal) to meet the demands of power plants and vehicles.
There is not a sign of a worldwide reduction in fossil fuel demands, although such a reduction is essential to contain the threat of Global Warming. Even if there were to be a small reduction in fossil fuel consumption, it would merely postpone the day when fossil fuels are depleted.

Joachim Schneider, Member of the Board of Management of ABB AG:
"Climate protection needs innovative technologies."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
A shift to renewable forms of energy can be a long-term solution to looming problems of energy shortages and environmental damages.
However, the situation in Europe is complex.

The European continent provides great potential for wind, hydro, geothermal, and solar power. Be that as it may, there is a limit to the utilization of these sources due to Europe's high population density.

Jürgen Wild, Chairman and CEO of the M+W Zander Group:
"As a leading international engineering firm in the field of photovoltaics and solar technology, we strongly support this strategic initiative of trade and industry."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
When the renewable sources of Europe and The Middle East/North-Africa are combined, the EU-MENA region would be in a much improved position to shift to clean and secure energy rapidly and economically.

Here are some of the things that need to be done to enable the DESERTEC vision to become a reality.

The single market for electricity which is being created in Europe needs to be extended to the whole of EUMENA.
This will facilitate direct commercial links between customers and suppliers throughout the region.

Santiago Seage, Chairman and CEO of ABENGOA Solar:
"In the future we want to use our experience to make a significant contribution to the success of the DESERTEC objectives."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
As volumes of electricity increase, the existing transmission grid will need to be upgraded by removing bottlenecks, by converting HVAC transmission lines to HVDC, by creating new HVDC lines, and by the installation of smart electronics.

The TRANS-CSP report from the DLR estimates that a 100 GW EUMENA-wide supergrid would cost 45 billion Euros. Bearing in mind that this cost would be shared amongst 30 or more countries and spread over about 10 years, this equates to an average annual expenditure by each country of only 150 million Euros.

At present, the commercial "playing field" is tilted against renewable sources of power like CSP and wind power.
This is because established sources of energy are still receiving overt and hidden subsidies and because the world's atmosphere is still being used as a free dumping ground for CO2. Until these biases are removed, renewables will need support via mechanisms such as feed-in tariffs that have proved to be very successful in countries like Germany and Spain.

Jürgen H. Lange, Deputy Head of Global Energy at HSH Nordbank AG:
"We are happy to contribute our financing know-how to the DII."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
Other kinds of support that may prove useful include moneys arising from the sale of emissions certificates in the European emissions trading system or Kyoto2, returns from the yet-to-be-created climate protection investment programs, or money assigned for investment in politically unstable regions.
With these kinds of support, it may be possible to reach the EU "20-20-20" targets ahead of schedule.

The following Projects and Measures are Planned in the Short Term

• Full utilization of the new agreements that result from the establishment of the Union for the Mediterranean by the EU and 10 countries on the southern and eastern boarders of the Mediterranean. In particular the Mediterranean Solar Plan should be drafted and realized with urgency as a part of an emergency programme to fight climate change.

• Opening of negotiations immediately to develop partnerships between the EU and MENA countries for the implementation of the DESERTEC Concept.

• Throughout EUMENA, campaigning to raise awareness of the DESERTEC Concept and how it may be realised.

• Creation of a freely accessible „Solar Radiation Atlas” for desert areas which provides high spatial and temporal resolution of levels of solar radiation. The fact that such data is not already available illustrates the low priority which has, so far, been given to "clean power from deserts".

• Establishment of feasibility studies to clarify the current political, organisational, financial, technical and ecological questions with respect to the implementation of the DESERTEC Concept.

• Initiation of a 1-GW-Kick-off-Programmes to demonstrate feasibility of CSP projects in interested MENA countries. For humanitarian reasons, a solar power plant and drinking water plant on Egyptian territory for the benefit of the Gaza Strip would be useful as a pilot project. Benefits for people in Gaza may help to resolve tensions in the region.

• A programme to develop industrial capacity for the construction of solar thermal power plants. In particular, it would be useful if host countries could develop capabilities for the manufacture, installation and maintenance of solar collectors.

• Establishment of binding contracts with appropriate conditions and standards for the export of clean electricity from the MENA region into Europe.

• A “decommissioning grant” for depreciated inefficient coal power plants in EU Mediterranean countries if its capacities are replaced through the import of wind and solar energy from the MENA region.


12 companies plan establishment of a DESERTEC Industrial Initiative

The objective of this initiative is to analyse and develop the technical, economic, political, social and ecological framework for carbon-free power generation in the deserts of North Africa.

Group photograph of participants from business and politics.
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
Munich, 13 July 2009 - 12 companies today signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Munich to establish a DESERTEC Industrial Initiative (DII).

The objective of this initiative is to analyse and develop the technical, economic, political, social and ecological framework for carbon-free power generation in the deserts of North Africa.

Jamila Matar, Director of Energy, Arab League
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
The DESERTEC concept
, developed by the TREC Initiative of the Club of Rome, describes the perspectives of a sustainable power supply for all regions of the world with access to the energy potential of deserts.

Caio Koch-Weser, Vice Chairman of the Deutsche Bank Group:
"We are pleased to participate in the Desertec Industrial Initiative and explore with our partners the feasibility of this trailblazing project."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
The founder companies of the DII, whose regional focus is on Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), will be:



• Cevital

• Deutsche Bank

• E.ON

• HSH Nordbank

• MAN Solar Millennium

• Munich Re

• M+W Zander


• SCHOTT Solar


The companies intend to establish a planning entity whose shareholders will include the DESERTEC Foundation.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in the presence of high-ranking representatives from German and international politics.

Rene Umlauft, CEO of Renewable Energy at SIEMENS:
"DESERTEC can make a significant contribution to sustainable energy supplies."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
Among the DII’s main goals are the drafting of concrete business plans and associated financing concepts, and the initiating of industrial preparations for building a large number of networked solar thermal power plants distributed throughout the MENA region.

The aim is to produce sufficient power to meet around 15% of Europe’s electricity requirements and a substantial portion of the power needs of the producer countries.

Udo Ungeheuer, CEO and Chairman of SCHOTT AG:
"The SCHOTT receiver is at the very heart of parabolic trough technology. Our products have been in use in these power plants for decades."
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
All of the DII's activities will be aimed at developing viable investment plans within three years of its establishment.
The initiative’s clear focus on implementation is set out in the DII Principles for all future DII shareholders.

Besides the business opportunities for the companies, there are other economic, ecological and social potentials:

• Greater energy security in the EU/MENA countries

• Growth and development opportunities for the MENA region as a result of substantial private investment

• Safeguarding the future water supply in the MENA countries by utilising excess energy in seawater desalination plants

• Reducing carbon-dioxide emissions and thus making a significant contribution to achieving the climate change targets of the European Union and the German Federal Government

Frank-Detlef Drake, Vice President of Corporate Research and Development at RWE AG:
"The DESERTEC concept is a fascinating vision. We will contribute RWE’s energy expertise".
Foto: Munich Re Group, Munich
The DII planning entity is to be established as a GmbH
(limited liability company) under German law by 31 October 2009.
It is envisaged that other companies will join the DII once the company has been established. The aim is for the DII to include shareholders from a variety of different countries.

Representatives of the parties involved had the following to say about the joint initiative:

His Royal Highness Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan:

“The partnerships that will be formed across the regions as a result of the DESERTEC project will open a new chapter in relations between the people of the European Union, West Asia and North Africa.”

Dr. Gerhard Knies, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the DESERTEC Foundation:
"The founding of the DII is a milestone in the DESERTEC Foundation's concept for global energy, water and climate security!"

Max Schön, President of the German Association of the Club of Rome:

“The establishment of the DII is a giant leap by industry for the lasting protection of human life."

Dr. Joachim Schneider, Member of the Board of Management of ABB AG:
“ABB has developed High Voltage Direct Current transmission technology to connect power grids and utilise renewable energies. Climate protection needs innovative technologies.”

Santiago Seage, Chairman and CEO of ABENGOA Solar:
“Today we are building North Africa's first private integrated solar combined cycle plant in Algeria and the region’s largest utility-owned integrated solar combined cycle plant in Morocco. Tomorrow Abengoa’s experience in transmission, desalination and solar projects in North Africa will make a significant contribution to the success of the DESERTEC objectives.”

Malik Rebrab, Chief Executive Officer Cevital:
“It is time that everyone gets involved to preserve our planet and leave a better world for future generations. This is why Cevital considers this initiative as a new opportunity for the EUMENA region.'”

Caio Koch-Weser, Vice Chairman Deutsche Bank:

“We are pleased to participate in the Desertec Industrial Initiative and explore with our partners the feasibility of this trailblazing project. The Initiative shows in what dimensions and on what scale we must think if we are to master the challenges from climate change both in ecological and economic terms.”

Dr. Hervé Touati, Managing Director of E.ON Climate & Renewables:

“E.ON is convinced that the future belongs to solar technology in the long term. We share the DESERTEC vision of exploiting the sun’s energy on a grand scale to supply power to Europe and the African countries. We are supporting the initiative with a view to making this great idea possible. Apart from this, E.ON is constantly expanding its involvement in solar power, especially in the field of solar thermal power plants – as envisaged for supplying power in the DESERTEC Initiative.”

Peter Rieck, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management HSH Nordbank:
“HSH Nordbank has a leading position in project financing for renewable energy, which is also very important for our home region. We are happy to contribute our financing know-how to the DII.”

Dr. Wolfgang Knothe, CEO MAN Solar Millennium GmbH and member of the Board of Management of Solar Millennium AG:
“DESERTEC is a fascinating initiative and at the same time a major challenge worth working for. Our highly qualified engineers and managers are already facing such challenges and realising large solar thermal power projects in the Mediterranean region.”

Dr. Torsten Jeworrek, Member of the Board of Management Munich Re:
“We are pursuing a visionary plan. If it is successful, we will make a major contribution to combating climate change. The ecological and economic potential is huge. We will do our utmost to make this vision reality. Many thanks to all who are already giving us such strong support.”

Jürgen Wild, Chairman and CEO of the M+W Zander Group:
“As a leading international engineering firm in the field of photovoltaics and solar technology, we strongly support this strategic initiative of trade and industry. As we see it, the DII can be a great success.”

Dr. Frank-Detlef Drake, Vice President Corporate Research and Development RWE AG:

“The DESERTEC concept is a fascinating vision. We will contribute RWE’s energy expertise and, together with our partners, establish how and when the concept can be realised.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Ungeheuer, CEO and Chairman of SCHOTT AG:

“The SCHOTT receiver is at the very heart of parabolic trough technology. Our products have been in use in these power plants for decades.”

Dr. Rene Umlauft , CEO Renewable Energy, SIEMENS:
“DESERTEC can make a significant contribution to sustainable energy supplies. With its broad environmental portfolio, Siemens is the right technology partner for this visionary project.”

Media contacts of the companies involved in alphabetical order:

ABB Deutschland
Klaus Treichel
Tel. 00 49 621 438 12 30

Abengoa Solar Patricia Malo de Molina Meléndez
Tel. 00 34 954 93 71 11

Desertec Foundation
Michael Straub
Tel. 00 49 40 32 507 795

Deutsche Bank Group Dr. Klaus Winker
Tel. 00 49 69 910 322 49

Dr. Christian Drepper
Tel. 00 49 211 4579 889

HSH Nordbank Ulrike Abratis
Tel. 00 49 40 33 33 11463

MAN Solar Millennium Sven Moormann
Tel. 00 49 9131 94 09 0

Münchener Rück Alexander Mohanty
Tel. 00 49 89 3891 98 96

M+W Zander
Michael Gemeinhardt
Tel. 00 49 711 8804 1420

RWE AG Jan-Peter Schwartz
Tel. 00 49 201 12 150 23

Schott Solar AG Klaus-Bernhard Hofmann
Tel. 00 49 6131 66 36 62

Siemens AG Alfons Benzinger
Tel. 00 49 9131 18 70 34


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