
APE OctaKong Complete Process

APE OctaKong Complete Process

アップロード日: 2011/05/31
The worlds largest Vibratory Driver Extractor, the OctaKong had its finally assembly completed in April of 2011 by American Piledriving Equipment Inc. This is a video of APE's team testing the hammer on a full size test pile. The hammer was made in the US and shipped to China and assembled for construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, currently the worlds largest bridge project. Big thanks to all of APE's employees, vendors, and logistics to get the hammer done on time. Go APE!

Credits to ZZ Top for the Soundtrack

APE OctaKong Assembly  

アップロード日: 2011/05/02
The worlds largest Vibratory Driver Extractor, the OctaKong had its finally assembly completed in April of 2011 by American Piledriving Equipment Inc. This is a video of APE's team assembling the hammer just outside of Shanghai China. The hammer was made in the US and shipped to China and assembled for construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, currently the worlds largest bridge project. Big thanks to all of APE's employees, vendors, and logistics to get the hammer done on time. Go APE!