2011/04/19 にアップロード
At only 4 days of age, our first Scottish Highland heifer calf of 2011 is learning to eat grass-hay, from watching her momma.
Highland cattle
Highland cattle
2011/06/15 にアップロード
There can be only one!
During a trip to Strynø near Fyn, Denmark I visited a farm where they had theese highland cattle.
Here are some of them
The Highland Cattle
During a trip to Strynø near Fyn, Denmark I visited a farm where they had theese highland cattle.
Here are some of them
The Highland Cattle
2012/04/27 に公開
Wicken Fen Vision, an ambitious landscape-scale conservation project, is opening up new areas of land to explore. Our grazing herds of Highland cattle and Konik ponies are helping to create a diverse range of new habitats.
For more information go to:http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wicke...
Royal Winner - HM the Queen's Highland Bull wins Glasgow Cattle Show
2013/09/19 に公開
The Highland Cattle Advantage
2012/04/19 に公開
2012/10/01 に公開
For more information go to:http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wicke...
Royal Winner - HM the Queen's Highland Bull wins Glasgow Cattle Show
2013/09/19 に公開
Class 7 Highland Bulls..First place went to Ruaridh 1st of Ubhaidh a 4year old owned by the Queen and bred by Roy Tylden - Wright.This bull also won Reserve Championship of the Show.Judge Robert Philip.Camera - Sony NEX 30 with a 18 - 200 Sony lens
The Highland Cattle Advantage
2012/04/19 に公開
http://www.ennerdalehighlands.com The advantage of Highland Cattle in farm management & production, the production and presentation of premium quality beef and the benefits of Highland Cattle to the environment and in the promotion of sustainable land management. Narrative by Tom Hamilton produced by the NSW Highland Cattle Regional Breeders Group.
No rights to the closing soundtrack by the Corries.
Highland Catte - mit Tradition in die Zukunft
No rights to the closing soundtrack by the Corries.
Highland Catte - mit Tradition in die Zukunft
2012/10/01 に公開
Der Verband Deutscher Highland Cattle Züchter und Halter e.V. (VDHC) hat für Highland Cattle Freunde einen Film über die Rasse des Schottischen Hochlandrindes drehen lassen.
Verband Deutscher Highland Cattle Züchter und Halter e.V.
Lünkenstieg 2
25563 Wrist
Telefon 04822 / 5566
Fax 04822 / 5566
Eine Naturfilm Klaus Weißmann Filmproduktion /// www.naturfilm.de
Verband Deutscher Highland Cattle Züchter und Halter e.V.
Lünkenstieg 2
25563 Wrist
Telefon 04822 / 5566
Fax 04822 / 5566
Eine Naturfilm Klaus Weißmann Filmproduktion /// www.naturfilm.de