The Japan's politics that is feeble-minded the incompetence globally as I am considered to be a internatinal caricature of Japan.
Now, Japan's Cabinet (politics) is going to go crazy or mad.
Now, Japan's Cabinet is incompetence.
Competence at Japan's Cabinet is empty.
: (incompetence = 無能力)
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The Chief Cabinet Secretary protests a caricature of the French newspaper
官房長官 仏紙の風刺画に抗議
9月12日 12時58分

matuokaisenokamikaze @matuoka7ocean
@AbeShinzo 風刺画にされるほどの国際的に無能・低能な日本の政治

宝珠山( 国民生活第一 ) @tsghoh
それに抗議する政府は滑稽。何故に風刺画で馬鹿にされているのかに、考えが至らず。自らを恥ずべきなのですが。"@matuoka7ocean: @tsghoh 風刺画にされるほどの国際的に無能・低能な日本の政治 … "

サマンサ★ @nuichakka
風刺画にされるほどの国際的に無能・低能な日本の政治 …
官房長官 仏紙の風刺画に抗議
9月12日 12時58分
12 September 2013 Last updated at 08:47 GMT
Japan anger over French Fukushima cartoon
Tokyo says the Fukushima crisis will not affect its ability to host the Olympics
Japan will formally protest about a cartoon in a French satirical weekly of sumo wrestlers with extra limbs at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.
The caption says: "Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport", a reference to Tokyo's successful bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
Japan overcame concerns about the plant, which was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, to win the bid.
A Japanese official said the cartoon gave the wrong impression about Japan.
The sketch in Le Canard Enchaine showed a commentator in a nuclear protection suit standing in front of two multi-limbed and emaciated sumo wrestlers facing off against the backdrop of the plant
The French weekly also published a picture of two people wearing nuclear protection suits holding a Geiger counter in front of a pool of water and saying that water sport facilities had already been built at Fukushima.
The triple meltdown at Fukushima, which lies 141 miles (227km) north of the capital, was classed as a highest-possible level seven incident on an international scale, one of only two nuclear events ever given that rating - along with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the former Soviet Union.
'Wrong impression'
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the government would lodge an official complaint with the magazine.
"These kinds of satirical pictures hurt the victims of the disaster," Mr Suga told a news conference.
"This kind of journalism gives the wrong impression about the waste water problem," he added.
Since the triple meltdown the plant has continued to be plagued by problems, such as leaks of radioactive water from storage tanks and also concerns that water is seeping from damaged reactor buildings into the ground.
Tokyo has insisted that it can resolve the many issues faced by the plant and has also pledged funding to build a frozen wall around reactor buildings to contain the leaks.
During the Olympic bid process Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that the situation was "under control".
Sinzou Abe, donkey,monkey,foolish, mad,crazy,Which was he?
in the fukushima nuclear disaster.
September 10, 2013, 5:07 PM

European Pressphoto Agency/Japan Nuclear Regulation Authority
Japan Nuclear Regulation Authority members inspect an impermeable wall aimed at stopping possible leaks of contaminated water into the sea at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Aug. 23.
12 September 2013 Last updated at 08:47 GMT
Japan anger over French Fukushima cartoon
Tokyo says the Fukushima crisis will not affect its ability to host the Olympics
Japan will formally protest about a cartoon in a French satirical weekly of sumo wrestlers with extra limbs at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.
The caption says: "Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport", a reference to Tokyo's successful bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
Japan overcame concerns about the plant, which was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, to win the bid.
A Japanese official said the cartoon gave the wrong impression about Japan.
The sketch in Le Canard Enchaine showed a commentator in a nuclear protection suit standing in front of two multi-limbed and emaciated sumo wrestlers facing off against the backdrop of the plant
The French weekly also published a picture of two people wearing nuclear protection suits holding a Geiger counter in front of a pool of water and saying that water sport facilities had already been built at Fukushima.
The triple meltdown at Fukushima, which lies 141 miles (227km) north of the capital, was classed as a highest-possible level seven incident on an international scale, one of only two nuclear events ever given that rating - along with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the former Soviet Union.
'Wrong impression'
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the government would lodge an official complaint with the magazine.
"These kinds of satirical pictures hurt the victims of the disaster," Mr Suga told a news conference.
"This kind of journalism gives the wrong impression about the waste water problem," he added.
Since the triple meltdown the plant has continued to be plagued by problems, such as leaks of radioactive water from storage tanks and also concerns that water is seeping from damaged reactor buildings into the ground.
Tokyo has insisted that it can resolve the many issues faced by the plant and has also pledged funding to build a frozen wall around reactor buildings to contain the leaks.
During the Olympic bid process Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that the situation was "under control".
Sinzou Abe, donkey,monkey,foolish, mad,crazy,Which was he?
in the fukushima nuclear disaster.
September 10, 2013, 5:07 PM
Fukushima Watch: Tokyo Olympics Victory More Grief for Fukushima?
By Phred DvorakEuropean Pressphoto Agency/Japan Nuclear Regulation Authority
Japan Nuclear Regulation Authority members inspect an impermeable wall aimed at stopping possible leaks of contaminated water into the sea at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Aug. 23.
While many Japanese are celebrating Tokyo’s winning bid to host the 2020 Olympics, others say the victory may have come at Fukushima’s expense.
Twitter and Japanese blogs have been filled with indignant posts over the past few days about the way Japan’s Olympic committee president Tsunekazu Takeda reassured international media on Sept. 4 that Tokyo was safe from the radioactive-water problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, since the two locations are far apart — indeed, “almost 250 kilometers apart.” The suggestion, some area residents pointed out, is that Fukushima might be contaminated, but it doesn’t really matter to the capital.
“Are you thinking about the people of Fukushima!!” tweeted a self-described resident of northeastern Japan with the handle Harubaru on Sept. 6.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s last-minute appeal to the International Olympic Committee that the “situation is under control” at the crippled nuclear plant was also met with skepticism by some on the ground.
“Prime Minister Abe isn’t a specialist in nuclear disasters, or a specialist in environmental impacts,” tweeted a Fukushima Daiichi worker who calls himself TS-san and often posts items on the dangers workers face at the site.
The tweets reflect the despair and neglect felt by some near the crippled plant, where operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.9501.TO -0.58% has been struggling to contain radioactive contamination since the triple meltdowns in March 2011.
Recent discoveries of rising contamination in groundwater, as well as leaks of highly radioactive water from storage tanks on the site, have renewed health worries of Fukushima residents, and sparked global concern that Tepco and the government don’t have the site under control. Members of the IOC cited the effectiveness of Mr. Abe and others in calming that concern when explaining their choice of Tokyo as a fit venue for the 2020 Olympics.
Now that Tokyo has won, will the pressure of hosting the Olympics be good for the effort to cleanup Fukushima Daiichi?
Although some observers say the international scrutiny that will accompany the Olympics preparation will make Tepco and others clean up their act, others are afraid it’ll just result in more pressure on workers, with no greater resources to handle it. Some of the most skeptical tweets have been from disillusioned workers at Fukushima Daiichi itself.
“Mr. Abe, in order to bring the Olympics, are you planning to shove aside Fukushima?” tweeted a self-described Fukushima Daiichi worker with the handle Toden George, on Sept. 7. “What about the cost of cleanup and plant decommissioning?”
TS-san chimed in on Sept. 8: “I promise that the Olympics will probably — no, definitely — have the worst possible impact on the Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning.”
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