
Sinzou Abe, donkey,monkey,foolish, mad,crazy,Which was he? in the fukushima nuclear disaster.



【my comment at The New York Times  】:


Sinzou Abe, donkey,monkey,foolish, mad,crazy,Which was he? in the fukushima nuclear disaster.

 福島第一港湾内、放水口付近、護岸の詳細分析結果(1/4) 護岸地下水

平成25 年9月6日


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原発爆発と定点カメラNuclear Reactor Huge Explosions and Fixed


公開日: 2012/03/24
a Camera that records huge hydrogen explosions of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. and relatively long reel of each explosion.



fukusima report; "you don't know what you are doing."


公開日: 2013/08/25
the audio for this was available for download on the voice of russia, so i made this video for it.

here are articles referenced in the screenshots:

uncovering the seriousness of japan's nuclear catastrophe

When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater hawai'i news daily


fukushima has released 450 times as much radiation as chernobyl

Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US

TEPCO admits nuclear meltdown occurred at Fukushima reactor 16 hours after quake (may 17, 2011) http://endtimesnews.wordpress.com/201...

worst-case scenario realized -- reactor meltdown in fukushima

Technology Doesn't Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima

Worse than meltdown, government report says devastating 'melt-through' has occurred at Fukushima; Official suggests Japan could become 'uninhabitable'

Title: Fukushima leak: "It's pretty active, pretty intense and it's out of control"
Source: Voice of Russia -- UK Edition

"You do not know what you're doing, you do not have a plan" - Fukushima report

Fukushima The Coming Global Disaster  


公開日: 2013/08/26
Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority said last week it feared the disaster was "in some respects" beyond Tepco's ability to cope.

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Tokyo wins the 2020 Olympic Games | 東京は、2020 年オリンピック


公開日: 2013/09/07
Tokyo has been chosen by the International Olympic Committee to host the 2020 Summer Games.
During its vote Saturday in Buenos Aires, the committee made its choice over the two other contenders, Madrid and Istanbul.
[Original story published at 3:39 p.m. ET]
(CNN) -- Tokyo and Istanbul have advanced to a final runoff vote to be the site of the 2020 Olympic Games.
Saturday's International Olympic Committee vote in Buenos Aires eliminated Madrid -- but only after a tiebreaker vote. Tokyo finished first in the day's first round of voting, but Madrid and Istanbul received the same number of votes in second place. The committee then voted again to place Istanbul in the final runoff with Tokyo.
The results of the final vote were sealed and were expected to be announced during a ceremony from 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET).
Each of the cities has strengths and potential weaknesses, said Ed Hula, editor and founder of aroundtherings.com, which covers the business and politics of the Olympic movement.
"Istanbul is the one bid that offers something unique and different," Hula told CNN in a telephone interview from Buenos Aires.
2020 Olympics: The contenders pros, cons Brazil unveils Olympic park vision Despite economy, Madrid bids for Olympics
If Turkey were to win, it would be the first Muslim country to host the Games and, with a median age of less than 30 years, one of the youngest.
"Those things make Istanbul a more emotional choice," Hula said.
But the city would face daunting logistical challenges, including the need to modernize its transportation and venue infrastructure.
Though unrelated to its bid, Turkey's border with Syria could also prove problematic to some of the committee members, he said.
And this summer, the image of Turkish sport took a hit when about three dozen athletes tested positive for drugs, he said.
But Istanbul presented a plan that would cost $19 billion, by far the largest of the three cities, to prepare for the Games.
Tokyo's bid comes in at $5 billion to $6 billion, but the city government has already amassed a $4.9 billion Olympic fund to pay to prepare for the Games, he said.
And a $1 billion national stadium that would be used for the athletic events and the opening ceremony will already have been built for the rugby World Cup in 2017 and is not considered an Olympic expense.
On the down side, the continuing cleanup following the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in 2011 continues to loom as an uncertainty among Olympic committee members, he said. But Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who made a presentation to the committee, tackled the issue head-on. "He made it clear that the government is fully committed to making this repair happen," Hula said.
Istanbul makes case for 2020 Olympics Fukushima casts shadow on Olympic bid
Madrid, like Tokyo, was a repeat bidder -- making its third consecutive case for the Games, one that was little changed from previous attempts, Hula said.
The Spaniards' $2 billion bid said they had little need for new infrastructure, he said. And they have ample sports experience, having hosted a number of other high-profile, international events.
Tokyo Wins 2020 Olympic Bid | Tokyo Japan will host 2020 Summer Olympic Games

Decepción mayúscula. Madrid se quedó sin los Juegos de 2020 a las primeras de cambio. En el desempate ante Estambul perdió por 49 votos a 45 y la sede final fue Tokio 2020. No pudo ser. Madrid no será la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos en 2020. La capital española sufrió una nueva decepción y se quedó, por cuarta vez en su historia, con las ganas de acoger este evento deportivo.

Tras una reñida votación, en la que Moscú y Nueva York cayeron en las dos primeras rondas, Madrid fue eliminada en la tercera ronda por tan solo dos votos. En la votación final, Londres fue elegida como sede de los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de 2012.
Madrid no se dio por vencida y al final decidió volver a presentarse a los Juegos de 2016. Pasó el primer corte junto con Chicago, Tokio y Río de Janeiro. Madrid entraba por méritos propios en la final, aunque esta vez no fue la más votada, sino Río de Janeiro, con 46 frente a los 29 de la capital española y los 20 de Tokio.

Tokyo wins the 2020 Olympic Games ~ 東京は、2020 年オリンピックを受賞
Tokyo wins the 2020 Olympic Games ~ 東京は、2020 年オリンピックを受賞



Sinzou abe told some lies to people all over the world in his speech to invite the 2020 olympic games.

オリンピック 安倍晋三首相の演説が2020年東京五輪大会決定への


公開日: 2013/09/08








For 2020 Olympics, I.O.C. Picks Tokyo, Considered Safe Choice


BUENOS AIRES — Tokyo was selected Saturday to host the 2020 Summer Olympics in what was considered a safe rather than transformative choice in a time of political and economic uncertainty around the globe.

After Japan’s prime minister gave an emphatic assurance of safety regarding the country’s 2011 nuclear disaster and continuing concerns about radioactivity, Tokyo easily defeated Istanbul and Madrid to be named host of the Summer Games for a second time.
“When I heard the name Tokyo, I was so touched, overwhelmed,” said Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister. “The joy was even greater than when I won my own election.”
The decision was met with elation in Japan, where it was seen as a vote of international support for the nation’s efforts to pull itself out of a long economic and political decline, and to overcome the devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident two years ago.
Winning the Games also appeared to affirm Abe’s efforts to restore Japan’s confidence at a time when it has appeared increasingly eclipsed by neighboring China.
“Japan has seemed to be overshadowed by the rise of China and other developing nations,” said Harumi Arima, an independent political analyst. “These Olympics will give Japanese a chance to feel reborn, to feel for themselves that Japan can still be vibrant.”
For the International Olympic Committee, environmental concerns in Japan appeared less urgent than the Syrian war on Turkey’s border, a recent harsh crackdown against anti-government protesters in Istanbul and Spain’s economic recession and high unemployment.
The Olympic movement has also been buffeted by protests in Brazil over heavy government spending for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics to be held in Rio de Janeiro.
And there has been a backlash against what the West considers antigay legislation passed in Russia ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, a Games that will come with a $50 billion price tag.
Amid such economic, political and human rights maelstroms, Tokyo was seen as a calm harbor. It won handily over Istanbul in the second round of voting by 60-36 in a secret ballot of Olympic delegates.
Tokyo presented its bid as a “safe pair of hands,” an appeal that clearly resonated with Olympic officials. “This is something that appeals to me as a surgeon,” said Jacques Rogge, the president of the Olympic committee and a retired orthopedist from Belgium, who did not vote Saturday, as is tradition.
Tokyo hosted the 1964 Summer Olympics, and Japan has twice hosted the Winter Games, in Sapporo in 1972 and in Nagano in 1998. Japan also co-hosted the 2002 World Cup with South Korea, repeatedly showing it can organize the world’s largest sporting events. It already has a reserve fund worth $4.5 billion in the bank to build stadiums for the 2020 Games.
“The members wanted to have a choice between a bid addressing tradition and stability and another bid that was addressing new projects,” said Thomas Bach, an I.O.C. delegate from Germany who is expected to succeed Rogge as president. “In today’s political and economic situation, the clear tendency was toward tradition and stability.”
Kevan Gosper, an I.O.C. delegate from Australia, said that Tokyo represented “a pretty secure option, and demonstrates a shift in world activity and economics and sport toward Asia,” a reference to the 2008 Summer Games held in Beijing and the 2018 Winter Games, which will take place in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
Prince Albert, an I.O.C. delegate from Monaco, said that Saturday’s result also might have represented a strategy by the Olympic committee, which is Eurocentric, to vote for an Asian host with an eye toward returning the Summer Games to Europe in 2024 after they go to Rio in 2016 and Tokyo in 2020.
Richard W. Pound, an I.O.C. member from Montreal, said that he would not rule out the chances of the United States, which is expected to bid on the 2024 Games and has not hosted a Summer Olympics since Atlanta in 1996. The United States Olympic Committee and the I.O.C. recently settled a feud over sharing rights to television and sponsorship fees.
“If we are in kiss and make up with the U.S., then why not?” Pound said of the potential American chances.
(Page 2 of 2)
Though Istanbul did better than many expected in finishing second to Tokyo, the Turkish metropolis lost a sixth attempt to host the Games. They would have been the first held in a predominantly Muslim country.
 Some I.O.C. delegates had expressed reluctance trying to forecast Turkey’s political situation seven years from now, given regional instability; what some critics in the country call the autocratic governing style of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and a divide between secularists and Islamists.
Madrid was considered to be making a late charge, but ultimately it was the first city eliminated, failing for a third consecutive time to be named host of the Games.
Apparently, Madrid was unable to allay concerns by the Olympic committee that it could stage a successful Games even at a relatively low cost in a climate of recession and high unemployment that has left half of Spain’s young without jobs.
During Saturday’s final pitches to the Olympic committee, both Madrid and Istanbul also faced pointed questions about their countries’ poor records in combating doping. Tokyo noted that no Japanese athlete had ever tested positive for banned substances at the Olympics.
As Tokyo made its final presentation, Abe addressed the issue of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, which is about 150 miles from Tokyo. It is considered the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
“Let me assure you that the situation is under control,” Abe said. “It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo.”
Gerhard Heiberg, an I.O.C. delegate from Norway, asked Abe how he could make such guarantees. The prime minister replied that there were no health-related problems related to the nuclear disaster, “nor will there be in the future.”
The Japanese government has pledged nearly $500 million to try to stabilize the stricken nuclear plant, including the building of a frozen wall to curb the flow of groundwater into the contaminated buildings at the reactor site.
Some critics have accused Japanese leaders of being misleading or in denial about the severity of the radiation problem. South Korea has banned fish imports from the Fukushima area. But Olympic delegates were sufficiently convinced that the nuclear disaster would not hinder the 2020 Games.
“A lot of folks have been reading in the media that hundreds of tons of radioactive water are being fed into the Pacific every day,” Pound said.
Abe seemed to be saying, “I’m satisfied on that so that nothing will happen,” according to Pound, who added, “If there’s another earthquake or something like that, that’s not something you can blame the prime minister for.”
Some analysts said they hoped winning the 2020 Olympics would give Tokyo the same sort of economic boost, and rebirth in spirit, that the city experienced the last time it hosted the summer Games, in 1964.
Those Olympics are still vividly remembered as proclaiming the success of Japan’s recovery from the ashes of World War II and launching the modern city of highways and bullet trains.
Shusei Tanaka, a political scientist at Fukuyama University, said that Tokyo would get not only an expected economic boost of $30 billion in new growth, but also a chance to reinvent itself in the 21st century.
“I feel like I did during the last Olympics, when I was still a university student,” Tanaka, 72, said. “Why am I so excited this time? I think it’s the natural disaster. We have a chance to build a new economy, hopefully without nuclear power, and to build a new urban lifestyle.”
Reporting was contributed by Martin Fackler, Hiroko Tabuchi and Joshua Hunt from Tokyo; Raphael Minder from Madrid; and Ceylan Yeginsu from Istanbul.
© 2013 The New York Times Company


Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report (Sep 10,2013)Water Leak at a Tank in the H4 area in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Follow-up Information 36)


This is follow-up information on the "water leak at a tank in the H4 area in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" found on August 19.
On September 8, we performed the analyses of γ nuclide and all β for the first time in an observation hole (E-1: in north of a dike of the tank No.5 in I Group in the H4 area with water leakage) around H4 tank area. The results are as follows.
<Observation hole: E-1>
- Sampled on September 8
Tritium: 4200 Bq/L
Cesium-134: 2.5Bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
Cesium-137: 5.1bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
All β: 3200Bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
The result of tritium in groundwater (E-1) in H4 area (sampled on September 8 for the first time) was 4200Bq/L, and was higher than the radioactive concentration measured at the observation hole E-2, likewise the result of all β measured on the same day (on September 8).
We performed the analysis of tritium (sampled on September 8) in water in an observation hole (E-2: in south of a dike of the tank No.5 in I Group in the H4 area with water leakage) around H4 tank area. The results are as follows.
<Observation hole: E-2>
- Sampled on September 8
Tritium: 290 Bq/L
Cesium-134: 0.64Bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
Cesium-137: 0.74Bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
All β: 67Bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
- Sampled on September 7
Tritium: 300Bq/L (previously announced on September 9)
The result of tritium obtained on September 8 in an observation hole E-2 was 290Bq/L, and this is approximately the same as the result of tritium (300 Bq/L) at the same point sampled on September 7.
We are determined to continue analyses and to monitor the situation.
