






















9月3日のNature のEditorialに福島原発からの汚染水漏洩への日本政府および東電の対応について、つよい不信感を表明する編集委員からのコメントが掲載された。
























毎時2200mSvの放射線量 福島第一原発汚染水漏れ(13/09/04)

公開日: 2013/09/03
[テレ朝news] http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/ann/

MONUMENTAL Troubles at Fukushima. From BAD to WORSE update

公開日: 2013/08/31
Where do I begin? Expect MORE leaks of highly radioactive water from the hundreds and hundreds of on site storage tanks built piss poor. The entire Pacific Ocean to be fully contaminated in 6 years? Qualification on that story, not sure they are using the right map on that one.. Trouble to remove the Highly Radioactive Damaged spent fuel rods in (simply reactor spent fuel pool #4 ALONE) that contains approx 14,000 Times the radiation from the single Hiroshima Bomb. Pacific Ocean already Boiling?... You'll just have to see this report to believe all the problems they are having. Not to mention, they are mistreating employees... so they are also going to run out of workers. It's suggested TEPCO step aside and let the government handle the ongoing crises. The problems they face seem insurmountable to overcome. Too many to even list.... WAY WAY WAY TOO MANY. (way to many to edit today, too)

Latest Headlines: http://enenews.com/
Contamination levels skyrocket at Fukushima plant, up nearly 2,000% — NHK: Quadrillions of becquerels already released; "Gov't needs to take charge entirely" (VIDEO)

U.S. Nuclear Insider: Will be challenge to get "what's left" of Fukushima's melted fuel — Eventually they want to limit "material in substructure" from escaping (VIDEO)

Japan Official: Fukushima contamination "increasingly seen as international problem... lawsuits may be filed overseas" — "Gov't should take preventive actions based on a worst-case scenario" says S. Korea newspaper

TV: "Simulation shows ENTIRE Pacific being polluted by radioactive water in just 6 years" after start of Fukushima crisis — "Experts now fear it may become a scary reality" (VIDEO)

BBC website links to report claiming ocean is 'boiling' in front of Fukushima Daiichi (PHOTOS)

Experts: Fukushima "literally a matter of national security" — "This is becoming rapidly an international issue" — "Something must be failing" as Japan gov't not dealing with crisis

"Very clear and present danger": New push to dump radioactive Fukushima water in Pacific — Or boil it in large kettle and release steam into atmosphere for many years — Or do both says UC Berkeley professor

*Experts on Fukushima Unit 4* CNBC: "Far from under control, could get a lot worse" -- Japan Times: "Could very quickly get much worse" -- CNN: "Could still get a lot worse" — "Tokyo, Yokohama, even neighboring countries at serious risk" (VIDEO)

Nuclear Consultant on CNN: "Nobody knows how far the molten fuel went through containment" at Fukushima — "Challenges of unprecedented complexity"

Professor: Fukushima disaster "beyond a cover-up" — Japan gov't thinks they can get away with tricking masses about extent of problem — Officials and Tepco cannot be trusted, they are lying to the camera

NHK: There was a melt-through so Fukushima fuel is definitely down with the groundwater, and that's flowing into Pacific — Americans need to watch, it gets international very quickly — May already be at West Coast — No 'immediate' risk (VIDEO)

TV: Mystery spots on Fukushima cows ignored by gov't — Veterinarian: It's extremely important, Japan has to think of what to do with this problem (VIDEO)

Fukushima plant in national emergency says governor — "Severe radioactive contamination with serious health affects on local population" — 'Global intervention' suggested

Will Fukushima now officially be referred to as worst nuclear disaster in world history? Study estimates Japan plant released 100 quadrillion becquerels (PBq) of cesium into atmosphere... In a single day

Bloomberg: Japan gov't needs to understand crisis at Fukushima is a matter of life and death — ABC Interview: "They are slowly killing us... They know full well it's leaking, but they've done nothing" (AUDIO)

UPI: Fukushima plume to reach U.S. West Coast in months; Measurable increase in radioactive material — Study: Prolonged exposure for California lasting 10 years; Hits Hawaii early 2014... may already be surrounded (PHOTO)

Underground water just 4 inches from surface by Fukushima reactor — AP: Groundwater closer to surface than Tepco told officials investigating tank leak

Popular Mechanics: Contaminated water threatens to swamp Fukushima site as it rises to surface — Radioactive liquid will continue entering ocean despite attempts to block it

"Big Problem": Cracked floors in Fukushima reactors leaking into groundwater that's rising and rising and rising due to Tepco wall — "Can no longer be stopped from getting in ocean" — "Worse than that... buildings now on mushy land" (AUDIO)

Newspaper: Nations across Pacific are fearing impact from Fukushima — Many expecting cancer will increase in Pacific Rim — Japan exporting their environmental problem to the ocean

SONG by Jonathan Mann called your monster's come to life song a day # 1338

fukushima out of control august 2013  

公開日: 2013/08/15
we are looking into the face of extinction

太平洋 #放射能 汚染10年間予想図 #Fukushima PacificSea #Radiation

公開日: 2012/07/21
06.07.2012 太平洋放射能汚染10年間予想図 <シミュレーション説明・翻訳↓:Jo2Rayden>*Video sequence of the time course over a period of 10 years after Fukushima Nuclear disaster.The colors illustrate the dilution relative to the initial concentration in the Japanese coastal waters.[GEOMAR]
*The GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel is one of the leading institutions in the field of marine research in Europe. The Institute is the study of the chemical, physical, biological and geological processes in the ocean and its interaction with the seabed and the atmosphere.
*GEOMAR ヘルムホルツ海洋研究センター、キール(=Kiel はバルト海に面したドイツ北部の都市)は、ヨーロッパの海洋研究分野における主要な機­関の一つ。研究所は、化学物質の研究、海洋と海底と大気との相互作用の物理的、生物学­、地質学的プロセスを研究している。
07/06/2012 Fukushima - Wo bleibt das radioaktive Wasser?/Fukushima - Where is the radioactive water? (Ger.⇒English/Japanese Translated by Google Soft)
Provide strong eddy mixing in the Pacific 09.07.2012/Kiel.
Scientists at the GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have examined the long-term extension with the help of a model study. After the strong mixing of oceanic eddy provides for a rapid dilution of the radioactive water. When the first runners to reach in about three years ago, the North American coast, the radioactivity should already lie below the values ​​that are still to be found as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the Baltic Sea.
Using detailed computer simulations, researchers at the GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel investigates the long-term expansion.
<シミュレーション説明・翻訳> *我々の研究は、2011年3月に日本を襲った悲惨な地震とその後の津波の影響の一つ­を扱っています。福島第一原発の爆発やメルトダウンによって引き起こされたセシウム1­­37などの長期の放射性同位体を含む大量の放射性物質が、環境中に放出された。破局­事故後の数週間で、汚染された水が、大気沈着および冷却水の直接放出により、太平洋に­入­った。本研究では、数値モデル実験を用いて、太平洋における汚染水の長期的な行方­を調査します。モデルは、黒潮に沿い激しく渦巻く多くの潮流を含めて、海流を非常に高­い分­解能でシミュレーションしました。海流による汚染水拡散をシミュレーションする­ため、理想的なトレーサーを使用し、福島の沿岸域に注入する半減期30年の放射性物質­で色付­けした。我々のアプローチでは、物理的拡散性が制限されている事、および生物­学的影響の可能性、例えば、放射性同位体の有機物への沈着を考慮していない事を強調し­たく思い­ます。我々のモデルは、どの任意の海洋データとも同質でない。従って、この­発表時、現地の潮流の実際の状態を考慮していません。しかし、初期状態における2-3­年後の拡散­トレーサーは、問題視しなくてよい事が判明した。アニメーションは、色付­けで海洋表面での拡散を示しています。この色は、汚染水放出期間終了時の福島沖沿岸地­域における初­期濃度に対する相対的な追跡濃度を表しています。 トレーサーは、汚染水放出後、この地域の潮流を支配する渦により南方へと拡散開始した­最初の週の非常に活動的な黒潮の状態を、計算に入れている。一年後、最大濃度は二桁で­­希釈をし、さらに東に向かい、既に日付変更線を越えています。北端がベーリング海に­侵食し始めている間、追跡する'濁り'の南端が約2年後にハワイ諸島に到達します。一­方­、日本付近の濃度は、黒潮による汚染度が低下した水の置換の為、主要な'濁り'を­北部と南部に分離し、大幅に低下します。4年後、最高濃度は3桁減少しており、北太平­洋全­体は、ある程度の航跡で汚染水に満たさせる。濃度の峰が、約5-6年後にアメリ­カの北海岸に到達するとき、4桁で希釈されています。ここから濃度レベルは、全体の流­域に渡­り均一化する傾向があります。


fukusima report; "you don't know what you are doing."  

公開日: 2013/08/25
the audio for this was available for download on the voice of russia, so i made this video for it.

here are articles referenced in the screenshots:

uncovering the seriousness of japan's nuclear catastrophe

When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater hawai'i news daily


fukushima has released 450 times as much radiation as chernobyl

Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US

TEPCO admits nuclear meltdown occurred at Fukushima reactor 16 hours after quake (may 17, 2011) http://endtimesnews.wordpress.com/201...

worst-case scenario realized -- reactor meltdown in fukushima

Technology Doesn't Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima

Worse than meltdown, government report says devastating 'melt-through' has occurred at Fukushima; Official suggests Japan could become 'uninhabitable'

Title: Fukushima leak: "It's pretty active, pretty intense and it's out of control"
Source: Voice of Russia -- UK Edition

"You do not know what you're doing, you do not have a plan" - Fukushima report


Fukushima Unit 3 Reactor-Well Cap Fractured?

公開日: 2012/03/05
See the IR map with overhead crane placed where it fell:

Because the trolly on the overhead crane sits directly over the well cap and obscures any heat signatures underneath it, and because we see linear heat signatures on either end of the trolly that could be connected as one continuous line, there may be a crack straight across the well cap.

Infrared Imagery

Tepco's August 24 video of Unit 3

Tepco's raw video file (zip)

Full Tepco video on youtube:

Tepco handout about the video (pdf):


A year at Fukushima

公開日: 2012/03/08
A year ago, three nuclear reactors melted down at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Nature Video takes a look at the ongoing efforts to stabilize the reactors and prevent the spread of further contamination.

For more comprehensive coverage and analysis of the Fukushima crisis and the Tohoku earthquake visit: http://www.nature.com/news/specials/j...

For coverage in Japanese visit:
