Weekly Address: Pursuing a Diplomatic Solution in Syria
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Pursuing a Diplomatic Solution in Syria
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
WASHINGTON, DC—In his weekly address, President Obama followed up on his speech to the nation on Tuesday and said there is the possibility for a diplomatic solution in Syria, partially because of the credible threat of U.S. military force. Russia has joined the international community in pushing Syria to give up its chemical weapons—which were used to kill more than 1,000 people on August 21 —and the U.S. will take steps to ensure this is not a stalling tactic. We will also maintain our military posture in the region and remain prepared to act if diplomacy fails. This allows us to achieve our goal of deterring the Syrian regime from using chemical weapons, degrade their ability to use them, and make it clear to the world that we won’t tolerate their use, in order to preserve a world free from the fear of chemical weapons for our children.
The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online at www.whitehouse.gov at 6:00 a.m. ET, September 14, 2013.
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
September 14, 2013
Weekly Address
The White House
September 14, 2013
This week, when I addressed the nation on Syria, I said that – in part because of the credible threat of U.S. military force – there is the possibility of a diplomatic solution. Russia has indicated a new willingness to join with the international community in pushing Syria to give up its chemical weapons, which the Assad regime used in an attack that killed more than 1,000 people on August 21. I also asked Congress to postpone a vote on the use of military force while we pursue this diplomatic path. And that’s what we’re doing.
At my direction, Secretary of State Kerry is in discussions with his Russian counterpart. But we’re making it clear that this can’t be a stalling tactic. Any agreement needs to verify that the Assad regime and Russia are keeping their commitments: that means working to turn Syria’s chemical weapons over to international control and ultimately destroying them. This would allow us to achieve our goal – deterring the Syrian regime from using chemical weapons, degrading their ability to use them, and making it clear to the world that we won’t tolerate their use.
We’ve seen indications of progress. As recently as a week ago, the Assad regime would not admit that it possessed chemical weapons. Today, it does. Syria has signaled a willingness to join with 189 other nations, representing 98 percent of humanity, in abiding by an international agreement that prohibits the use of chemical weapons. And Russia has staked its own credibility on supporting this outcome.
These are all positive developments. We’ll keep working with the international community to see that Assad gives up his chemical weapons so that they can be destroyed. We will continue rallying support from allies around the world who agree on the need for action to deter the use of chemical weapons in Syria. And if current discussions produce a serious plan, I’m prepared to move forward with it.
But we are not just going to take Russia and Assad’s word for it. We need to see concrete actions to demonstrate that Assad is serious about giving up his chemical weapons. And since this plan emerged only with a credible threat of U.S. military action, we will maintain our military posture in the region to keep the pressure on the Assad regime. And if diplomacy fails, the United States and the international community must remain prepared to act.
The use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world is an affront to human dignity and a threat to the security of people everywhere. As I have said for weeks, the international community must respond to this outrage. A dictator must not be allowed to gas children in their beds with impunity. And we cannot risk poison gas becoming the new weapon of choice for tyrants and terrorists the world over.
We have a duty to preserve a world free from the fear of chemical weapons for our children. But if there is any chance of achieving that goal without resorting to force, then I believe we have a responsibility to pursue that path. Thank you.
President Obama "prefers diplomatic solution" to Syria crisis
公開日: 2013/09/09
Barack Obama has described a Russian proposal to get Syria to hand over its chemical weapons as...
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Barack Obama has described a Russian proposal to get Syria to hand over its chemical weapons as "potentially positive" but questioned if it is realistic.
His remarks came during one of six television interviews the US president gave as he launched a media offensive to get the American public behind him.
"If in fact there is a way to accomplish that diplomatically, that is overwhelmingly my preference," he said. "I have instructed John Kerry to talk directly to the Russians... if we can exhaust these diplomatic efforts and come up with a formula that gives the international community a verifiable, enforceable mechanism to deal with these chemical weapons in Syria, then I am all for it" added Obama.
While joint talks between Syrian and Russian foreign ministers appear to have brought Damascus on side about putting its chemical arsenal under U.N. control, Obama was still pursuing Congressional backing for military strikes.
However Congress wants more time to explore Russia's offer and the Senate has postponed Wednesday's vote.
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euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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Barack Obama has described a Russian proposal to get Syria to hand over its chemical weapons as "potentially positive" but questioned if it is realistic.
His remarks came during one of six television interviews the US president gave as he launched a media offensive to get the American public behind him.
"If in fact there is a way to accomplish that diplomatically, that is overwhelmingly my preference," he said. "I have instructed John Kerry to talk directly to the Russians... if we can exhaust these diplomatic efforts and come up with a formula that gives the international community a verifiable, enforceable mechanism to deal with these chemical weapons in Syria, then I am all for it" added Obama.
While joint talks between Syrian and Russian foreign ministers appear to have brought Damascus on side about putting its chemical arsenal under U.N. control, Obama was still pursuing Congressional backing for military strikes.
However Congress wants more time to explore Russia's offer and the Senate has postponed Wednesday's vote.
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