It didn't work out.
2014/01/14 に公開
浜矩子(同志社大学大学院教授)は安倍総理の政策アベノミクスに対して、「アベノミク スはアホノミクスを通りすぎて、ドアホノミクスに進行中。誠意の無さが気に食わん。バ ブルで人々を浮かれさせることで全ての問題を煙に巻く。舞い上がり間を作ることで本質 的な問題を隠ぺいする。化けの皮が剥がれて来る。まやかし大作戦はヤバイと市場から警 告が来ている。バブルでデフレを解消することは出来ない。」
ラジオフォーラム: 2013/07/01
ラジオフォーラム: 2013/07/01
・アベノミクスには人間の姿がみえない 6:28~
・「成長戦略スピーチ」で欠落している言葉 13:44~
・アベノミクスは「富国強兵」を目指す 20:05~
・グローバル・ジャングル 共生の生態系 29:40~
・「ふんどし」を借りるか「土俵」を借りるか 40:40~
・国家は国民のために存在する 50:43~
・最後まで残る国家の役割は弱者救済 59:45~
・質疑応答:地方の中小零細経営者たちへの言葉 1:02:54~
2014/05/24 に公開
経済学者の植草一秀さんは2014年5月23日に「安倍政権の経済政策」について都内 で講演した。
アベノミクスで喜んでいる人はほとんどいない。では、誰が喜んでいるのか。安倍さん一 人、つまり、「安倍のみ、クスッ」と笑っているわけです(会場爆笑)。専門家の間では 、「アベノミクス」の正式名称は「アベコベノミクス」といわれていますし、私は「アベ ノリクス」と書いています。ただ、専門家がもっとも支持する正式名称は「アホノミクス 」です。
●アベノミクスがもてはやされた理由はただ一つ、政権が発足した最初の半年間で株が上が った、ということだけです。2012年11月14日に8664円だった株価は2013 年5月22日に1万5627円に、半年で7-8000円上がった。このこと自体は悪い ことではありません。
何故に株が上がったのか。直接の理由は円安が進んだからです。ここ数年、円安になると 、株が上がるという影響が明瞭に見られています。2012年11月から2013年5月 まで1ドル=78円から1ドル=103円へと円安が進んだ。これによってもれなく株高 がついてきました。
では、円安はどのようにもたらされたのか。実はドル高を生んだ背景は、アメリカの長期 金利の上昇なんです。
浜矩子 (はま のりこ)さん アベノミクスについて語る
浜矩子 (はま のりこ)さん アベノミクスについて語る
2013/05/15 に公開
2012.03.15 岩上安身さんのインタビュー
浜 矩子(はま のりこ、1952年8月3日 - )
同志社大学 大学院 HP
Noriko Hama & Yukio Noguchi "Abenomics and What comes After"
2013/11/08 に公開
2012.03.15 岩上安身さんのインタビュー
浜 矩子(はま のりこ、1952年8月3日 - )
同志社大学 大学院 HP
Noriko Hama & Yukio Noguchi "Abenomics and What comes After"
2013/11/08 に公開
Noriko Hama,
Professor at Graduate School of Business, Doshisha University
Yukio Noguchi,
Advisor to Institute of Financial Studies, Waseda University
Friday, November 08, 2013, 15:00 - 16:30
Like many other things in Japan, Abenomics is a rather "fuzzy" concept but prominent Japanese economist Noriko Hama goes one better and says Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's set of policies will not set Japan back on the road to economic recovery, describing them as "Nothingnomics." She takes this scathing indictment even further and says Abenomics is "the delusion of a backward-looking mind."
This former research director at the Center for Economic and Policy Studies of the Mitsubishi Research Institute in Tokyo turned international media commentator will explain just why she is so unconvinced that Abenomics is the answer to Japan's economic problems.
She will be joined by Yukio Noguchi, advisor to the Institute of Financial Studies at Waseda University, who will deliver his own verdict on Abenomics while also discussing the controversial hike in Japan's consumption tax and issues of corporate taxation. This should make for a very interesting and topical debate between two leading economists.
Hama was research director at the Center for Economic and Policy Studies in the Mitsubishi Research Institute in Tokyo from 1990 to 1998, and was the institute's first resident economist and chief representative in London. Since her return to Japan she has become widely known as a commentator on the economic environment in both Japanese and international media. She writes regularly on current issues in newspapers and economic journals including The Mainichi Shimbun, the Japan Times, Les Echos and the Financial Times. She is also a frequent commentator for the BBC's World Service Radio and television broadcasts, Japan's NHK television, CNN and other news media. She also serves on a variety of committees advising central government ministries as well as local authorities in Japan.
Noguchi has a B.Sc. in engineering from the University of Tokyo, an M.A. in economics from the University of California and a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University. Before entering the academic world, he worked for the Ministry of Finance. He served as a professor at Hitotsubashi University and Tokyo University, where he also served as the first director of the Institute for Advanced Economic Engineering.
Professor at Graduate School of Business, Doshisha University
Yukio Noguchi,
Advisor to Institute of Financial Studies, Waseda University
Friday, November 08, 2013, 15:00 - 16:30
Like many other things in Japan, Abenomics is a rather "fuzzy" concept but prominent Japanese economist Noriko Hama goes one better and says Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's set of policies will not set Japan back on the road to economic recovery, describing them as "Nothingnomics." She takes this scathing indictment even further and says Abenomics is "the delusion of a backward-looking mind."
This former research director at the Center for Economic and Policy Studies of the Mitsubishi Research Institute in Tokyo turned international media commentator will explain just why she is so unconvinced that Abenomics is the answer to Japan's economic problems.
She will be joined by Yukio Noguchi, advisor to the Institute of Financial Studies at Waseda University, who will deliver his own verdict on Abenomics while also discussing the controversial hike in Japan's consumption tax and issues of corporate taxation. This should make for a very interesting and topical debate between two leading economists.
Hama was research director at the Center for Economic and Policy Studies in the Mitsubishi Research Institute in Tokyo from 1990 to 1998, and was the institute's first resident economist and chief representative in London. Since her return to Japan she has become widely known as a commentator on the economic environment in both Japanese and international media. She writes regularly on current issues in newspapers and economic journals including The Mainichi Shimbun, the Japan Times, Les Echos and the Financial Times. She is also a frequent commentator for the BBC's World Service Radio and television broadcasts, Japan's NHK television, CNN and other news media. She also serves on a variety of committees advising central government ministries as well as local authorities in Japan.
Noguchi has a B.Sc. in engineering from the University of Tokyo, an M.A. in economics from the University of California and a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University. Before entering the academic world, he worked for the Ministry of Finance. He served as a professor at Hitotsubashi University and Tokyo University, where he also served as the first director of the Institute for Advanced Economic Engineering.