ホテイアオイ(布袋葵、学名 Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach)は、単子葉植物ミズアオイ科に属する水草である。南アメリカ原産で、水面に浮かんで生育する。花が青く美しいので観賞用に栽培される。別名ホテイソウ、ウォーターヒヤシンス。
このため、国際自然保護連合(IUCN)種の保全委員会が作成した 世界の侵略的外来種ワースト100(100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species)[1] に選ばれている。ただし、日本ではホテイアオイは「特定外来生物による生態系等に係る被害の防止に関する法律」に於いて、特定外来生物には指定されていない。これには後述の通り、見解がまとめられていないことが挙げられている(ただし要注意外来生物には指定されている。)。
最終更新 2013年6月25日 (火) 17:29
Water Hyacinth
アップロード日: 2008/11/24
Water Hyacinth blooms timelapse video
Water Hyacinth Product - HD Video
アップロード日: 2010/01/21
Basket bag craft from water hyacinth
公開日: 2012/08/07
Thailand OTOP Water Hyacinth Bag.flv
Water Hyacinth Product - HD Video
アップロード日: 2010/01/21
Water hyacinth products from Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. HD Video.
Basket bag craft from water hyacinth
公開日: 2012/08/07
Cute handy basket bag made from water hyacinth
1. Hand Made handy bag
2. Friendly environments
3. All bags are from the best quality of hyacinth craft bags which are enameled.
4. Water, mould, and insect resistance.
5. Suitable for home use and decoration
Material: water hyacinth
Copyrights : MrZygy3
1. Hand Made handy bag
2. Friendly environments
3. All bags are from the best quality of hyacinth craft bags which are enameled.
4. Water, mould, and insect resistance.
5. Suitable for home use and decoration
Material: water hyacinth
Copyrights : MrZygy3
Thailand OTOP Water Hyacinth Bag.flv
アップロード日: 2009/12/09
Beragam Inovasi dan Kreasi dari Eceng Gondok
アップロード日: 2011/04/08
Eceng gondok bagi kebanyakan orang dianggap sebagai tanaman pengganggu karena bisa merusak lingkungan perairan. Proses pertumbuhannya yang sangat cepat bisa menyebabkan lingkungan tumbuhnya seperti sungai bisa tersumbat aliran airnya. Begitu juga dengan masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan waduk dan danau, pesatnya pertumbuhan eceng hingga memenuhi perairan bisa menghalangi aktivitas yang biasa mereka lakukan seperti mencari ikan, aktivitas wisata, menjalankan perahu, hingga keramba apung. Namun bagi orang yang jeli memanfaatkan peluang, eceng gondok bisa menjadi bahan baku pengolahan aneka kerajinan yang bisa menembus pasar ekspor.
Informasi selengkapnya bisan anda lihat di:
Dan dapatkan Video Kreasi Kreatif Keranjang Eceng Gondok hanya di:
Informasi selengkapnya bisan anda lihat di:
Dan dapatkan Video Kreasi Kreatif Keranjang Eceng Gondok hanya di:
Water Hyacinth Group Documentation
アップロード日: 2012/01/21
October 2011 Water Hyacinth group video presentation
Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila
Video/Photos by: Christian Pungtilan
Voice/Narration by: Liezl Joy Angcaya
Music: Armageddon soundtrack, Bittersweet symphony - The Verve , Love Generation - Bob Sinclair
Some photos used in this video credits to the owner. This video was created for academic purpose only and not for commercial use.
Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila
Video/Photos by: Christian Pungtilan
Voice/Narration by: Liezl Joy Angcaya
Music: Armageddon soundtrack, Bittersweet symphony - The Verve , Love Generation - Bob Sinclair
Some photos used in this video credits to the owner. This video was created for academic purpose only and not for commercial use.
Pendeza Weaving
アップロード日: 2011/11/03
Pendeza Weaving yarns are hand spun from sheared wool, locally grown cotton and silk. They are loom woven by skilled artisans, into unique, quality, handcrafted textile products. We have created a lovely selection of table linens, bedspreads and apparel in both natural and dyed fabrics. We also make beautiful and durable floor coverings from water hyacinth that we harvest from Lake Victoria.
ヒヤシンスバスケット: 画像検索
Water Hyacinth Problem No More
公開日: 2012/04/25
A viable solution for eliminating water hyacinth that clogs our water ways and converting it as food for livestock.
Water Hyacinth Economical Furniture Modern Thailand Sofas
アップロード日: 2007/08/03
Watch a video of our economical furniture on how our Water Hyacinth range of living room furniture is made. For further details please visit our website!
From the tranquil waterways of Thailand, an environmentally friendly furniture is available, made to exceptional standards and making anything else in its field look second rate! It exudes a unique quality and class which transforms any setting.
The Water Hyacinth plant, renowned for the beauty of its large blue flowers was introduced to Thailand and planted in the ponds of the Royal Palaces. From there it has spread rapidly into the waterways, lakes and rivers throughout Thailand.
Water Hyacinth grows so densely and is so prolific that large amounts of public funds are spent trying to eradicate it. In order to give villagers an incentive to participate in the clearing of their waterways, it was necessary to turn this plant into an income generating material, and thus a great new environmentally friendly material for furniture has been discovered.
From the tranquil waterways of Thailand, an environmentally friendly furniture is available, made to exceptional standards and making anything else in its field look second rate! It exudes a unique quality and class which transforms any setting.
The Water Hyacinth plant, renowned for the beauty of its large blue flowers was introduced to Thailand and planted in the ponds of the Royal Palaces. From there it has spread rapidly into the waterways, lakes and rivers throughout Thailand.
Water Hyacinth grows so densely and is so prolific that large amounts of public funds are spent trying to eradicate it. In order to give villagers an incentive to participate in the clearing of their waterways, it was necessary to turn this plant into an income generating material, and thus a great new environmentally friendly material for furniture has been discovered.
The water hyacinth problem in L.Victoria
公開日: 2012/07/09
Lake Victoria has constantly been under the threat of an invasive plant species - the water hyacinth - which may ending up choking plant and animal life from the lake.
Lake Victoria has constantly been under the threat of an invasive plant species - the water hyacinth - which may ending up choking plant and animal life from the lake.
Water Hyacinth Harvesting in Brazil.mpg
公開日: 2012/06/19
In an effort to reduce the size of the vegetation to be disposed of a three part system is in place in Brazil. The aquatic weed harvester cuts and collects the unwanted vegetation and is then unloaded onto a shore conveyor. The shore conveyor dumps the aquatic vegetation into the shredder, reducing the size of the material and conveys that into a dumpster for ease of disposal.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Water hyacinth(kochuripana) beauty and death
Kenyan govt. spends 290 million Ksh to destroy water hyacinth from Lake Victoria-2011
Lake Okeechobee in Florida in USA
Water hyacinth in Bangladeshis known as Kochuripana. It is a tropical floating aquatic plant. Its scientific name is Eichornia crassipes. Of its Genus has seven variant species. Its origin in Latin America. Then it spread out gradually all over the world. Water hyacinth grows and spreads rapidly in fresh water. Just imagine, a singel plant under ideal conditions can produce 3000 others in 50 days and can cover an area of 600 sq meters in a year.
Water hyacinth or Kachuripana was introduced from its native home South America to various countries as well as in the USA in the 1880's, in Australia in 1890's, in Africa in 1950's and in Bangladesh sometime in the latter part of the 19th century.
Water hyacinth(Kachuripana) plant is a free-floating aquatic plant that sends down a large bunch of long fibrous roots from a leafy main stem. Its dark green leaves are 10-20 cm across and float above the water surface. They have long, spongy and bulbous stalks. Water hyacinth(Kochuripana) plant size ranges from a few cm to a meter in hight. The flower of this plant develop on a spike and have six individual petals that join at the bottom to produce a tube-like bloom. The colour of these flowers vary from a lighter shade of blue to violet with a yellow marking-like eyr or spot on the petals.
Still now water hyacinth(Kochuripana) is a problem in the USA. In the beginning they used arsenic to destroy and wipe out this plant and could partially clear the weeds but poisoned the ecosystem. They tried also with fire and explosives. In Africa lake Victoria's many areas are now paralyzed due to this plant.
In Bangladesh water hyacinth(Kochuripana) was also a very big problem. Water ways were blocked and nevigation were almost impossible. In the provincial election in 1937 all the major political parties promised to eradicate the water hyacinth. After the election the politicians kept their words and that worked. Now in Bangladesh water hyacinth(Kochuripana) is not seen as a problem, it still exists in haors and beels.
If you make a heap of water hyacinth(Kochuripana), when decayed, make wonderful fertilizer for cropping.Moreover, some crops and vegetables grow luxuriously on the dressed water hyacinth (Kochuripana) heaps. This has attracted many landless peasants to accumulate and heap water hyacinth(Kochuripana) to make floating fields for agricultural production.;;;;;; .
Read also: Floating garden-uses of water hyacinth(kochuripana)Bangladesh way to solv the problem