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9月3日のNature のEditorialに福島原発からの汚染水漏洩への日本政府および東電の対応について、つよい不信感を表明する編集委員からのコメントが掲載された。
Nuclear error
Nature News
Nature Publishing Group
Sep 3, 2013
Copyright © 2013, Rights Managed by Nature Publishing Group
Nuclear error
Japan should bring in international help to study and mitigate the Fukushima crisis.
03 September 2013
The radioactive water leaking from the site of the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan is a stern reminder that we have not seen the end of the world’s largest nuclear crisis since the Chernobyl meltdown in Ukraine in 1986. After an earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima plant in March 2011, it became clear that efforts to decontaminate the area would be long-lasting, technically challenging and vastly expensive. Now it turns out that the task has been too big for the owner of the plant, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The Japanese government on 3 September announced a plan to take over the clean-up, but its intervention is overdue.
In the two and a half years since the accident, TEPCO has repeatedly failed to acknowledge the nature and seriousness of problems with safeguarding nuclear fuels in the three destroyed reactors at Fukushima. Each day, some 400,000 litres of water are being funnelled into the reactor cores to prevent the rods from overheating. Only in recent months has TEPCO admitted that some contaminated water is leaking into the reactor basement and, through cracks in the concrete, into the groundwater and the adjacent sea. Few independent measurements of radiation exposure are available, and it is worryingly unclear how these leaks might affect human health, the environment and food safety. But the problems do not stop there. There are now almost 1,000 storage tanks holding the used cooling water, which, despite treatment at a purification system, contains tritium and other harmful radionuclides. The leaks make clear that this system is a laxly guarded time bomb.
It is no secret that pipes and storage tanks sealed with rubber seams have a habit of leaking. TEPCO’s reliance on routine patrols to detect any leaks has been careless, if not irresponsible. That the company, in response to the latest incidents, intends to refit the tanks with sensors and extra safety controls just underlines the makeshift way in which the storage facilities were set up in the first place. Meanwhile, the fate of the constantly amassing polluted water is undecided. Proposals earlier this year to dump it into the sea understandably met with fierce opposition from local fisheries.
Given the government’s past actions and information policies, one might doubt whether it would be any more competent than TEPCO at managing the situation and communicating it to the public. Over the weekend, it turned out that radiation doses near the leaking tanks are 18 times larger than first reported: leakage that started as a mere ‘anomaly’ has turned into a genuine crisis. Japan should start consulting international experts for help. The United States, Russia, France and the United Kingdom — to name but a few — all have know-how in nuclear engineering, clean-up and radiation health that would serve Japan well. An international alliance on research and clean-up would help to restore shattered public trust in the usefulness and effectiveness of monitoring and crisis-mitigation.
The most important impacts of the leaks will be those on the sea off Fukushima and the larger Pacific Ocean, which must be closely monitored. After assessments by US and Japanese scientists in 2011 and 2012, two major questions remain unanswered. How much radioactivity is still entering the sea? And, given the high levels of radioactivity that have been measured in some species long after the accident, when will fish and seafood from the region be safe to consume? The leaks make it more urgent to find answers to these questions.
To make reliable assessments of any environmental effects, scientists need to be able to collect data on contamination of marine food webs with all long-lived radionuclides, and particularly with caesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium-239. They also need to know the sources of contamination, and to study the transport of radionuclides in groundwater, sediments and ocean currents. Current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his government have promised to boost science; they should encourage and support researchers from around the world in collecting and sharing information. Chernobyl was a missed opportunity for post-accident research — in that sense at least, Fukushima could do much better.
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Fukushima leaks 18 times worse than first thought
New revelations from stricken plant’s operator add to claims that it cannot cope with clean-up operation.
Tanks of water used to cool reactor 4 at the Japanese nuclear power plant have released hundreds of tonnes of heavily contaminated water into the environment.
The Yomiuri Shimbun/AP Images
The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said that one hot spot was found to be giving off 1,800 millisieverts per hour — much more than the 100mSv initially quoted and enough gamma radiation to kill a human within four hours. It also emerged that the pipe from which the water was leaking had been sealed with plastic tape.
But the new revelations will heap pressure on the Japanese government to intervene in the clean-up of Fukushima after experts voiced fears that TEPCO is unable to cope with the operation, which has seen hundreds of tonnes of radioactive water escape into the Pacific Ocean. Analysts warned that if the government fails to act, prime minister Shinzo Abe’s pro-nuclear stance may be jeopardized.
“It’s clear that TEPCO is unable to solve the problems on its own,” said Tsutomu Toichi, managing director and chief economist at the Institute of Energy Economics in Tokyo. “The government has to step in to ensure these problems are solved quickly. It is going to have to provide funds, as well as a plan for moving forward, and explain this to the public in a way that is easy to understand.”
Wiktor Frid, a nuclear expert with the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority in Stockholm, added, “That water leaked from a tank unnoticed for several days is alarming and extremely embarrassing for TEPCO”.
The leaks have also led to renewed concerns over ocean contamination and food safety, with local fishing cooperatives suspending trial catches and one oceanographer saying that further leaks would have “severe” consequences for marine life.
Incident upgrade
The leak of some 300 tonnes of partially treated water that had been used to cool melted nuclear rods from the destroyed reactors was reported by TEPCO on 19 August. The radioactivity of the water stands at about 80 megabecquerels per litre, about 1% of what it was before treatment by an on-site purification system. Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority initially labelled the incident a level 1 event (known as an ‘anomaly’) on the International Nuclear Event Scale, but on 28 August upgraded it to level 3 (‘serious incident’), citing the large amount of contaminated water leaked and the fact that a safety buffer was not available for the water tank in question.At present, TEPCO is storing more than 300,000 tonnes of radioactive water on the site of the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi plant. Radioactive caesium isotopes are being removed from the water by an advanced liquid-processing system built after the accident, but a facility for removing strontium isotopes is not yet ready. Tritium, another harmful radionuclide, cannot be safely removed by any known purification system because it is incorporated within water molecules.
Measures proposed so far to prevent the polluted water from flowing into the sea — such as freezing or excavating the soil surrounding the storage site — seem to be either very expensive or technically unfeasible, says Joachim Knebel, a nuclear expert and chief science officer at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany.
Several countries, including Russia, have offered to assist with the company’s clean-up efforts, and TEPCO said last week that it will consider accepting outside help. On Monday, it also announced a series of measures, including the installation of a new central control system, to mitigate the risk of future leaks.
“Some tanks have automatic monitoring equipment and some don’t,” says Yo Koshimizu, a TEPCO spokesman. “We are currently determining whether to add such equipment to all of the tanks.”
Storage situation
Some 400 tonnes of cooling water are being collected in tanks each day. The growing fleet of storage tanks — which currently stands at about 1,000 — is a source of alarm for experts, who fear that huge amounts of contaminated water will eventually have to be dumped into the ocean. Worse still, some 300 tonnes of groundwater highly contaminated with caesium-137, which has a 30-year half-life, are thought to be flowing from beneath the destroyed reactors into the sea every day.The potential for harm is huge, says Jota Kanda, an oceanographer at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology who monitors radionuclide distribution in sediments and biota off Fukushima1.
“The effects of one relatively small leak may be insignificant,” he says. “But there are huge amounts of radionuclides in these tanks and the water may have to be stored for a long time to come. If more leaks were to occur the consequences might be severe.”
The Fukushima nuclear accident resulted in the largest ever accidental release of radioactivity to the oceans. Some 80% of all the radionuclides released from Fukushima ended up in the Pacific2. In some local fish, high residual levels of radioactivity were measured two years after the accident. Commercial fishing in the area is still banned.
But it is unclear how much residual radioactive contamination is still entering the sea from leaks around the Fukushima plant, says Scott Fowler, a marine ecologist at Stony Brook University in New York who has been involved in previous assessments of contamination levels in the ocean near Fukushima.
To track changes in coastal waters and predict when seafood species in the region may be safe to consume, it will be necessary to establish a ‘temporal data set’ — that is, to measure the levels and distributions of contaminant radionuclides at a given location over time, he says.
“Even if one assumes that leaks from the plant into the sea will eventually be stopped, residual contamination would continue to be present in the adjacent marine ecosystem for many years,” he says. “So the contamination of long-lived radionuclides in different organisms in the local marine food webs needs to be monitored continually.”
Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher' than thought
1 September 2013 Last updated at 09:09 GMT
Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher' than thought
Japanese Economy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi inspected the site on Monday
Exclusive: Japan on 'HIGH ALERT', Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher'
公開日: 2013/09/01
For details: http://newsfeederr.blogspot.in/ http://newsfeederrvideohub.blogspot.in/
Exclusive: Japan on 'HIGH ALERT', Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher'
Radiation levels around Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant are 18 times higher than previously thought, Japanese authorities have warned.
Last week the plant's operator reported radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank into the ground.
It now says readings taken near the leaking tank on Saturday showed radiation was high enough to prove lethal within four hours of exposure.
The plant was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) had originally said the radiation emitted by the leaking water was around 100 milliseverts an hour.
However, the company said the equipment used to make that recording could only read measurements of up to 100 milliseverts.
The new recording, using a more sensitive device, showed a level of 1,800 milliseverts an hour.
The new reading will have direct implications for radiation doses received by workers who spent several days trying to stop the leak last week, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Tokyo.
In addition, Tepco says it has discovered a leak on another pipe emitting radiation levels of 230 milliseverts an hour.
The plant has seen a series of water leaks and power failures.
The 2011 tsunami knocked out cooling systems to the reactors, three of which melted down.
The damage from the tsunami has necessitated the constant pumping of water to cool the reactors.
This is believed to be the fourth major leak from storage tanks at Fukushima since 2011 and the worst so far in terms of volume.
After the latest leak, Japan's nuclear-energy watchdog raised the incident level from one to three on the international scale measuring the severity of atomic accidents, which has a maximum of seven.
Experts have said the scale of water leakage may be worse than officials have admitted.
Exclusive: Japan on 'HIGH ALERT', Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher'
Radiation levels around Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant are 18 times higher than previously thought, Japanese authorities have warned.
Last week the plant's operator reported radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank into the ground.
It now says readings taken near the leaking tank on Saturday showed radiation was high enough to prove lethal within four hours of exposure.
The plant was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) had originally said the radiation emitted by the leaking water was around 100 milliseverts an hour.
However, the company said the equipment used to make that recording could only read measurements of up to 100 milliseverts.
The new recording, using a more sensitive device, showed a level of 1,800 milliseverts an hour.
The new reading will have direct implications for radiation doses received by workers who spent several days trying to stop the leak last week, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Tokyo.
In addition, Tepco says it has discovered a leak on another pipe emitting radiation levels of 230 milliseverts an hour.
The plant has seen a series of water leaks and power failures.
The 2011 tsunami knocked out cooling systems to the reactors, three of which melted down.
The damage from the tsunami has necessitated the constant pumping of water to cool the reactors.
This is believed to be the fourth major leak from storage tanks at Fukushima since 2011 and the worst so far in terms of volume.
After the latest leak, Japan's nuclear-energy watchdog raised the incident level from one to three on the international scale measuring the severity of atomic accidents, which has a maximum of seven.
Experts have said the scale of water leakage may be worse than officials have admitted.
fukusima report; "you don't know what you are doing."
公開日: 2013/08/25
the audio for this was available for download on the voice of russia, so i made this video for it.
here are articles referenced in the screenshots:
uncovering the seriousness of japan's nuclear catastrophe
When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater hawai'i news daily
fukushima has released 450 times as much radiation as chernobyl
Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US
TEPCO admits nuclear meltdown occurred at Fukushima reactor 16 hours after quake (may 17, 2011) http://endtimesnews.wordpress.com/201...
worst-case scenario realized -- reactor meltdown in fukushima
Technology Doesn't Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima
Worse than meltdown, government report says devastating 'melt-through' has occurred at Fukushima; Official suggests Japan could become 'uninhabitable'
Title: Fukushima leak: "It's pretty active, pretty intense and it's out of control"
Source: Voice of Russia -- UK Edition
"You do not know what you're doing, you do not have a plan" - Fukushima report
here are articles referenced in the screenshots:
uncovering the seriousness of japan's nuclear catastrophe
When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater hawai'i news daily
fukushima has released 450 times as much radiation as chernobyl
Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US
TEPCO admits nuclear meltdown occurred at Fukushima reactor 16 hours after quake (may 17, 2011) http://endtimesnews.wordpress.com/201...
worst-case scenario realized -- reactor meltdown in fukushima
Technology Doesn't Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima
Worse than meltdown, government report says devastating 'melt-through' has occurred at Fukushima; Official suggests Japan could become 'uninhabitable'
Title: Fukushima leak: "It's pretty active, pretty intense and it's out of control"
Source: Voice of Russia -- UK Edition
"You do not know what you're doing, you do not have a plan" - Fukushima report
West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation
公開日: 2013/08/24
West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation.
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Fukushima is 1000s of times worse than we thought
公開日: 2013/08/24
Original Video MsMilkytheclown1:
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Latest Headlines: http://enenews.com/
New York Times: "Potential for huge spill" of highly radioactive liquid from many Fukushima tanks at same time, says nuclear design expert — Top Officials: Leaks from more tanks are "the biggest concern... We are extremely concerned"
NYT: Fears of environmental calamity from Fukushima disaster — Japan Nuclear Expert: It's getting worse... People all over world need to be informed... first case in history where so much contaminated water flowing in ocean
Reuters: Crisis deepening at Fukushima nuclear plant; Upgraded to 'Level 3 Serious Incident' — Represents a 100-fold increase in "severity of a radiological release" — Tepco says highly radioactive leakage continues, but unknown where from
Anonymous Official: Tank at Fukushima may have leaked tons of highly radioactive liquid every day for a month... "We didn't detect it for as long as 30 days" — Spokesman: Leakage is continuing... Other tanks may be affected
Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem 'uncontainable' — Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean
Tokyo Professor: Ground beneath Fukushima reactors becoming increasingly unstable — "Potential catastrophe unfolding in plain sight"
Expert: Land under Fukushima reactor buildings at risk of turning into liquid — Area near sea could become like mud
Study shows Fukushima nuclear pollution becoming more concentrated as it approaches U.S. West Coast — Plume crosses ocean in a nearly straight line toward N. America — Appears to stay together with little dispersion (MODEL)
Fukushima Governor: This is a national emergency — Massive radioactive leak causes top officials to hold emergency meeting — Tepco: Leakage believed to be continuing Tuesday
'Growing Alarm': 25 trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material leaks into ground — Kyodo News Advisory: Exact source of extreme contamination unknown; Tank missing 300,000 liters (VIDEO)
Officials: 'Nuclear Fuel Material' or the like leaked during today's Level 1 event near Unit 4 at Fukushima plant — "We will explain this incident in the press conference" (MAP)
NHK: Level 1 nuclear incident today at Fukushima plant — "Extremely high radiation levels" found leaking near Unit 4 (VIDEO)
Radio: Fukushima may be eclipsing Chernobyl as worst nuclear disaster in history... It's like a time bomb — They really need to seal off underground (AUDIO)
Canadian official publicly claims 'no concern' over new Fukushima leak info... Yet privately requested tests on salmon, due to "great public concern about potential radiation contamination in these fish"
Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I've never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov't ignoring problem (PHOTO)
Unprecedented: Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada's Pacific coast — "We think something happened in the ocean" — "The elders have never seen anything like this at all" — Alaska and Russia also affected (MAP)
Fukushima Mystery? TV: Japan expert says radiation levels in ocean too high to be explained by groundwater flow alone — Must be coming from "other contamination routes" entering Pacific — "Devastating impact" to come? (VIDEO)
NHK: Fukushima workers irradiated — Radiation alarm sounds — "No immediate signs of illness" (VIDEO)
Wall St. Journal: Unknown where Fukushima's nuclear fuel went; Even if found, they don't know how to get it out — RT: No one knows where the three 100-ton blobs are
TV: Public concern over Japan fish imports "looks to be justified" — Contaminated seafood recently on sale in Korea adding to fears — Over 6 million pounds found since 3/11 — Strong backlash against gov't
Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits — Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (VIDEO)
Fukushima Worker: I'm worried about pressure forcing water up through cracked ground at nuclear plant — Level now rising on mountain side
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Kevin Kamps and Thom Hartmann have the best interviews out there. I wish they would talk more frequently. Ten stars to Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear ond Tom Hartmann.
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Latest Headlines: http://enenews.com/
New York Times: "Potential for huge spill" of highly radioactive liquid from many Fukushima tanks at same time, says nuclear design expert — Top Officials: Leaks from more tanks are "the biggest concern... We are extremely concerned"
NYT: Fears of environmental calamity from Fukushima disaster — Japan Nuclear Expert: It's getting worse... People all over world need to be informed... first case in history where so much contaminated water flowing in ocean
Reuters: Crisis deepening at Fukushima nuclear plant; Upgraded to 'Level 3 Serious Incident' — Represents a 100-fold increase in "severity of a radiological release" — Tepco says highly radioactive leakage continues, but unknown where from
Anonymous Official: Tank at Fukushima may have leaked tons of highly radioactive liquid every day for a month... "We didn't detect it for as long as 30 days" — Spokesman: Leakage is continuing... Other tanks may be affected
Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem 'uncontainable' — Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean
Tokyo Professor: Ground beneath Fukushima reactors becoming increasingly unstable — "Potential catastrophe unfolding in plain sight"
Expert: Land under Fukushima reactor buildings at risk of turning into liquid — Area near sea could become like mud
Study shows Fukushima nuclear pollution becoming more concentrated as it approaches U.S. West Coast — Plume crosses ocean in a nearly straight line toward N. America — Appears to stay together with little dispersion (MODEL)
Fukushima Governor: This is a national emergency — Massive radioactive leak causes top officials to hold emergency meeting — Tepco: Leakage believed to be continuing Tuesday
'Growing Alarm': 25 trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material leaks into ground — Kyodo News Advisory: Exact source of extreme contamination unknown; Tank missing 300,000 liters (VIDEO)
Officials: 'Nuclear Fuel Material' or the like leaked during today's Level 1 event near Unit 4 at Fukushima plant — "We will explain this incident in the press conference" (MAP)
NHK: Level 1 nuclear incident today at Fukushima plant — "Extremely high radiation levels" found leaking near Unit 4 (VIDEO)
Radio: Fukushima may be eclipsing Chernobyl as worst nuclear disaster in history... It's like a time bomb — They really need to seal off underground (AUDIO)
Canadian official publicly claims 'no concern' over new Fukushima leak info... Yet privately requested tests on salmon, due to "great public concern about potential radiation contamination in these fish"
Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I've never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov't ignoring problem (PHOTO)
Unprecedented: Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada's Pacific coast — "We think something happened in the ocean" — "The elders have never seen anything like this at all" — Alaska and Russia also affected (MAP)
Fukushima Mystery? TV: Japan expert says radiation levels in ocean too high to be explained by groundwater flow alone — Must be coming from "other contamination routes" entering Pacific — "Devastating impact" to come? (VIDEO)
NHK: Fukushima workers irradiated — Radiation alarm sounds — "No immediate signs of illness" (VIDEO)
Wall St. Journal: Unknown where Fukushima's nuclear fuel went; Even if found, they don't know how to get it out — RT: No one knows where the three 100-ton blobs are
TV: Public concern over Japan fish imports "looks to be justified" — Contaminated seafood recently on sale in Korea adding to fears — Over 6 million pounds found since 3/11 — Strong backlash against gov't
Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits — Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (VIDEO)
Fukushima Worker: I'm worried about pressure forcing water up through cracked ground at nuclear plant — Level now rising on mountain side
公開日: 2013/08/22
This is a special video presentation concerning the the current crisis at the TEPCO Nuclear Facility Fukushima Daichi.
This is a special video presentation concerning the the current crisis at the TEPCO Nuclear Facility Fukushima Daichi.
Read the Report here:
Permalink: http://concienciaradio.com/fukushima/...
Before It's News: http://beforeitsnews.com/japan-earthq...
Download the Yoichi Shimatsu audio interview excerpt here:
1.Yoichi Shimatsu interview on The Jeff Rense Radio Show, August 12, 2013, http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/s...
2.San Onofre Edison...West Coast Radiation Crisis - Part 1, Yoichi Shimatsu, http://rense.com/general95/sanofre.html
3.Rising Tritium Could Trigger Huge Fukushima Blasts, Yoichi Shimatsu, http://rense.com/general96/rising.html
4.Disease killing Pacific herring threatens salmon, scientist warns, Mark Hume, http://license.icopyright.net/user/vi...
5.Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I've never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov't ignoring problem (PHOTO), http://enenews.com/biologist-pacific-...
6.Fukushima Radiation Concerns in Alaska: No clams found in area — Salmon season canceled, population too low — Large mammals with huge sores (VIDEO)
7.Costas de Baja California Corren Peligro por Radiación Mortal de Fukushima,
8.Ocean-fertilization project off Canada sparks furore, PDF here
9.Symposium: Steven Starr, "The Implications of Massive Radiation Contamination of Japan with Radioactive Cesium, http://nuclearfreeplanet.org/symposiu...
10.On The Beach (1959) Part 1 of 2 [World Nuclear Holocaust], https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mxvx...
11.On the Beach (2000 film), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_...
12.Final Days Of Planet Earth 2006, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3tNW...
13.Atlantic Ocean Floor Unexpectedly Pumping Iron, http://news.discovery.com/earth/ocean...
14.Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits — Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (VIDEO), http://enenews.com/chairman-of-oregon...
15.The Sinner's Prayer, http://www.freechristianteaching.org/...
This is a special video presentation concerning the the current crisis at the TEPCO Nuclear Facility Fukushima Daichi.
This is a special video presentation concerning the the current crisis at the TEPCO Nuclear Facility Fukushima Daichi.
Read the Report here:
Permalink: http://concienciaradio.com/fukushima/...
Before It's News: http://beforeitsnews.com/japan-earthq...
Download the Yoichi Shimatsu audio interview excerpt here:
1.Yoichi Shimatsu interview on The Jeff Rense Radio Show, August 12, 2013, http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/s...
2.San Onofre Edison...West Coast Radiation Crisis - Part 1, Yoichi Shimatsu, http://rense.com/general95/sanofre.html
3.Rising Tritium Could Trigger Huge Fukushima Blasts, Yoichi Shimatsu, http://rense.com/general96/rising.html
4.Disease killing Pacific herring threatens salmon, scientist warns, Mark Hume, http://license.icopyright.net/user/vi...
5.Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I've never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov't ignoring problem (PHOTO), http://enenews.com/biologist-pacific-...
6.Fukushima Radiation Concerns in Alaska: No clams found in area — Salmon season canceled, population too low — Large mammals with huge sores (VIDEO)
7.Costas de Baja California Corren Peligro por Radiación Mortal de Fukushima,
8.Ocean-fertilization project off Canada sparks furore, PDF here
9.Symposium: Steven Starr, "The Implications of Massive Radiation Contamination of Japan with Radioactive Cesium, http://nuclearfreeplanet.org/symposiu...
10.On The Beach (1959) Part 1 of 2 [World Nuclear Holocaust], https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mxvx...
11.On the Beach (2000 film), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_...
12.Final Days Of Planet Earth 2006, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3tNW...
13.Atlantic Ocean Floor Unexpectedly Pumping Iron, http://news.discovery.com/earth/ocean...
14.Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits — Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (VIDEO), http://enenews.com/chairman-of-oregon...
15.The Sinner's Prayer, http://www.freechristianteaching.org/...
Was underground water of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant contaminated with nuclear debris in these nuclear reactors?
藤島氏「汚染タンク漏れは偽装工作であり、本当は溶けた核燃料が地下水と反応して、汚染水が劇的に増加した」「3号機の湯気で確信」 new!!
私も一連の異常情報から、「福島第一原発の溶けた核燃料と地下水が接触したのでは?」と疑うようになり、7月に「浜通りで続発している地震は潮位変化と連動!?溶けた核燃料が地下で暴れている福島第一原発! 」というような記事を作成しました。
☆原発汚染水漏れは7月から? 東電、1カ月見逃す
URL http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0827/TKY201308270377.html
☆タンク汚染水漏れ 堰の排水弁すべて開放 海に流出可能性大
URL http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2013082290070949.html
☆7マイクロシーベルトの高線量 北茨城、測定は12日
URL http://www.chunichi.co.jp/s/article/2013072501002222.html
2013年7月25日 21時34分
☆平成25年度食品中の放射性物質の検査結果について 初期
URL http://www.pref.akita.lg.jp/www/contents/1335252649627/files/20130723kekka.pdf
URL http://wwwcms.pref.fukushima.jp/download/1/koukabutsu579.pdf
URL http://wwwcms.pref.fukushima.jp/download/1/koukabutsu580.pdf
URL http://fukuichi.mods.jp/?p=10&fname=p02.csv&cnt=120&update=%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0