
Molecular Biomechanics: Spider Silk  

Molecular Biomechanics: Spider Silk  

2012/07/26 に公開
In this movie, we are using an artistic approach to communicate a scientific topic. Dr. Agnieszka "Bronka" Bronowska, a HITS researcher and artist, has designed and produced a video on spider silk and its properties. The reason why spider silk is so highly elastic and at the same time stronger than steel lies in the nano-scale.

The Molecular Biomechanics research group (head: Dr. Frauke Gräter) of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) explores how physical force interacts with molecular processes using computer based methods. One of its research topics is the fascinating property of silk, which is more tear-resistant than steel.
More on the group here: http://www.h-its.org/english/research...