He is a liar.
He is a liar performed self-protection for vice.
Sinzou Abe is a big liar.
He told a big lie in the Opening Ceremony of the 125th IOC Session that TEPCO is controlling perfectly the radioactive contaminated water in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Speeeches and Statements by the Prim Minster
Press Conference by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Following His Attendance at the G20 Summit Meeting in Saint Petersburg and the 125th International Olympic Committee Session
Saturday, September 7, 2013
1. Opening Statement
Tokyo has been chosen as the venue to host the 2020 Olympic Games. I believe that we successfully demonstrated together with the people of Japan that when we all work together, our dreams come true.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the members of the International Olympic Committee who supported Tokyo to host the Games and, indeed, to everyone around the world who cheered Tokyo on.
I also wish to commend heartily the valiant efforts made in the campaigns conducted by both Madrid and Istanbul. We were in a truly neck-and-neck competition right down to the very final moments.
In addition, I would like to express my deep respect for the efforts made by Mr. Inose, Governor of Tokyo; Mr. Takeda, President of the Japanese Olympic Committee; the many currently active athletes, and all the other people involved, who have given their utmost to have the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in Tokyo. Were it not for your great efforts, I feel that we would not have succeeded in bringing the Games to Tokyo.
Our real work still lies ahead. We will move into preparations right away to ensure that the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games are absolutely brought to a successful conclusion.
The very finest athletes from around the world will be coming to Tokyo. As the host country, it is our duty to enable all these athletes to realize their full potential and deliver their best athletic performances.
We will also work hard so that people all around the world will regard our efforts highly, saying, "Choosing Tokyo on that day was the right decision."
It is a thrill for me even to imagine Japan's athletes being active in the limelight on the major global stage of the Olympics and Paralympics. I would like them to welcome their fellow competitors from all over the world in Japan's spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.
But it is not only athletes that will arrive. Large numbers of overseas visitors will come to visit Japan. It is also incumbent upon us as the host nation to welcome them with the greatest possible hospitality.
I believe we have just grasped the ideal opportunity to have people realize, "Japan is really marvelous."
When the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, we received support from around the world towards reconstruction. I would like to express once more our appreciation for that. And it feels that this decision to have Tokyo host the Games is like hearing a voice of encouragement saying, "Gambare, Japan! Gambare, Tohoku! Keep working hard and give it all you've got!"
At the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games we will emphatically send out a message to people the world over, showing them a Japan that has accomplished laudably its reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and a Japan that is active on the world's center stage. I consider this to be the very best way to show our feelings of appreciation towards the decision to have Tokyo host these Games.
2. Questions and Answers
REPORTER (HARA, NHK): I would like to offer my congratulations on the decision to hold the Games in Tokyo. What do you believe was the deciding factor in Tokyo's successful bid to host the Games, and what issues need to be tackled going forward? Also, it is said that the decision to hold the Games in Tokyo will have an economic ripple effect of some three trillion yen. How do you see this impacting your decision on whether or not to raise the consumption tax rate? Also, a variety of economic indicators have been improving recently. What are your thoughts at the present time about raising the consumption tax rate?
PRIME MINISTER ABE: I believe that our success is truly the result of the people of Japan and the entire nation coming together as one. Moreover, I think that this result means that we have been granted a tremendous opportunity for Tokyo and for Japan to shine at the very center of the world stage.
Bringing the Olympics and the Paralympics to Tokyo will impart a positive impact on a wide range of fields, including infrastructure development and tourism. We will also work to meet the expectations that we will spread the Olympic movement across the globe and host the Olympics in a safe and reliable manner. I consider these to be the issues for us to handle.
Next, as for the impacts on the economy, I want to dispel the deflation that has dragged on for 15 years and the economy oriented towards contraction, using the decision to hold the Olympics in Tokyo as the spark that triggers changes. Right now we have succeeded in attaining a major objective. We will now move forward aiming at this objective and reaching for this dream. It is this that will lead to truly changing the "retreating" mentality that we have had until now.
As for the consumption tax rate, there has been no change in my position. I will carefully examine the economic situation and make a decision this autumn after giving it thorough consideration.
REPORTER (SOLTIS, BUENOS AIRES HERALD): First of all, let me congratulate you on Tokyo's selection as the host of the 2020 Olympic Games. At the G20 summit meeting, the circumstances were such that not all of the leaders had the opportunity to converse with each other, but you spoke for a short time with President Xi Jinping of China while there. How do you expect this will impact the dispute (sic) with China surrounding the Senkaku Islands? Around the world, this dispute (sic) is seen as a source of needless tension in a region that is already facing issues with North Korea. I would like you to discuss Japan's stance on the Senkaku Islands.
PRIME MINISTER ABE: I would like to begin my answer by expressing my sincere appreciation to the people of Buenos Aires and to the people of Argentina for so warmly welcoming the Japanese delegation at this IOC Session.
At the G20, I held talks with a number of leaders. I had a bilateral summit meeting with the President of Argentina as well as bilateral summits with the leaders of the United States and Russia, among many others.
As for the Senkaku Islands, it is absolutely clear both historically and in light of international law that the islands are an inherent part of the territory of Japan. Indeed, the islands are under the valid control of the Government of Japan. Protecting the sovereignty of the nation's territory is a natural duty for the government, and we will address the issue in a resolute and level-headed manner.
At the same time, Japan's relationship with China is one of Japan's most important bilateral relationships. As a responsible nation in the region, Japan intends to advance dialogue with China taking a broad perspective, in accordance with a "mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests." The door for dialogue is always open.
REPORTER (OTANI, THE SANKEI SHIMBUN): Congratulations on the selection of Tokyo to host the Olympics. Mr. Prime Minister, before you came here to Buenos Aires, at the G20 summit meeting held in Russia, you exchanged courtesies with President Xi Jinping of China and President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea. In the weeks to come, there will be a series of international meetings, including the United Nations General Assembly and the APEC summit. Please share with us your thoughts on how you will aim to make bilateral summit meetings with them a reality.
PRIME MINISTER ABE: As I explained to President Xi Jinping while at the G20, I believe we should return to the starting point of a "mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests" and then develop Japan-China bilateral relations from there. I look forward to the Chinese side also taking this same kind of position. The door for dialogue is always open on the Japan side. This is our position.
For Japan, the Republic of Korea is an important neighboring country with which we share fundamental values and interests. While there have also been some challenging issues between Japan and the ROK until now, I intend for Japan to continue to build up its communication and foster cooperative relations with the ROK, taking a broader perspective.
REPORTER (VITTAR, CLARÍN [ARGENTINA]): First of all, please accept my congratulations on the selection of Tokyo.
As for my question, I would like to ask how you will resolve the issue of the contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Also, in Japan, which is poorly endowed in energy resources, will you use other types of energy from now to replace nuclear energy?
PRIME MINISTER ABE: First of all, with regard to health-related problems, I will state in the most emphatic and unequivocal terms that there have been no problems until now, nor are there any at present, nor will there be in the future.
Furthermore, the government has already decided on a program that will resolve the contaminated water issue in a manner that is both meticulous and exhaustive, and execution of this program is already underway. I myself will take responsibility in ensuring the execution of this program.
As for our energy policies, we will continue to formulate energy policies that also incorporate the standpoints of stable energy supply and lower energy costs. Going forward, we will reduce the proportion of our energy supply that comes from nuclear power.
In order to do so, over roughly the next three years, we will accelerate to the greatest possible extent the widespread use of renewable energies and the promotion of energy conservation. We will make decisions on the restarting of nuclear power plants using the most stringent safety standards anywhere in the world.
(NHK 原記者) 東京招致決定に祝意を表したい。今回の東京招致決定の勝因と今後の課題如何。また、東京五輪の決定によって、3兆円の経済波及効果があるといわれているが、消費税率引き上げの判断に与える影響はどのようにお考えか。また、さまざまな経済指標が最近改善しているが、現時点で、消費税の引き上げについてどのように考えているか。
(安倍総理) この勝利は、まさに国民が日本全体が一つになった結果だと思う。そして、この結果、まさに私たちは東京が、日本が世界の真ん中で輝いていく、その大きなチャンスを頂いたと思っている。
(ブエノスアイレス・ヘラルド ソルティス記者) まず最初に、2020年オリンピック東京招致に祝意を表したい。G20では、全ての首脳同士が言葉を交わすことが出来なかった状況で、今回、安倍総理は、中国の習近平主席と短時間言葉を交わされた。このことは、中国との尖閣諸島を巡る争いについてどの様な影響を与えるのか。世界の中で、この争いは、既に北朝鮮問題を抱えている地域において余計な緊張の種と見られている。尖閣諸島についての日本の立場如何。
(安倍総理) まずはじめに、このIOC総会において日本代表団を大変暖かく迎えていただいた、ブエノスアイレスの皆様、アルゼンチンの皆様に心から感謝申し上げる。そして、G20では私は様々な首脳と会談を行った。アルゼンチンの大統領との首脳会談も行ったし、日米、日露等の様々な首脳会談を行った。
(産経新聞 大谷記者) 東京五輪開催決定に祝意を表したい。さて、総理は、ここブエノスアイレスに来られる前、ロシアで開催されたG20の場で、中国の習近平国家主席、韓国の朴槿恵(パク・クネ)大統領と挨拶を交わされた。これからも、国連総会や、APEC等、国際会議が続くが、どのように首脳会談の実現を目指していくのか、お考えをお聞かせ願いたい。
(安倍総理) G20の場で私から習主席に説明したとおり、私としては、「戦略的互恵関係」の原点に立ち戻って、日中関係を発展させていくべきであるとの考えである。中国側においても同様の姿勢を期待したいと思う。日本側の対話のドアは常にオープン。これが我々の姿勢である。
(クラリン紙(アルゼンチン) ビタール記者) まず最初にお祝い申し上げたい。質問だが、福島第一原発の汚染水問題を如何に解決するのか。また、エネルギー資源の乏しい日本において、原子力エネルギーに代わって、ほかのエネルギーを使うということになるのか。
(安倍総理) まず、健康に対する問題は、今までも、現在も、これからも全くないということははっきりと申し上げておきたいと思う。
Copyright© Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Public Relations Office. All Rights Reserved.
We do not know the reliable thing about the truth than other people.
However, it can be understood that it is not true when we heard it.
The falsehood is made intentionally.
The falsehood is made by vice.
We often understand that both a speaker and a listener are false.
We understand that both a speaker and a listener are false.
Let's operate people.
Let's conciliate people.
Let's justify a selfish act.
For self-self-protection, let's have power in our hand.
Let's deny harsh reality.
He is a liar.
He is a liar performed self-protection with vice.
via Japan Times / Sep 10, 2013 / One question that emerged among the public immediately after Tokyo won the right to host the 2020 Olympics was whether Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made an incorrect statement, or told an outright lie, about the contaminated water issue at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
During the Tokyo bid delegation’s final presentation before the International Olympic Committee in Buenos Aires on Saturday, Abe stressed that the “effects from the contaminated water have been perfectly blocked within the (artificial) bay” of the wrecked nuclear complex, and said “the situation is under control.”
Experts have long pointed out that irradiated water from the plant has kept gushing into the Pacific far beyond the man-made bay, although the government continues to claim that most radioactive materials have been contained within a silt fence that forms a barrier directly in front of reactor units 1 through 4. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 suffered core meltdowns in March 2011.
The silt fence was deliberately set up with many openings so it can withstand waves and tidal movements.
When disclosing the results of a simulation last month, Tokyo Electric Power Co. admitted that a lot of water — and probably radioactive materials — was penetrating the fence and pouring into the wider ocean. The simulation assumed that 50 percent of the water inside the fence becomes mixed with seawater daily due to tides and other factors.
Tepco, based on the findings, concluded that a maximum of 10 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium-90 and a further 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137 may have reached the ocean.
At a news conference Tuesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga admitted that contaminated water has escaped through the silt fence. But at the same time, he stressed that surveys have shown that the levels of radioactive materials in coastal waters around the nation, including off Fukushima Prefecture, are far lower than international safety thresholds.
“Even at the maximum, the density of (radioactive) cesium is less than one-five hundredth of the World Health Organization standards for drinking water, which poses no (health) problems at all,” Suga said.
“So (based on this, Abe) said (in Buenos Aires that) the effect has been totally blocked” within the bay of Fukushima No. 1, Suga said.
However, Suga did not answer repeated questions on the possibility that the density readings might be lower simply because tainted water is being diluted with massive amounts of seawater, and not because Tepco or the government has the situation “under control” as Abe claimed.
Jota Kanda, a professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, pointed out that densities of radioactive materials within the artificial bay have stopped falling recently, despite the huge amounts of seawater that flow in and out every day.
This indicates a certain amount of new radioactive materials are flowing nonstop from the plant’s wrecked reactor buildings into the sea, he said.
Kanda, however, also noted that the total amount of radioactive materials detected in contaminated water samples has been so low that it is unlikely to pose any danger to human health.
Surveys of fish caught around Japan’s shores have shown no alarming concentrations of radioactive materials in recent months.
Related: PM Abe “Fukushima is under control”
Situation at Fukushima ‘not under control’, says Tepco official
September 13, 2013
via euronews.com / Sep 13, 2013 / A senior official from the company which operates the stricken nuclear power plant at Fukushima in Japan has admitted that the situation there is “not under control”.
However, within hours Tepco released a statement saying the official, Kazuhiko Yamashita, meant to say something different.
His comments came in response to a question at a meeting with the opposition Democratic Party. The politician asked whether the company considered the situation at the plant to be under control.
“I’m sorry, but we consider the situation is not under control,” came the reply from Yamashita.
In its subsequent statement, Tepco said what the official meant to say was that there were continuous problems with storage tanks, and when radioactive water leaked out it remained in front of the plant.
Source: Euronews
Japan Reassures Public after Official Says Fukushima 'Not Under Control'
September 13, 2013
The Japanese government is trying to reassure people it is on top of contaminated water leaks at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, after an official at the Tokyo Electric Power Company said the situation is "not under control."
Friday's comments by TEPCO official Kazuhiko Yamashita appeared to contradict Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's assurances to the International Olympic Committee last week. Mr. Abe had described the leaks at Fukushima as under control when advocating for Tokyo's selection as host of the 2020 Olympic Games.
The government said Friday the TEPCO official was referring to individual incidents, but not to the situation as a whole.
Former U.S. nuclear regulator Lake Barrett, who is working as an outside adviser for TEPCO, also supported the prime minister's statement. He said the situation at the plant is under control "from a public health and safety and environmental protection point of view."
Japanese officials have acknowledged that radioactive ground water has been leaking from the Fukushima plant since it was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami in March of 2011, triggering a major nuclear disaster.
TEPCO has said the leaked water is emitting radiation levels considered harmful to humans.
Leaks have come from storage tanks holding water used to cool the reactors that melted down after the earthquake and tsunami shut off the plant's power and cooling systems.
It was the world's worst nuclear disaster since the 1986 Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union. No one is reported to have died as a direct result of the Fukushima disaster, though tens of thousands are unable to return to their homes surrounding the facility.

Japan Reassures Public after Official Says Fukushima 'Not Under Control'
September 13, 2013
The Japanese government is trying to reassure people it is on top of contaminated water leaks at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, after an official at the Tokyo Electric Power Company said the situation is "not under control."
Friday's comments by TEPCO official Kazuhiko Yamashita appeared to contradict Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's assurances to the International Olympic Committee last week. Mr. Abe had described the leaks at Fukushima as under control when advocating for Tokyo's selection as host of the 2020 Olympic Games.
The government said Friday the TEPCO official was referring to individual incidents, but not to the situation as a whole.
Former U.S. nuclear regulator Lake Barrett, who is working as an outside adviser for TEPCO, also supported the prime minister's statement. He said the situation at the plant is under control "from a public health and safety and environmental protection point of view."
Japanese officials have acknowledged that radioactive ground water has been leaking from the Fukushima plant since it was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami in March of 2011, triggering a major nuclear disaster.
TEPCO has said the leaked water is emitting radiation levels considered harmful to humans.
Leaks have come from storage tanks holding water used to cool the reactors that melted down after the earthquake and tsunami shut off the plant's power and cooling systems.
It was the world's worst nuclear disaster since the 1986 Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union. No one is reported to have died as a direct result of the Fukushima disaster, though tens of thousands are unable to return to their homes surrounding the facility.
Japan Prime Minister’s Fiction vs. Fact: Fukushima contamination has never done any damage to Tokyo; Radioactive water at plant was “blocked” — Study: Tokyo was contaminated — Experts: Radioactive water is constantly flowing out to sea and almost impossible to stop
Published: September 8th, 2013 at 5:48 pm ET
By ENENews
By ENENews
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Sept. 7, 2013: “It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo. There are no health-related problems until now, and nor will there be in the future — I make the statement to you in the most emphatic and unequivocal way.”
More from Abe: “I explained about the safety of Tokyo. There were some misunderstandings but I explained the situation. I explained about the water contamination in Fukushima and explained that the contaminated water was blocked.”
NPR’s All Things Considered, Sept. 3, 2013 – Geoff Brumfiel, NPR: Groundwater is constantly flowing through the basement of the plant carrying radioactivity from melted reactor cores out to sea [...] Ken Buesseler, Senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute who studies ocean around Fukushima: It’s almost impossible to stop groundwater, you put a damn in a river and it will go over and around, or under.
A selection of archived reports concerning contamination in Tokyo:
- Worst radiation plume from Fukushima was blown over Tokyo on March 14-15 — “This was the main deposition event over Japan for the entire disaster” — Large fractions of cesium fell on land
- “Really troubling” wind shift said NRC: 1,000 microSv thyroid dose south of Tokyo over ten hour period on Mar. 14 reported US Navy — 300km from Fukushima — “This reminds me of the drill”
- Report: Mayor says Tokyo citizens were irradiated -NHK
- High levels of radioactive material found in Tokyo — 170,000 Bq/kg in slag approaches levels found in Fukushima
- Radioactive iodine found in breast milk near Tokyo — Mother of 8-month old baby has 980 pCi/kg
- Japan Prime Minister to study setting up “alternative capital” away from Tokyo
- Tokyo drinking water unsafe for infants: Officials — Government distributing bottled water
- UN document: “There would be a hazard around eastern part of Japan” — 60 hours of emissions blowing southwest over Tokyo forecasted last March
- Wind blew from Fukushima to Tokyo on day Reactor No. 3 exploded — Radiation cloud reached south of Shizuoka on March 14 (MAP)
- US gov’t map shows radioactive particles took direct route to Tokyo after Reactor No. 3 exploded
- US Gov’t: Widespread contamination throughout northern Japan, including Tokyo — “Entire region would be required to be posted as radiological area”
- Study: Fukushima fallout at Canadian embassy in Tokyo was 225,000 Bq/m² — Far in excess of limit set for radiation control zones
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